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That Canadian Hoe: hey we both have the morning off, want to go get coffee or something?

Me: Sure. I'll meet you at our fav place

I quickly get ready, throwing on a grey crew neck and mom jeans. I tuck my big black sunglasses on top of my head and head out the door. I walk the three blocks to the coffee shop, enjoying the morning sun. 

Inside, I do a quick look around but don't see Charlie so I go and order my drink really quick. "Hi, can I get an iced caramel macchiato?"

The barista nods and goes to make my drink. "Interesting choice." A boy to my left says. I take in his dark messy hair and deep brown eyes through his glasses. He is quite a bit taller than me and his black converse give him no platform. 

I nod, "Very interesting. Not at all one of the most common drinks to order. What did you get?"

The pretty boy smiles, "Strawberry refresher with one pump of lemonade. It's very good." 

"I would hope so. It would be so awkward if you ordered a drink you didn't like." I say with a smile. 

He sticks his hand out, "I'm Clarke." 


Clarke smiles nervously, "Are you going to college here?"

I grab my drink, "No, I actually just have a job up here for a while. What about you?"

"College. Engineering major." 

I smile, "Bill Nye the science guy. I'm sorry that was really bad. I'm just nervous."

Clarke laughs, "Why are you nervous? First time in a coffee shop? You're doing great."

I roll my eyes playfully, "Thank you. I rehearsed ordering on the way here."

"10/10, great job." Clarke says. 

The door chimes and I look over to see Charlie standing in the doorway. I smile at him and he frowns, looking back and forth from me to Clarke. "Is that your boyfriend?" 

A shocked expression covers my face, "Um, no. We are just friends. Through work, actually." 

Clarke gives a relieved smile, "Great, so I can get your number then?"

I hand him my phone, "Only so you can help me prepare next time I need to order."

Clarke nods, "Of course. Maybe we could practice over dinner or something."

I try to hide my smile, "Or something." 

Charlie comes over and hugs me awkwardly, "Hey, sorry I'm late." 

"I'll see you around, Clarke." I say before going to sit down with Charlie. Clarke smiles at me and leaves the coffee shop. 

Charlie sits across from me and watches Clarke walk away through the window, "Who was that?"

"My secret husband from Romania." I say, slipping my coffee. 

Charlie gives me an annoyed look and I roll my eyes. "Get over yourself, Charlie. Stop pouting and enjoy breakfast with me, please."

His frown goes away, "I really enjoyed your song yesterday."

I smile, "Thanks."

"You wrote it?" 

I nod, looking down at my drink. "Yeah. I've written a couple of songs. I don't know why, though. It's not like I have a use for them. Don't you write too? I mean, you wrote Perfect Harmony with Mads."

He shrugs, "Yeah, but I prefer just playing. That song was easy though because I had such a big inspiration."

"Ooo, you had a muse? Do tell." I say with a grin. 

Charlie's cheeks go pink and I realize the song must be about Tori. If I'm being honest, my heart breaks slightly. It shouldn't, but I just can't help myself. I wish it was about me. 

"What about you? Who is your muse?" Charlie asks.

My turn to blush, "That is something I will never tell."

Charlie stands up and holds out his hand to help me up, "Come on, work time."

I take his hand, ignoring the electric sparks that run through me. "I'll meet you outside." Charlie heads outside and I go over to the barista. "Can I have a strawberry refresher with one pump of lemonade, please?"

Later that day, I sit in the makeup trailer with Sav. I lay across the couch, singing along to the music as Savannah gets her makeup done. 

Unknown Number: Hey its Clarke from the coffee shop

Me: Hey Clarke from the coffee shop. It's Kaya from the coffee shop

Clarke from the coffee shop: So, what does it take to get you to go on a date with me? Flowers? A poem maybe?

Oh my gosh, my heart. 

Me: Warning- asking a girl out over text is so gross 

Incoming Call: Clarke from the coffee shop 

I answer the phone and smile as his nerdy little face fills the screen. "Is over call better? I would come to your work, but I am supposed to be studying for an exam."

I smile, "You are such a dork."

"Hey, I'm serious about taking you on a date. I want to look professional and mature for this experience." 

I laugh at him and Sav comes running over. "Who is trying to take my wife on a date? Ooo, hi cute boy!"

My cheeks go pink and Clarke smiles, "Hi girl in a pink wig. I'm Clarke and I'm trying to convince Kaya to go on a date with me."

Sav looks down at me and whispers loudly, "Do it, he's cute."

"Thanks for the advice." I respond in a loud whisper.

Clarke smiles, "Quick question. Where do you work? The pink wig is a little confusing without any context."

"I'm a choreographer on a Netflix show. I know, it's not nearly as cool as being an engineering major struggling through college with barely passing grades." 

Clarke looks shocked, "Hey! I have great grades. And being a choreographer is so cool. Maybe I will switch my major to dance."

I laugh, "Good idea. Who needs a to invent new things?"


Madison walks into the trailer and gives me a look. I shush her even though she didn't speak, "I'm going to have to go in a minute, my child is about to get needy-"

"Well, who are you?" Mads yells, looking at Clarke.

He smiles, "I'm the guy who is struggling to convince Kaya to go on date."

"Ooo, Kaya pulling all the men!" Mads yells before going to sit with Sav. The two of them stare at me and I stick my tongue out. 

"You can stop begging, its getting embarrassing. I'll go out with you." I say, ignoring the cheers that come from my friends. 

"Great. I'll text you the details." Clarke says. 

The boys come into the trailer, "Okay great, bye!" 

I quickly hang up the phone and the boys exchange a look, "Who was that?" Jeremy asks. 

"It was Kaya's new boyfriend." Sav says in a sing song voice. I roll my eyes and sit up. I can't help but notice how Charlie looks down at his feet instead of at me. 

Author's Note: I'm in love with Charlie and Clarke. In case you haven't noticed, I love the love triangles. Expect drama. Please keep commenting and voting!!

Imperfect Harmony: JATP ~Charlie Gillespie~Where stories live. Discover now