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I sit in the studio and watch the dancers run the Hollywood Ghost Club dance. "Sharper in the back!" I yell, pointing to a dancer. They run the number a couple more times and then Kenny calls it a day. I meet up with the boys and we walk out to the cold, bitter Canada air. 

Mads and Sav come over to us, with a very familiar face in between them. Clarke hugs me and I hug him back, standing on my toes. "You ready to go?" Clarke asks with a smile. 

"Yeah, let me just go get my stuff." I say. Clarke nods and introduces himself to the boys as I hurry to the studio. I come back to see him shaking hands with a clearly upset Charlie. 

"We met in the coffee shop." Clarke says with a smile. 

Charlie nods, "I didn't realize you guys were still planning on going out."

I frown, confused at Charlie's words. "Let's go before they embarrass me."

We walk away and Owen shouts after us, "Your curfew is at ten, young lady." I roll my eyes and climb into the passenger seat of the car. 

We sit down at the restaurant and order off the menu, "How has the show been going?"

I nod, "Good. We are getting close to finishing, which makes me sad. They've become my second family."

"Yeah, I noticed. They all seem pretty protective over you. Especially Charlie." 

"I'm sorry about him. He can be difficult." I say, picking at my food. 

Clarke smiles, "I think I can figure out why he is difficult." 

I give a confused smile. The rest of dinner goes back quick. Talking to Clarke is so easy. We walk around downtown after dinner, enjoying each other's company. 

A girl in her teens comes up to me with her boyfriend, "Can I get a picture with you?"

I smile, "Of course." She hands her boyfriend the phone and we take a couple of pictures. 

She grabs her phone, "Is it true that you cheated on your boyfriend, that guy from Outer Banks?"

"Who?" I ask, confused at her claims. 

"Rudy Pankow. Everyone is saying you cheated on him this summer. Is that true?" 

I shake my head, "No, I've never even met Rudy."

The girl shrugs and says thanks before walking away. Clarke gives me a confused look, "What was that about?"

"I don't know, I've never even met the guy that everyone is saying I cheated on. I hate media sometimes."

Clarke continues walking, "No, I mean why did that girl ask for a picture? I thought the show hasn't come out yet."

"It hasn't. She probably recognizes me from my Youtube channel. It's no big deal. Come on, I'm getting cold." I say, not wanting to talk about my fame. Sometimes being in the spotlight is hard. 

We climb into the car and he drives me back to my apartment, "I didn't realize I was taking a celebrity on a date tonight. I would have wore a nicer shirt."

I laugh, "You look great."

Clarke smiles at me as he parks in front of my apartment complex. "I had a lot of fun." He says, smiling at me. 

"Me too." Clarke leans across the seat and kisses me on the cheek. I smile and climb out of the car. 

That night many thoughts swirl through my head. Clarke is really nice but every time I think of the perfect date, I see myself with Charlie. Even though we won't ever work out, I like him, a lot. I also can't stop thinking about what that girl said. She mentioned some guy that I apparently cheated on, even though I don't even know him. How well known is this lie?

Author's Note: This is kind of boring, but I'll make up for it with the next chapter. Its probably the chapter I am most excited to write. Please continue to give feedback and vote!!

Imperfect Harmony: JATP ~Charlie Gillespie~Where stories live. Discover now