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I climb off my blanket covered couch and answer the obnoxious knocking at my door. Charlie stands in the doorway with a nervous smile and bowl. "I brought you soup."

I move to the side so he can enter my apartment, "Why did you bring me soup?"

Charlie sets the bowl down on the counter, "I heard that you were sick and it was my fault. I feel really bad, I'm so sorry Kaya." 

"Owen." I say, annoyed he broke our pinky promise. 

He steps closer to me, almost like he wants to hold me but then backs away. I study his nervous face, "Charlie, it's not your fault. I'm okay, I promise."

Charlie doesn't seem to believe me, but I'm in too much pain to keep arguing. I go back to my spot on the couch, "You have two options. You can stay over there, scared to come near me because you're scared to brake me. Or, you can come lay down and watch Harry Potter with me." 

He gives a little smile and slowly makes his way over to me. Surprisingly, he comes right over to me. Charlie pulls into him gently, my head resting on his warm chest and my legs over his. The way he is gently stroking my hair causes me to eventually fall asleep. 

The blaring alarm make me jump awake, the cold air hitting me as soon as I move away from Charlie. "No." He says in pouty tone, pulling me back to him. 

I get up, "Charlie, I need to shower." I say in an angry tone. I am the worst morning person ever. 

After a quick shower, I find Charlie asleep on the couch. I quietly put my hair in two dutch braids instead of blow drying it to not wake him up. "Charlie, come get coffee with me." I say, gently tugging at his arm. He looks so precious when he is sleeping.

He blinks hard a couple of times before rolling off the couch. Charlie drives us over to a local coffee shop. He runs inside to grab our drinks and I completely transform into a different person as soon as the cold drink enters my system. 

I scream sing along to the song on the radio, letting my hand fly out the window as we drive down the rode. I realize that Charlie is staring at me so I face him and sing.

Our song is a slamming screen door,
Sneaking out late tapping on your window,
When we're on the phone and you talk real slow,
'Cause it's late and your mama don't know,

He grins at me as we park. Charlie lets the song finish before turning off the car and walking around to open the door for me. My heart races when I see his little grin through the window. Stop it, he doesn't like you. 

"You're kind of scary in the morning." Charlie says as we walk over to his trailer. 

My cheeks turn pink, "Sorry."

He smiles, "No, I think its cute." Did he just say what I think he said?

Owen pulls open the door quickly and runs over to Charlie, "Where were you? I thought you were dead!" He yells in a dramatic tone. 

Charlie rolls his eyes, "I spent the night at Kaya's."

The blonde frowns, "Why?"

"We fell asleep. Don't worry, I'm not stealing your roommate." I say, smiling at Owen. 

He gives me a half hearted smile, "Charlie, Kenny needs you."

Charlie pouts, "Awww, I was hanging out with Kaya."

I roll my eyes, "Maybe I'll hang out with you later." 

He leaves and Owen drags me over to his trailer. He sits down across from me and stares at me with a worried look, "Are you and Charlie..." 

Imperfect Harmony: JATP ~Charlie Gillespie~Where stories live. Discover now