Sick Day

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Everything was hot but when I removed the blankets it was cold. Gomi had given me two cold medicine pills while Tani ran off somewhere. I couldn't tell you where but Gomi had run off to join him.

Thank goodness I finished the contract this week for Mr. Ootori because I am not in the condition to do work right now. Everything felt oddly numb and possibly floating, no probably not the term.

"Akita?" I heard a familiar voice but everything felt far away. Sitting up I was Kyoya standing over the bed. "Your brother Gomi mentioned you weren't feeling well. Thought I would check in." I shifted my gaze up to him and he held the back of his hand to my forehead. "You are burning up, should I call for your family doctor?"

"No, please don't my mother can't know I'm sick." He wondered to himself as I curled up in blankets.

"Have you taken any medicine?"

"Two pills 30 minutes ago. But all I feel is slightly foggy." He hummed making his way upstairs to my bathroom. I felt myself zone out before I shook my head.

Looking over at the clock, I noticed I was late. Fuck. He is gonna be disappointed. I stood up rummaging through my closet pulling out two casual dresses and looking in the mirror.

"You seem to have taken Oxycodon instead of cold- what are you doing?" I heard a voice ask but I held up the dresses and looked between each one.

"Which one? I am already late to my lunch meeting with Kyoya. I need to get ready to meet him." My vision blurred and I closed my eyes tightly trying to focus. The voice stayed quiet before coming up and removing the dresses from my grasp.

"Akita, you need to lay down. You took oxycodon instead of cold medicine. Its prescription strength so you will be high for a while. Its not advised you take cold medicine with such a high dose of painkillers. Here." He pulled me to the bed and wrapped a cold, damp rag on the neck causing me to shiver. "And you called me by my first name, I won't be letting go of that either."

"Why keep your sickness away from your mother?"

"Because she might poison me like she did my father." I felt tears burn my eyes but I restrained from letting them fall. "She will have the chefs poison my soup." I looked around but felt relieved seeing she wasn't around.

"Look-" He was interrupted by Tani walking in with a hot bowl of soup.

"Sorry, I made some soup for my sister so she could eat something light." I watched him set it on my bedside table and I looked over to see dumpling soup. That sounded really good right now. Gomi came in shortly after with some tea and I hummed.

"Thank you Gomi and Tani." I smile softly picking up the bowl. They looked at Kyoya.

"You must be the new partner of Niko's." Tani nudged Gomi to which he grumbled. "I'm sorry Gomi can be intrusive." Tani states as I sipped a spoonful and hummed.

"Thank you for helping me, go enjoy your Saturday okay. We will paint next weekend." They smiled and dismissed themselves. I stared at the door they exited and Kyoya removed the spoon from my mouth.

"Your brothers are kind." I nod.

"Tani made the soup, he pays close attention to detail and carefully does his work. Gomi is more of a quick doer and but he is creative in doing so. Thats why we shouldn't drink the tea he made. He likes to mix teas and it usually turns bitter." I grab the spoon and continue to enjoy my soup before I started getting dizzy.

"Will you be fine on your own, I fear you won't take care of yourself if I do leave." I squinted an eye to look up at him.

"Please stay, I like your company." I smile as he grabs the bowl and set it down gently on the bedside table.

"Alright well first you should shower it will help the fever." I stood up and walked to the stairs.

"You won't leave yet will you?" I turned to him with a frown on my face but he quickly assured he would be here. I got up the stairs closing my door to my bathroom, stripping down and shivering from the cool air. Turing on the hot water I stepped in and petting the water soak into my skin. Feeling my nose clear up I smelt the scent the body wash had to offer. Turning it off I stepped out and lazily moved the towel around, attempting to dry but I felt another wave of numbness starting. I slid on my shorts and black sweater leaving the bathroom I slipped to the floor and hummed.

"What are you doing?" I heard a voice question. I reached my arms out across the floor smiling.

"The floor is so comfy, floor is my friend." He walked up the steps chuckling. He picked me up with ease setting me down on the couch.

"Your hair is still soaking wet." Kyoya muttered grabbing a towel from the bathroom and setting it on the couch where I was laying my head.

"Mm, I feel bad." I looked at him as he came over and sat with me. He asked why and I pointed at the bathroom. "I was gonna paint with my brothers today." Pointing at the sketchbook on the table, he picked it up. "First page, thats how I'm gonna paint my wall."

"Is that a purple iris?" My gaze was already set to him but when he turned his eyes met mine. Warmth spread through my chest causing me to pause.

"Yeah, such a beautiful flower, so gentle and sweet."

"You know what it symbolizes?" I shook my head as he looked back at the drawing. "The purple iris means hope, courage, truth." Maybe I was too high but I could have sworn I saw a small, content smile on his lips.

"How do you know about flowers so well, Kyoya?" He glanced over at me closing the drawing pad. His smile only widening.

"My mother loves flowers and the purple iris always stood out to me the most." He seemed to zone out and I moved closer curling into his side and resting my head on his shoulder. He stiffened before relaxing.

"And what do you hope for in life?" I asked him shifting my gaze up at him. He was silent for a second, hesitating before answering me.

"To prove to my father I am better than my brothers." His gaze was drifting around the room.

"Well I think you already are."

"You've never met my brothers." He mentioned, his gaze dropping.

"I don't need to. You are already the best of the best Kyoya." He smiled and I felt my mind flutter. "Who knew the Shadow King could be so soft." Something rumbled in him. I could hear it lightly but that may be the drowsiness speaking.

"Niko?" I hummed and giggled.

"You said my name!" I cheered quietly and he laughed. His body vibrating from his laugh and I savored it.

"Only because you called me by my name." He readjusted himself and me on the couch. I was now laying against him and I rested my head back into his shoulder. I felt his arm wrapped around me as his free one turned on the television putting on a movie.

"Why did your mother change your hair?" He asked softly.

"She heard you and I had slept together at the gala. She wants the world to know how she sees me. An impure, corrupt doll for her to toy with." I hummed and felt his warmth enclose me. "I miss my natural hair. I'm blonde, which isn't normal but my father was German."

"I can't imagine you are a blonde." I felt him chuckle and I smiled up at him.

"I like when you laugh, you show more emotion. At school you hide those emotions almost as if you were empty. But I'm lucky enough to see your feelings. For that, I'm honored to see you Kyoya." He went quiet but I felt my eyes begin to flutter shut.

I don't remember how much time passed but when I looked at the screen it was turned off and I shifted to see Kyoya beside me asleep. We were surrounded by darkness and I tried to see my clock but my vision was still trying to focus. Laying my head back down I could hear his breathing, shallow and slow. Good thing my couch was pretty wide set.

I really hope I didn't get him sick. It wasn't until I shifted my hand to his chest that I noticed he had changed. He was so warm, him by himself could lull me to sleep. Which it did.

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