Chapter 11: Tyson [Our house]

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I tell Anne that Tanner accepted her invite to our house tonight, she squeals and tells me to go get her so we can get to school.
I knock on her door when I get to her house. "Tanner? Are you there?" I call.
"Yeah! Coming!"
I smile as she opens the door. Her face showed the most excited expression ever. "I bet you want school to end right now don't you." I joke.
"YES! I have everything together right now, that's why I have two bags." Tanner explains. She was carrying her school bag, and a smaller bag too.
"Ahh. I see now."
Tanner's outfit was almost perfect, I thought she could use something in her hair though. I put my hands into two balls then put them together, when I unravel them there is a black flower crown on my palms.
"Wow!" Tanner squeals. "That is really cool you know. It's so pretty!"
"Well it is for you! Why don't you put it on."
"Alright then."
Tanner carefully slips the crown onto her head. It fit perfect, and matched her outfit too. She was wearing a black crop top with a white tank top under it, and ripped jeans. Of course, the jeans had wings on the pocket. She was also wearing a grayish colored ring like our DemonRings. The black crown in her hair made the blonde even brighter for some reason. She was perfect.
"Tyson?" Tanner asks sheepishly. When I look at her, her cheeks are bright red.
"Hell. I've done it again haven't i. Sorry for staring." I say.
"Well, lets get to school so the day will end and I can get my lip pierced!"
I grab Tanner's hand and pull her toward the car.
Anne grabs her as soon as we get in so I talk to Jason. When we get to school, the same thing that always happens, happens.


I meet up with Tanner, Anne, and Jason after school. We all drove to where Tanner was going to get her lip pierced together, then we would all go to our house together.
"You still want to do this?" I ask as we park in the lot.
"The day you see me back down, is a day that will never exist." Tanner replies.
"Nice way of words girl." Anne gasps. We all laugh, including Anne, then walk up to the door.
As soon as they seated Tanner, she picked out the lip ring she wanted and calmly sat. She was nervous, her emotions weren't easy to read, but I figured it out.
"Tyson. Can you stand by me?" Tanner asks. I nod and walk to her, surprised when she grabs my hand.
"You'll be fine, don't worry!" I reassure her. Tanner smiles and nods, then sits completely still as she gets pierced.
"God that hurt." Tanner whines as we leave. I laugh.
"It was your choice." I mumble, waiting for her punch in the arm.
"Shut up you butthole!" She screams. Anne and Jason join me in my laughing, and eventually, Tanner does too.
"Thanks for coming with me guys, I'm glad I get to spend the day with you all!" Tanner says.
"Hey, it's awesome to hang with a friend." Jason says.
"I bet we'll have four times the fun at our house!" Anne smiles.
"Especially when we tell ghost stories about Jeff The..." I sneak up behind Tanner and Anne. "KILLER!" I yell.
Both girls shriek and run to the car. Jason and I laugh hysterically, until we are both crying. "He got you two good!"
"Shut up!" Anne yells.
"You guys suck! I hate you so much!" Tanner screams. We all laugh again as Jason drives off to our house.


That evening, after everyone had gone to bed besides me and Tanner, we talk.
"I really appreciate you staying with me today." Tanner quietly says.
"I had tons of fun. AND! I love your lip ring!" I sing. "It suits you Tanner, no matter what the others may say."
Tanner laughs and blushes. "Thanks." She yawns. I laugh as she covers her mouth in embarrassment.
"Hey, do you want to go somewhere with me?" I ask.
"Right now?"
"Yeah. It's cool if you're tired though."
"No way. Let's go!"
I pull Tanner downstairs and into my room. (We were sleeping in Anne's room.) She frowns as I sit on the bed.
"Why are we here?" She asks.
I grab her and and push her towards the window. There was a secret about this house that no one knew but me. A beautiful secret.
"Don't worry, jump through and you will land softly ok?" I say. I open the window and she gives me a confused look.
"Fine. I don't back down." she sternly replies. I watch as she slips through the window and falls.
I was next, I jump into the space between the window and the outside. I feel the adrenaline in my blood and the air in my hair. "WAHOO!" I yell. I hear a giggle from below me.
"OK!?" She yells back.
I hit the water after she reaches the surface again.

Under my room, was a cave. there was a beautiful waterfall, and it was basically a jungle. There are flowers, plants, water. I smile as Tanner splashes me with the water.
"You'll regret that." I joke. She throws her hands up in defeat and goes under. The moonlight and stars were barely visible through the rocks and vines, but I saw them.
We float on our backs for a few minutes. "This is so beautiful. I want to stay here forever." Tanner breaths.
"Me too. I'll stay with you." I whisper.
I grab Tanner's hand and swim towards the waterfall with her. We both stand under it, and stare at each other.

Tanner was so beautiful, this cave didn't match even a forth of her beauty.
I stare into Tanner's bright blue eyes and sigh. I wanted her so badly, but I can't have her. There was no way she loved me too.
I guess I could see, but if she doesn't love me...well I could ruin the friendship.
She looked perfect with the water running down her, falling into her hair. I couldn't stop myself anymore. I don't care if this ruins the friendship. I have to touch her again. I have to touch our lips, kiss her, touch her. And hopefully, she would kiss and touch my back, back.
I grab her waist and pull her forward, to where my waist and hers were touching. There was shock in her eyes, but she stared straight into mine with hope. I smirk as she closes her eyes.

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