Chapter 3: Tyson

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"Are you ok Tanner." I whisper. My grip on the baseball bat loosens and my fist meets flesh when I swing at the kid called Jasper.
" were so far away." the kid Ran mumbles.
I kick him and the two run off looking behind them with scared looks. Slowly I kneel down and look at Tanner. She was sobbing and curled into a ball. "Are you alright?" I say again, louder.
"Mm hmm."
"I can drive you home if you want."
"I'll call my mum and tell her I'm going to meet a friend at the cemetery so we can just go." Tanner manages. Her voice is raspy because of her crying.
"I can call her." I whisper.
"Ok." Tanner reaches for her phone. Silently typing in her passcode and dialing her mum. "Here."
I grab the phone and put it up to my ear.
"Tanner? Hey sweetie." her mum answers.
"Erm. Hey, this isn't Tanner I know, but I'm her friend Tyson. She asked me to call you cause she went to the bathroom."
"Oh. Um you're friends with Tanner."
"Yes. I moved in by the old cemetery."
"Oh, I see. Well why did she ask for you to call?" I hesitate.
"We were going to hang out after school, so she wanted you to know."
"I understand, well nice to meet you. And...take care of her wounds. Good-bye."
I open my mouth to ask how she knew Tanner got beat but the phone goes dead. "She said ok."
Tanner stands and slowly walks to the car. Jason would drive but he would go to my house first. "And you brought this chick why?"
"Jason. Just drive us home." I snarl. The car speeds to out house.


"Here we are." I say. Tanner hadn't said a word the whole time we were driving. She only starred out the window.
"Ok." she whispers.
The sweet little girl I met earlier was gone. Her shirt was snagged in the locker and now had a huge rip in the front, showing her bra. I had offered my jacket to cover her. Her silky blond hair was a spider nest, and mascara ran down to her cheek.
Mum was probably the most caring person when it came to girls, so I called her and told her what had happened. As soon as we pulled up mum ran out and pulled Tanner from the car.
"Look, it's Anne's jeep." Jason says.
"Crap. She's here! She's staying here!" I say. Anne is my twin sister, she was super sweet, too sweet.
I watched as she ran out of the house. I hadn't seen her in a year, she went to a demon therapist to control her. she ran straight to the door and opened it, she stood there for a moment, then I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug.
"I missed ya sis." I say into her hair.
"Who's the girl?" She asks.
"Tanner. She got beat up after school."
Anne gasps and pulls away, then runs to the house.


Almost 30 minutes later, Tanner and Anne knock at my door. I run to open it and see them both smiling and talking like they were sisters.
Tanner had some of Anne's clothes on, and you could hardly tell anything happened. I welcomed them both into my room but Anne backed out saying she was talking to mum earlier and needed to go.
"Your sister is super nice. I like her." Tanner says.
"She's my twin, I'm the youngest though."
"I thought so, you look exactly the same, except for the stripe of white in your bangs."
She looked perfect. She looked like a demon in what she wore, which made me smile.
"Did you still want to go to the cemetery?" I ask. She nods and leads me away. After 5 minutes of walking and talking we get to the cemetery.
"Here. That tree is where I always sit." she says, pointing to a tree in the left corner of the cemetery. Slowly we walk over to it and sit down.


After almost 2 hours of talking and getting to know each other we both lay in the grass and stare at the sky. Tanner didn't have to be home for another 2 hours, so we talked some more.
Eventually, she stopped talking. I looked down to see her perfect eyes closed and her chest carefully rising and falling. She had fallen asleep.
I wanted to touch her, put my arm around her, move her hair behind her ears, but I didn't.
I watched her sleep for an hour and a half, then quietly said her name.
"Tanner? Good Evening." I said as she opened her eyes in surprise.
"HAVE I BEEN SLEEPING!? WHAT TIME IS IT!" She almost screams.
"You still have 30 minutes until you have to be home." I whisper.
She sighs in relief and we start up talking again.
"So why did you move here?"
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"Try me."
"I. Erm. I can't." I say. I felt bad. She had told me every secret there was about her, I felt like I had known her for years.
"Tyson what is it?"
"You won't believe me so why try?" I snap. "UH. Sorry I snapped."
"I bet I'll believe you so just tell me." Tanner growls. She wanted to know the truth.
Ok. I had to do this. She would believe me of course, she said she would.
"I'm a demon. And powerful angels, our enemies, found where we were camping so we had to flee." I say quickly.
I try not to look at Tanner. She would have a look in her eye that told me she thought I was crazy, but still I ended up locked into her eyesight.
Her eyes showed complete curiosity.
"A demon. W-Wow. Do you have powers? Wings? Were you born a demon or created? Is the rest of your family demons too?" Tanner spills.
"You believe me?" I say in shock.
"Ok, I'll answer your questions tomorrow. Can you come here after school again tomorrow?" I ask.
"Yes, can you drive me?"
"Of course." I laugh. I smile at her and watch as she returns the smile.
Suddenly I hear a honk and squeal of tires.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT JASON! JUST GO AWAY!" I yell in my mind.
"I have to drop Tanner off, mum wants to meet with us." Jason thinks back.
"We have to go, it's almost time for you to be home." I tell Tanner. She nods and walks to the car with me.
We talk the whole way home, about demons, angels, the war against us, and the angel Satan is after. She was born his child. But went to the light and was adopted by a poor angelic family.
When we reach her house I walked her up to the door with her.
"I'll see you tomorrow then." I say.
"Alrighty! Think of the answers to all my questions understand." Tanner replies sternly.
I laugh and see her smile. "Gotcha." I laugh. I hear Tanner's mum call her from the house. "You better go. See you at school. And be ready by 6:15." I say.
"6:15! THATS THE TIME I WAKE UP!" Tanner cries.
"Sorry girl, set your alarm for 5:15 if you need to."
"Tanner? Is this your friend?" Someone says.
"Yeah mum. This is Tyson Wels." she says as her mum appears in the doorway.
"Nice to meet you ma'am." I say and do a small bow.
"Very nice to meet you as well. Tanner can you do the dishes for me?" Her mum asks. Tanner nods and waves goodbye, then retreats to the kitchen.
"Good evening ma'am." I say.
"Listen here Tyson." her mum starts. Her face is serious. "I need you to protect Tanner at school. Not a day has gone by that my little angel doesn't come home with cuts and bruises."
"You have my word ma'am, I like your daughter you know. She's been quite nice to me, and we know each other very well now." I say.
Tanner's mum smiles and we say our goodbyes. I run back to the jeep and slide across the hood to get to my door.
I look at Tanner's mum once more and see the smile still on her face.
"Let's go dude." I say and Jason speeds down the road, back to our house. The whole way home, the only thing I could think of was Tanner's mum saying that she hadn't seen a day go by that her little ANGEL hadn't come home with cuts and bruises.
And when I closed my eyes, Tanner's smile was in the darkness.

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