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In which they are found out:

It had been 5 months.

5 months of sneaking into each other's rooms after everyone had gone to bed in the tower. 5 months of sneaking out to the movies or dinner. 5 months of walks in Central Park and museums. 5 months of as close to normal as they could hope for.

Of course they had their moments. Times when they were too comfortable and people almost found out. Just last week Steve almost kissed Natasha in front of Wanda. Natasha played it off making a joke which made Steve blush further and Wanda just raised her eyebrow.  Then there was the time they were getting a little too cozy on the couch when Clint walked in. He tried to attack Steve, but Natasha promised him nothing was going on, that she was just cold.

Steve left today for a mission with most of the team. Apparently, the Black Widow wasn't needed which pissed her off. It wasn't very often that Steve and Nat weren't paired up on missions and it didn't really sit well with either one of them. It was a little after 11pm and Natasha couldn't sleep. She spent hours in the training room trying to exhaust herself so she would sleep. She finally gave up and snuck into Steve's room. When she got to his bedroom, she found the sweater he was wearing yesterday on the chair and pulled it over her tank top. She pulled off her leggings and crawled into his side of the bed.  Natasha fell into a deep sleep only waking up when she heard someone come into the "apartment". She grabbed a hidden knife from the bedside table and tip toed towards the kitchen. Steve had always given her shit about hiding weapons around their apartment style floors and she smirked to herself about how she would rub this in his face. She jumped slightly before putting her hand on her chest when she came face to face with those baby blues she loves so much.

"Oh my god I almost killed you! What are you doing back? I thought you were coming home tomorrow night?" Natasha then noticed the look on his face. He was happy to see her, she could tell. But he also looked scared. "What's wrong?" Natasha put both hands on Steve's waist as she looked up at him. He raised and eyebrow and looked over her head. She turned to follow his gaze and when she saw what he we looking at she paled.

"Sup, Romanoff. I hope you don't mind me crashing here as it is after 3 in the morning. Cap didn't tell me he already had a house guest." She wanted to wipe the smirk off his face instantly.

"Sam." Was all she said as she turned back to Steve with a stern look on her face.

"I didn't think you would be here and I was going to surprise you after he fell asleep. We got done the mission early. What are you doing here anyway?" Steve put one hand on her hip. "Is that my sweater?"

Natasha rolled her eyes and pecked Steve's lips, "I missed you. I couldn't sleep so I came up here and slept in your bed. Yes, this is your sweater-do you want it back?" She moved to take if off as Steve glanced down knowing she wasn't wearing pants under it. His eyebrows raised and he grabbed her wrists to stop her and she gave him a flirtatious smirk.

"No! It looks better on you anyway."

"So... how long?" Sam asked still smirking at the couple from the couch.

"How about you guess?" Natasha turned to face him leaning her back against Steve, "This could be fun." She whispered to him.

"Hmm well, you're sleeping in his bed and wearing his clothes so I'm going to say.... around 2 months?"

Natasha raised an eyebrow and Sam looked slightly shocked, "Longer?"

Natasha shrugged her shoulders and turned back to Steve wrapping her arms around his waist. She rested her head on his chest and said, "Should we tell him?"

"Yes! Yes, you should tell me!"

Natasha sighed as she turned to face Sam still in Steve's embrace, "Fine but one condition: you have to keep this a secret. And if you tell anyone, you have to cook us dinner for a month."

"Fine. But when it comes out, I'm definitely telling everyone I knew."

"Fine. 5 months.. closer to 6 by now I think, right baby?" Natasha turned to look at Steve for confirmation.

"FIVE MONTHS?? You guys were together on that mission to Mexico? That explains why you were MIA for all our down time." Natasha shrugged and then smirked at Sam.

"Well I'm going back to bed." Natasha started walking down the hall and stopped to look at Steve with a raised eyebrow. "Are you coming?"

"Yes ma'am." Steve smiled at her before turning to Sam. He cleared his throat and looked down before saying good night and walking quickly down the hall.

Natasha pulled off Steve's sweater as she got into bed and snuggled up to Steve.

"I told you, you can keep the sweater Nat." Steve smiled as he kissed her temple.

"I don't need the security blanket when I have the real thing." Natasha looked up at him wanting a kiss, which Steve returned willingly.

"I love you. You're not allowed to leave and not take me anymore."

"I love you too. And I will try my best to convince Fury to send you on all my missions." Steve chuckled to himself.

3 1/2 months later

All the Avengers (except Clint)were in the common room when Steve and Natasha walked in. She sat on the couch and turned to Steve with a smile while he announced to the group he has news.

"I'm moving out. This weekend. I found an apartment in Brooklyn but I'll still be working here so I'll see you all everyday."

"What? Why?" Wanda asked. She looked upset, Steve was the closet thing she had to a father figure or an older brother and she leaned on him a lot.

"Wanda, I have a spare room anytime you want to stay you're more than welcome."

With that Natasha stood up, "I'm moving out as well folks."

"What?? Both of you? Where are you going? One of the other burrows?" Tony scoffed at the redhead.

"Nope. Brooklyn." As she walked over and grabbed Steve's hand. All eyes were on them and all mouths were wide open.

"Umm excuse me? I think I'm missing some key information here." Tony's eyes were bulging out of his head.

"How long has this been going on under our noses?" Rhodey looked at the couple in disbelief.

"9ish months." Steve said nonchalantly as he kissed Natasha's temple.

The next hour was filled with a million questions. Most of which they refused to answer and almost all of those were from Tony. Sam boasted about knowing all along. Steve and Natasha were glad they no longer had to hide their affection for one another. Although, they were still getting some weird looks from their friends as Natasha was leaning against Steve on the couch and he had a hand resting on her thigh.

When Natasha and Steve left to go to bed, they were happy to not be sneaking around anymore. That is until they got to Natasha's room and she checked her phone to read all the messages from an irate Clint who found out through Tony that Natasha was moving in with Steve.

"He's going to kill you." Steve laughed.

"Actually... I'm more afraid he's going to kill you." Natasha grimaced.

Steve paled. "Well, it was good while it lasted baby." Natasha laughed and kissed him deeply, "Don't worry soldier. I'll protect you."

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