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Charlie walks into the studio with a smile on his face. "Good morning!" He says in a sing song voice. 

I give a half hearted smile, "If we work hard today then I think you can have the dance perfected by tomorrow and then I can work with Madison."

"No, I want to keep working with you." Charlie says pouting. I turn on the music and show him what I have choreographed. By lunch, he has most of the dance down. 

I sit next to Sav and Madison in craft service. I watch as Charlie goes and sits next to Tori. She smiles brightly at him. "Kaya, you're staring." Sav whispers to me. 

"Do they have something going on?" I ask, cracking my knuckles three times. 

Madison smiles evilly, "Jealous?"

I shake my head, "Um, no. Just curious."

Sav shrugs, "I know that Tori likes him, but I'm not sure about Charlie." My heart drops when she says that. See, he never liked you. 

That afternoon, Charlie and I struggle to connect as I finish teaching him the dance. He has it almost perfect so I call it, "Great job. Tomorrow you can go back to shooting and I'll start working with Madison. It should only take me a day or so to teach it to her and then you guys can start working together." 

Charlie frowns, "Awww, I wanted to keep working with you. I've had so much fun."

I give a little smile, "You did a great job. I have to go find Madison."

He nods, and watches me leave. I tell Madison to show up early tomorrow and quickly leave, not wanting to see something in the parking lot again. 

The next morning, I teach Madison the dance until she has to go film. After she gets pulled away, I realize how tired I am. I have been working non-stop and stressing myself out about Charlie. I sneak over to Julie's bedroom set and take a nap on her couch. 

Charlie comes in and hops onto the bed with me, wrapping his strong arms around me and pulling me close. "Not now, Charlie." I say, half asleep. 

"Hush, I'm sleeping." He whispers to me. 

I sigh and escape his grip, making him frown. "I should get back to work. Enjoy your nap." I say before leaving. That was probably rude, but I don't care. I'm annoyed at the world right now. 

I head back to the studio to find Tori working with some of the dancers on "I Got The Music." I give her a smile and start helping out. We let everyone out at the end of the day and Tori comes over to me, "Great job today! How is the dance with Charlie going? I'm so excited to see him do it."

"It's going really well. I finished teaching it to him, so now I just have to finish with Mads. They should be able to start working together either tomorrow afternoon or the next morning. I'm sure he's really excited to show it to you." I say, trying my best to be nice. 

Tori smiles, "I have to go find Charlie. See you tomorrow!" 

I smile, even though I feel like I am falling apart. I don't know why this hurts me so much, Charlie and I never had anything. He doesn't owe me anything and he never even expressed interest in me. But yet, here I am, a mess over some boy. 

The next day is filled with working with Madison and eventually Charlie on the "Perfect Harmony" dance. They have it both memorized and now we just have to perfect it. Kenny sits in on some of the rehearsals, giving tips. Tori even comes in at one point, just staring at Charlie as he dances with Madison. 

"Great job guys. I have tomorrow off, so just work on it when you can with Kenny. I want to be ready to film by the end of this week." I say as I pack up my stuff. 

Madison gives me a hug before leaving me with just Charlie. "Any plans for tomorrow?" He asks. 

I shake my head, "I was just planning on going to the gym. Don't you have tomorrow off too? Are you hanging out with Tori?"

Charlie gives me a confused face, "Um, I do have tomorrow off but I don't think Tori and I have plans. Did you want to hang out? We could go on a hike."

I stand up, "I don't know...."

Charlie skips over to me, "Come on, it will be fun."

I think its the fact that I am a coward that makes me respond with, "Sure." 

He smiles at me, "Great, I'll pick you up at nine." 

I nod excitedly as he exits the studio, but my smile falls as soon as the door closes. I really don't want to go. 

Author's Note: TWO THOUSAND READS!! That is beyond exciting! Thank you so much! So, this chapter is kind of a filler and is super boring, but the next chapter is going to be way better and I'm so excited. 

Imperfect Harmony: JATP ~Charlie Gillespie~Where stories live. Discover now