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I spend the next week avoiding Charlie. Not because he did anything wrong, but because our interaction made me nervous. I do end up spending a lot of time with Owen, and I found out that we have a lot in common. 

"Five, six, seven, eight." Kenny shouts over the beginning of the song playing on the speakers. I stand at the front of the room watching the five girls rehearse one of the Dirty Candy songs. It takes everything in me to not laugh when Owen fake poofs into the dance and begins his part. 

"Sass, Owen, sass!" Kenny yells. 

I grin, "We all know you have it!" Owen gives me a quick glare before doing his body roll. 

After a couple more time, Kenny lets everyone go for the night. Owen drags me over to the makeup trailer with him so we can get ready for his last scene of the night. 

With only us in the trailer, I decide to give him a full performance to Taylor Swift's "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together." Owen laughs as I use a hairbrush as my microphone and dance around the tiny trailer. 

"Who hurt you?" Charlie says from behind me while laughing. 

I slap a hand over my mouth and climb down from the chair I'm standing on. "It was Owen, he keeps breaking my heart." I say, sitting down next to the blonde. 

Charlie gives a confused look and sits next to me, looking clearly upset. I look over at Owen to see whats wrong, but Owen is just grinning. "Did I miss something?" I ask the two boys. The atmosphere is making me extremely nervous. I crack each of my knuckles three times and wait for Charlie to answer, but he just stares at his phone. 

I sit on the counter and take his phone, "I know what will make you feel better. Movie night! At my place because I'm little nervous about the state of your guys apartment."

Charlie lights up, "Wait really?" 

I nod, "Yeah, it will be fun. I'll text Madison and Jeremy. We can all head over after you guys finish this scene." 

Owen and Charlie bicker over what movie we will match while they get their hair and makeup done. The two boys start to annoy me so I go find Madison at craft service. 

"Miss ma'am, I haven't gotten a text back yet." I say to her in my mother tone. 

"Oh, sorry I forgot to respond, I can go. I'm so excited to see your apartment! Have any of us seen it yet?" Madison says, making me realize something. 

I shake my head, "No, this will be my first time having people over." Are you sure this is a good idea? You never know what could happen. Is it clean enough? Is the apartment big enough? 

"Come watch the boys scene with me." Madison says, dragging me over to where the boys are beginning to perform "Now or Never." 

Wow, whoever put that thing around Charlie's arm knew what they were doing.

Kenny has the boys do the scene a couple of times and finally we are all ready to leave at about eleven. Madison and mess around is the parking lot as we watch for the guys to come out. 

I feel my feet lift up into the air and arms wrap around me. I scream and realize Charlie is carrying me in a circle. Charlie laughs as he spins me a couple of times. 

A stabbing pain hits in my lower right abdomen. "Put me down! Charlie put me down!" I scream. 

He sets me down and gives me a concerned look, "Are you okay?"

I realize everyone is staring at me with concern, "Yeah, I just got really dizzy. Come on, let's go." 

We all drive over to my apartment and the pain doesn't stop. Everyone takes their places in the living room and I go to my room to quickly change. As soon as I get to my room, I double over in pain. I pull on blue sweats and a black sports bra before going back into my living room. 

"We came to the decision of 'Ten Things I Hate About You." Jeremy says, smiling at me. 

"My all time favorite movie." I say excitedly, "So, I see I'm sitting on the floor?" Owen, Jeremy, and Charlie take up the couch. Madison sits in my reading chair, curled up with a blanket. 

Charlie realizes there isn't any room, "You can have my spot." 

I smile and sit on the floor in between Owen and Charlie, "No, I was kidding. Start it up Jeremy." 

During the movie, I keep my knees pulled into my chest to try and stop the pain. I keep shifting positions and find myself leaning against Charlie's leg. I look up at him, planning to ask if I am crushing him but I see him smiling at himself so I don't say anything. It doesn't mean anything, he could just be enjoying the movie. 

About half way through, I feel Charlie gently start to play with my hair. Butterflies shoot through my pain filled stomach  as his fingers stroke my hair. It doesn't mean anything. 

After the movie ends, I look at my friends in the dark to see that only Charlie and I are awake. "I guess its a sleepover movie night." I whisper to him. Charlie smiles at me in the dark. "Its probably not going to be super comfortable to sleep on the couch with these two. You can sleep on my bed if you want." 

Charlie nervously smiles, "Are you sure? I wouldn't want to impose."

I go into my bathroom and pull out an extra toothbrush from in the cabinet, "No, its fine. I really don't mind as long as you don't go on my side." 

He goes into the bathroom to get ready for bed and I lay down on my side, clutching my stomach because of the pain. After a couple of minutes Charlie lies down next to me in the dark. It takes me a while to fall asleep. Mainly because of the pain and the fact that a very attractive boy is next to me. 

Author's Note: I feel like this part was kind of boring, but I'm hoping the next part is way more interesting. Please comment and tell me what you want to see and give feedback!

Imperfect Harmony: JATP ~Charlie Gillespie~Where stories live. Discover now