
3.1K 62 14

"5, 6, 7, 8!" Kenny calls out as the dancers work on "I Got The Music" for the final time before they film. I watch, my eyes jumping from dancer to dancer so I can make sure everyone has it down perfect. 

Kenny calls for a break before we film and I go over to Madison, "Wonderful job, my child."

She smiles at me, "Thank you. Oh, don't look now but Charlie is walking over here and he seems to be staring at you. What happened? You guys haven't talked once since your day off."

"Nothing happened." I say just before Charlie reaches us. 

He smiles at Mads, "Hey Kaya, can I talk to you?"

"Owen's calling for me, got to go. Bye!" I yell as I escape. 

Mads yells after me, "Get back here, Kaya! It's the avoiding your problems for me!" 

I run into Jeremy outside the makeup trailer, "Woah!"

"Sorry, Jer." I say, looking behind me to make sure Charlie didn't follow. 

He frowns at me, "Are you running from Charlie? Again?"

"What? No, no way." I say in a not so convincing way. 

He gives me a dad look, "What happened? You guys have been so weird."

I shrug, "Nothing happened."

"Has anyone ever told you that you are an awful at lying?" Jeremy asks, crossing his arms. 

"Actually, no one has ever told me that. Probably because I am such a good liar." I say with a smirk. 

"Kaya!" Charlie yells from behind me. He jogs over to me, only to get stopped by Tori and pulled away with her. I nod slowly as I turn back around. 

Jeremy gives me a look, "What is going on?" 

I shake my head, "Nothing. I should get over to set." 

We spend the afternoon filming the dance scene, but eventually Kenny gives us a break. I head over to craft service to grab some water. Charlie comes in with Tori on his back, both of them laughing their heads off. 

"Hey, queen." Sav says to me, also watching the two. 

I twist the cap of my water, "Hey." 

"You okay? I know that watching these two can't be easy." Sav says in a quiet tone.

"Why wouldn't it be easy to watch them? They seem really good together. I always felt like they had something going on." I say, trying to keep my voice clear of emotion. 

Sav pulls me out of the tent, "Sure. Let's do something today, just you and me."

Owen comes from behind us, "Ooo! And me!"

I laugh as he throws his arms around our shoulders, "We should go ice skating!"

Sav and Owen smile and agree, so we make plans to go after we finish up today. The rest of the day seems to go by faster now that I have something to look forward to. 

I wait in the parking lot for Owen as the sun sets. I close my eyes and soak in the peace. That is, until Charlie comes up to me, "Kaya, can we please talk?

Before I can say anything, Tori comes running over. "Ready to go? Hey, Kaya."

I smile and try to ignore that broken feeling inside of me, "Hey, Tori. Have fun you guys. I have to go." 

Owen unlocks the doors of his Prius and I quickly climb in. We stop at my apartment so I can change into leggings and a sweatshirt. Owen quickly stops at his place too so he can change into sweats and a sweatshirt. 

"Get in loser, we're going shopping!" I yell at Sav as she walks out of her complex. 

We sing along to the songs on the radio as we drive to the ice skating rink. I do have to help Owen lace up his skates, but besides that we do a pretty good job of getting on the ice. 

"Quick confession, I have never been ice skating." Owen says as he holds onto the railing. 

Sav and I exchange a look before laughing. "Don't worry, O. I'll help you."

I hold onto Owen's arm as I gently pull him away from the side. He acts like a baby deer first learning to walk. It doesn't take long before he pulls us down to the ground. I laugh as I sit on the cold ice. "Owen!"

He grins as he struggles to stand up. Two little girls come over to me, giggling to each other. "You're Kaya Harris!"

I smile at the girls, "I am. What's your name?"

"I'm Chloe and this is Annie. I really like your videos." Chloe says to me, clinging to Annie. 

I smile, "Aww, thank you. It was so nice to meet you. I love your guys hair!"

They giggle to themselves. "Can we take a picture?" Annie asks quietly. 

I nod and they hand a phone to Sav, I crouch down and smile next to the two girls. They both hug me and give their thanks. Owen smiles at me from the ground, "That was really sweet."

I smile and help him up. Interacting and seeing my fans helps to remind me why I do this. Sometimes being in the spotlight really tears me down, I get so much hate and rumors are constantly spread about me but seeing little girls that look up to me make it all worth it. 

After turning on The Office to fall asleep to, I check my texts messages. 

That Canadian Hoe: hey i saw that post you were tagged in with the two girls. it was really cute

What is he doing? Why does he keep playing with my emotions?

Author's Note: Almost at 3k reads! That's so exciting and thank you to everyone who has been following along! I think I have everything planned out for this story. It is going to be around twenty three chapters with some instagram chapters mixed in. 

Imperfect Harmony: JATP ~Charlie Gillespie~Where stories live. Discover now