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I listen to the music play over the speakers as I hit every step to "WOW." I pose at the end, pushing my blue hair dramatically over my shoulder. 

"Great job. Go get finishing touches done and then head to the gym set. I want everyone over there in a hour." Kenny says before leaving. 

Charlie skips over to me, "Makayla I-don't-know-your-middle-name Harris, you did an amazing job."

I smile, "My middle name is Emily, and thank you. Aren't you supposed to be running through lines with Mads right now?"

He shrugs, "I told her I had to go support my girl." My girl. My girl! What does that mean? 

Tori runs over to Charlie and throws her arms around him, he laughs and spins her around, making me realize this is all in my head. Charlie just has that fun flirty personality. 

Owen comes over to me and asks me to go run lines with him for a couple of minutes. We head over to Julie's bedroom because its quiet. I sit on the bed, playing the part of Willie. 

"Trust me." I say in the most over the top way possible, making Owen laugh. We mess around for a while, saying half the lines in British accents but then he gets down to actually focusing. 

He says a line to me softly, making me hold my breath. Owen is an amazing actor, I almost feel like he actually likes me. I say a line back, my eyes never leaving his face. Owen gently licks his lips and looks down at mine. I try to remember to breath as he leans in towards me. Is he going to kiss me or is this apart of the script?

Owen places a hand on my face and we both lean in, only to break away a second later when someone comes bursting through the door. My eyes fly open and my stomach seems to be performing gymnastics. "Hey man, what's up?" Owen asks, his cheeks pink. 

Charlie's smile slowly falls off his face, "Oh, um, they are ready for you in the makeup trailer Kaya." 

I can't bring myself to look at Owen, "Get job. You really got into character." I quickly slide past Charlie and hurry over to the trailer. 

For the rest of the afternoon, I can't figure out what is going on between Owen and I. He is really sweet and always makes me laugh, but before today I never even thought of him in that way. I'm not even sure if I want to think of him in that way. I just love our friendship too much. Besides, he was probably just acting. 

As for Charlie, I will not fall for him. Sure, he is charming, attractive, and really nice. But, there is no way he is interested in me. Plus, I think he and Tori have something going on. Today wasn't the first time I have seen them all over each other. By just looking at the way Tori looks at him it's pretty clear. 

"Earth to Kaya..." Madison says, trying to get my attention as I stretch in the studio. 

I smile blankly, "Yeah?" 

She sits down across from me, "You okay? You, Owen, and Charlie have been acting off all afternoon."

"Did they say something?" I ask quickly, wanting an answer for what happened today. 

Madison shakes her head, "No. They have just been avoiding each other. What happened?"

I look around to double check that the studio is empty, "I think Owen and I almost kissed. Then, Charlie walked in."

Her eyes go wide, "No way. I mean, it's so obviously that they are both simping for you, but the fact that one walked in while the other tried to kiss you is so extra. Did you try to kiss him back?"

"I mean, yeah. I just kind of acted in the moment. I don't have any feelings for Owen though."

Madison smirks, "What about for Charlie?" I quickly shake my head, but don't say anything. Madison gives me a look saying she doesn't believe me. "You totally like him. And everyone knows he likes you."

"No, he doesn't. Trust me,  I'm pretty sure he is interested in someone else. And it doesn't matter because I don't want a relationship anyways."

She rolls her eyes, "That is the lamest excuse ever. Next time add some flavor."

Kenny and Charlie walk in before I can respond. "Makayla, I have a project for you. Charlie and Madison have been working on a duet and I want you to choreograph it."

My eyes go wide and I stand up, "Is this some kind of joke? Because I will get violent, Kenny."

He laughs, "No, I'm being serious. I did want you to throw around some ideas and work with these two a little bit, but Madison has to be somewhere so you are stuck with Charlie."

I frown, "Darn it." I look over at the boy, hoping for a smile but he seems to be looking everywhere but me. Madison gives me a look as she leaves the studio with Kenny. 

I turn on the song they recorded and listen to it on repeat, coming up with ideas for what to do. After a couple of minutes, I turn to Charlie, "What do you think of this?"

The song restarts and I show him how I want him to act like he is stepping through a mirror and the eight count after that. He nods when I finish, "Okay." 

I roll my eyes and listen to the song again. After another couple of times, I show Charlie what I want him to do. He nods, but doesn't seem fully engaged. "What do you think? I want it to seem natural when you come together with Madison."

He shrugs and goes back to the spot I told him to start at. I shake my head, starting to get annoyed with him. 

The song starts over and he pretends to walk through the mirror while looking dead inside. We meet in the center and I pretend like my hands pass through his twice before we finally connected. I reach my hands out to the side and he does the same, holding onto mine and looking like he is in severe pain. 

I step back, "What is your problem? Does it pain you to have to touch me or something?" I yell at him, annoyed with his behavior. 

"No, I just-no." Charlie says, going back to his spot. "Are we doing it again?" 

I rub my face, "No. You clearly don't care about this. I'll just keep working on it, you can go." Charlie heads over to the door quickly, but hesitates at the door, almost like he wants to say something. 

For the next two hours, I create the dance to the duet love song all by myself. 

Author's Note: Yay, 1.5k people have read my story which is so exciting! I hope you guys are enjoying it! I love the love triangle in this. I feel like things are going to get really exciting after this, so please give me comments/feedbacks and keep reading!!

Imperfect Harmony: JATP ~Charlie Gillespie~Where stories live. Discover now