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I strum my guitar and hum to myself as I sit under a tree out at the ranch. One of my family's dogs runs over to me and rolls in the grass next to me. These last couple of weeks have been amazing, giving me the break from reality I needed. 

My friends have been calling and texting me nonstop, but I haven't answered a single thing. Instead, I shut my phone off. 

I begin playing the guitar again, 

"Listen to my mama, listen to my dad

Listen to my sisters, everyone relax
Everybody answers shit I didn't ask
Think I'm reaching my limit

Can I exhale for a minute?
Can I get this out in the open?
Can I sit down for a second?
Can I breathe?
Can I exhale for a minute?
Can we talk it out? I don't get it
Can I calm down for a moment?
Can I breathe for just one second?

I put too much weight on words and glances
I, I put too much weight on situations
I, I put too much on myself
Thinking "I don't deserve what I've earned", but yeah

I listen to the labels, listen to the man
Try to keep a sense of knowing who I am
I try to be an angel but I don't think I can
Think I'm reaching my limits, yeah" 

I laugh as my dog hops up and starts running around, chasing one of the other dogs. My mom comes out of the house and calls for me, "You have a call waiting."

Picking up my guitar, I make my way back to the house with the two dogs following me. I head into the kitchen and pick up the landline. "Makayla speaking."

"Hey, it's Kenny. How are you doing? Feeling any better?" 

I smile, "Yeah, I'm doing a lot better. Sorry I just left like that." 

"No worries. Are you up to coming back? We added another dance and we need your help." 

I twist the yellow wire in between my fingers, "Sure, I can come help. When do you need me back?"

"How does tomorrow sound?" Kenny asks. 

I look around, already knowing I'm going to miss my home the minute I leave. But, I can't hide out here forever. "Sure, I'll book a flight right now."


"How did you get this number?" I ask, realizing I never gave it out. 

Kenny laughs, "I have my ways. See you tomorrow."

I hang up the phone and get everything ready for my departure. My mom stands in my doorway, "I knew you would be leaving us, but I'm not ready to see my baby go."

I smile at her, "I'll try to visit more, I just get busy."

"You shouldn't spend your life chasing a dream you don't want, Kaya. Just make sure you're happy." She says. I hug her and go back to packing up my stuff. 

The next morning, I load everything up in the car. I decide last minute to bring my guitar and songbook. I'm not sure why, it's not like I will use it while dancing. 

Author's Note: Sorry, this is kind of another filler chapter. Next one will be more exciting, promise. The song I used is one Sabrina Carpenter wrote called "exhale." 

Imperfect Harmony: JATP ~Charlie Gillespie~Where stories live. Discover now