Chapter 4: Tanner

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I wake up at 5:15, ready to see what Tyson had planned for me. I get into the shower and take my time.
I couldn't stop thinking about what he had said.
"I'm a demon..."
It was remarkable. I wash my face and stop the water. While drying off the only thing I could think of was Tyson.
It was like I had known him for years, we shared every part of our life with each other. Maybe it was because neither of us had had friends before.
I look at the ring in a small case that mum had bought me. I bet she wouldn't mind if I left it here.
Mum told me that there was a legend about my ring. She said an Arabelle blade would appear when the master was in danger. I never believed it.
"Tanner. If I see you aren't wearing that again, you'll be in big trouble." mum says through the crack in my door.
"MUM! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE HERE!" I shriek. I pick up the ring and put it on, then finish getting ready.
I wore a white tank top with angel wings on the back, and tight jeans with wings on the pocket. I had always had an obsession with wings and angels.
Then I grab my backpack and meet dad downstairs. "Why are you up this early?" Pa says.
"Good morning pa! Going to work?" I ask my dad.
"Yes Tanner. What are you doing up though."
"Waiting for a friend." I say quietly. Dad didn't like me being around other people.
Pa glares at me and snarls between clenched teeth, "You shouldn't trust them. They WILL hurt you."
Just before Pa strikes me, the door slams open. Dad's hand was an inch from my cheek.
"C'mon Tanner. I'm taking you to breakfast, and away from him." Tyson says. If looks could kill, the one he was giving pa would leave dad on the floor dead in an instant.
"Ok." I release the air I was holding in my lungs. I quickly run to Tyson's jeep and get into the car.
"You ok?" Tyson asks.
"Yeah. I'm f-fine."
"No you aren't. He hasn't even thought of striking you before."
"How do you know that."
"I'm a DEMON Tanner. I use telepathy, move things with my mind, read minds, emotions. I have insane speed and hearing, and can fight a human with a finger. It wasn't that hard to figure out, you're terrified."
My eyes tear up as I realize he was right. I couldn't cry though, I had to be strong.
"You're right."
"Now, I have breakfast and we are heading out of town."
OUT OF TOWN! He couldn't be serious! WHERE WAS HE TAKING ME!? Was he kidnapping me? Maybe he was a rapist and I didn't notice!
"Don't worry, we're just going to a flower field. I'm not a rapist." Tyson says. My cheeks burn as I remember he can read thoughts.
"Sorry. I just...panicked."


As we drive into the field my frown turns into the biggest smile.
"I'll answer any question you want. We have all day."
"WAIT! What do you mean all day!?"
"The principal heard about what happened, he excused me and you for a day. We don't have to go to school today."
I smile again. The whole day with a demon. He would answer any question I had.
"Ok. I'll ask questions after breakfast."


I lay down in the flowers to watch the sunrise. Then, the Q&A started.
"Were you born a demon or made?"
"Wow, that's amazing. Ok next. Are any of your family members demons too?"
"All of em, from Mum to Anne."
"Woah." I say, amazed. "Were you born on Earth? Or in Hell."
"Easy, Earth. The first generation of my family was born in Hell, a few generations after were banished to Earth, which leaves my generation on Earth."
Wow. Being a demon must be amazing. The questions went on for hours, until I got to the one I was most concerned about.
"Do you have wings?"
"Yes, would you like to see?"
"CAN YOU SHOW ME! YES!" I shriek in excitement.
Tyson stands up and takes off his shirt. He had a nice pack of muscles and tons of tattoos. I see a puff of black smoke and then Tyson is gone, in his place are wings.
The wings unravel, revealing Tyson in his demon form. His eyes were completely black, his dark brown hair now had a white star in a circle around the top. His wings must have been 15 feet across, and were pitch black, no color at all. This was the form of Tyson Wels that I desperately wanted to see.
"Woah." I managed in awe.
Scars has appeared where the tattoos had been in his human form.
"This is me. The real me." Tyson says. There was a sadness in his voice, like he thought I hated him.
"You are beautiful." I say. I stare in awe at the perfect demon in front of me. His jeans were ripped, and shoes were dirtied.
Suddenly the flowers around me picked me up. they turned black and attached themselves to my back in the form of wings.
"Come fly with me." Tyson says. For hours we soared above the field. We talked, and slowly fell deeper and deeper in love.
A day had gone by since I met Tyson, there was no way I could be in love with him though. We laughed together, felt sadness together, and felt happiness together.
I didn't believe it though. There is no way I am in love with him. "Can we go back to land now?" I ask.
"Of course." Tyson replies.
As we slowly return to land, i hear noises in my mind.
"That's her."
"Daughter of Satan."
"What's her story."
"170 years ago, Satan had a child. He named her Kutsuu, meaning Pain. Her mother was a fallen angel, which ended up leading her into the light. When she went to Heaven, a poor angel couple adopted Katsuu. Re-naming her, Tanner Scott. The princess of Hell."
No. They said my name. The princess of Hell? No. NO. NO! THAT ISN'T ME.
I fall quickly to the ground, loosing hope in the wings. Someone, or someTHING catches me.
"Princess Katsuu. Finally you will return home to Hell.
"No." I say. The creature drops me. 3 of the creatures surround me. They look like Tyson, but they have red, boiled skin.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY." one of them shrieks.
"I am NOT the princess of Hell. I am NOT Katsuu. I am Tanner Scott of Earth."
Tyson lowers to the ground and runs after the three demons. His ring turns into a Arabelle Blade. The three demons pull out other weapons and strike Tyson multiple times. One even stabbed me in the stomach, I felt my ribs shatter, but after 30 minutes of battle, blood, and death, Tyson won.
Tyson healed instantly, but for me, the stab in the stomach wouldn't heal for a while.
"TANNER!" Tyson screams. "Hang in there ok!? I'll get you out of here I promise."
The demon side of Tyson fades and he runs to my side. The corner of my eyes were going black, and before I black out, I see a single tear run down Tyson's face.
"Don't die ok. I need you to stay with me forever."

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