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I woke up early once again changing into some shorts and a tank top, Tamaki texted everyone we were hiking today. Haruhi was getting ready in the bathroom as I grabbed some water bottles from the hotel fridge. I was surprised the club wanted to go for a hike, especially since that consisted of being outside, working out, and getting dirty.

"Wow you seem excited." Haruhi stated and I smiled.

"I love anything that is outdoors, gives me room to breath and enjoy what is around me." I smile and toss her a water bottle. We walked out to see everyone ready for today's activities. We were dropped off near a trail and I practically skipped to the map so we can plan which trail to take. As we walked through the fields we began to walk through a small forest. I found a long stick, tall enough to act as a walking stick and I smiled.

"Why are you carrying a stick?" "Isn't the walk enough on its own?"

"You do realize I love walking and hiking. Finding a stick is always the peak of a hike though. Almost a sentiment to memories." I smile and look around us seeing chipmunks and woodpeckers scattered amongst the trees.

Everyone kept talking but I was lost I'm the nature around me. Everything is peaceful, we take advantage of what the world has to offer. I was nudged and I looked to my right to see Kyoya.

"You slowed down quite a bit, penny for your thoughts?" He quirked a brow and I chuckled.

"My thoughts are worth more than a penny Ootori. But I can share them for free since I trust you enough." He hummed before I continued. "I really enjoy nature, as humans we take advantage of it. We don't see this kind of beauty around us everyday. It makes me want to be around it forever."

"Then why don't you?"

"Ootori, you are the top of the class, you should know that answer by now." He stopped in his tracks.

"About that, you surpassed me. I'm trying to earn that spot back." I stopped and turned to him.

"That shouldn't be right, I am careful to not get top rank." I tried to remember what I could have done to have changed that.

"Why wouldn't you want top rank? I'm sure your mother is always on you for it."

"Well, I don't need it. You do. You are the third son Ootori, whereas my mother might actually find a group for me to join by marriage, that is if I can't get away from her in time." Kyoya simply blinked at me before walking again.

"I didn't expect you to be this considerate to other students." He hummed with a smirk beginning to form. "Why leave your group, or your potential husbands group."

I let out a sigh. "Its not what I want to do. I want to either open my own gallery or work in environmental chemistry. I don't want to fall under the impression that all I have earned was because of my parents. If I am going to set a name for myself it will be doing what I want, not my mothers will." He fell silent, I could only assume he was consumed by his own thoughts.

"Going into the arts, or chemistry are two very different fields."

"Chemistry is the art of all we know. Sure it is more black and white, but chemistry makes up everything we have ever known. It is an art in its own way." He fell silent again and I could only give a mischevious smile.

"Penny for your thoughts Ootori?" He rolled his eyes and shoved me lightly.

"Just thinking about what you said. I keep living up to my brothers and trying to prove myself to my father. You have given me something to think about." I smile slightly as we continued to catch up to the others. They all seemed horribly exhausted, but they werent like this last time we were together.

"What the hell happened to you all?"

"We thought there was a bear or mountain lion!" The twins huffed and I rolled my eyes.

"Alright let's head back to the resort then. I'm pretty sure you scared yourselves, otherwise Ootori and I would have seen something." I began to backtrack our steps and Haruhi walked beside me.

"I told them they were making things up."

"Well they are idiots." She laughed slightly and I smiled. Again, I wish I could stay here, but dread was sitting in me since I knew I had to go home at some point.


We all had split up to enjoy the amenities the resort had to offer. Currently floating in a salt bath in the dark was both anxiety ridden and relaxing. Although my muscles were relaxed, the dark silence kept my mind running and thinking about what would happen when I got home. I didn't even take notes about the hosts. I learned something about Suoh but it wasn't useful to my mother. Maybe when I get home tomorrow I can avoid her so she can't ask questions.

I groaned and got out of the water. I wasn't going to be able to relax my mind, I need the others to keep my mind occupied. I dried myself and put on a new set of clothes leaving the isolation room.

I walked through the halls finding Haruhi's and my room. "You look more irritated before you left for the spa." She mentioned and I flopped onto my bed.

"I couldn't mentally relax. I keep thinking about going home and how I have to confront my mother but fuck I don't want to do that."

"I don't want to overstep my boundaries but why don't you want to go to your mother?" Thats when I remembered, when I went to Haruhi's house, I didn't answer her when she asked why I was there when my mom could comfort me.

"Alright you can't tell anyone, I have a feeling Ootori knows but I don't think he knows the extent. My mother is an ice queen. If anyone were to cross her they are basically dead to her. As her eldest child I have my responsibilities to fill. If they aren't she gets angry to point of beating me. It is usually my fault so I keep to myself, cause once I graduate I have plans to leave the Hasegawa group."

"I'm sorry to hear that, is that why you don't like being called Akita." I nod and stare at the ceiling.

"Since I still owe you a favor, have you thought about what you want?" I sat up and she shook her head.

"I'm sure something will eventually come up but for right now I'm pretty content. Do you know the plans for the rest of the day?"

"No, it shouldn't be anything too crazy right?"

"I don't know Tamaki planned it with Kyoya so, options are endless." I grab my journal and open to my sketching and begin drawing a new face I saw on the drive to the trail. Haruhi continued reading her book as my mind began to wander.

She was right, options were endless especially if Tamaki had say in what activities we would be participating in. The fact he hasn't interrupted us was a bit concerning though. Hopefully it was something simple like games or even just relaxing and doing our own things.

My mind began to wonder to my conversation with Kyoya. He seemed surprised I didn't want top rank. Like I had said before, he needed it more than I did anyway. Especially since he was still competing his brothers. Thats when the door busted in with Tamaki excited about his plans for us to play games causing us to put our stuff down and join the group for the rest of the night.

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