Resort Pickings

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I sat sketching out the base for Kyoya's drawing as I was being watched. I'm surprised Tsuki didn't try to sit further with Kyoya but I didn't mind as she only sat quietly. Observing my process as I looked up at Kyoya for a final time to get his face in my head. Did he know he was escorting me to the gala? Did he have a problem with it? Maybe we have to rediscuss the contract with clause 13. I mean I wasn't necessarily breaking it. It only is a business partnership.

This is arrangement could actually be beneficial. If we continued this business partnership, my mom would get off my back on finding a fiance. I could potentially hold it off until I graduate. Then I could finally escape her clutches, but that might be harder than it may seem as she will be choosing which University I go to.

"Akita?" My nose twitched and I turned to Tsuki. "You zoned out for a bit you okay?" I simply nodded looking back at the drawing I had so far.

"Please, you can call me Niko."

"What's on your mind?" I turned to her, she had actual interest.

"I'm sure you don't want to hear my thoughts." I chuckled to myself but she only scooted closer. "Alright well I was thinking about after graduation, where I'm gonna for and what I want to do."

"Won't you be the heir for your parents business?"

"No, my parents are trying to arrange a marriage. But in all honesty, I want to study the arts. Maybe even some science as chemistry is basically the art of all things." She nodded and silence fell over us. Other guests were ushered out and before she left she bowed at me.

"Thank you for letting me sit with you today Niko." I smiled softly.

"Pleasure to have your presence, Miss Tsuki." As she left, I set aside my drawing pad before I left the twins lean against my shoulders.

"Looks like Niko has an admirer." I shook my head laughing.

"She was only being nice. She was the one that wanted a drawing of Ootori." I shrugged them off but they caught themselves on time.

"She was sitting pretty close to you." "Yeah you can't be that hopeless." I glared at Hikaru.

"I'm not as hopeless as you may think, Hikaru. If she was interested in me, should would have made it clear. Again with the right pushing anyone can be convinced to do almost anything." I saw evil smirks cross their lips. Fuck maybe I shouldn't have said that. I'm spending a three day weekend with them, I should have known better. "Whatever you guys are thinking of doing, drop it. You won't be getting anything from me."

"You shady twins leave her alone." Tamaki announced and I sighed. This weekend could be disastrous.

Grabbing my stuff I made my way to the car that awaited for our arrival. Sending a quick message to my brothers, I turned my phone to silent. Haruhi groaned slightly beside me.

"So I am not the only one that doesn't want to go?" I smirked and she rolled her eyes.

"They called my dad to make sure I could go." I slid into the car and Haruhi sat next to me while Kyoya was on the other side of me.

"I think you may be more excited to go once you know Mori and Honey will be joining us tomorrow." I glanced at him. Takashi was going to be there, I actually could see him again.


I sat by the poolside while Tamaki was being chased by the twins. Haruhi was napping and Kyoya, well he just stayed near me writing in his notebook and paying attention to his laptop.

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