Chapter 10: Tanner [Flashbacks begin]

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I wake up early to get ready for school. I had dinner with Tyson tonight. His face and stomach are still pretty cut up and bruised, but it's ok.
I hear two knocks and know it's my queue to get downstairs to Tyson. "COMING!" I call from my room.
Quickly, I open the door and see Tyson standing there.
"Tanner?" He says.
"Yeah! Hi. Are you ready for..." I turn around to grab my backpack and see another me standing in the doorway. This was the day we got in that fight.
Why would I be here? Did I go back in time and am a ghost or something. Like "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickinson or something. He's the author right? No maybe not. No no. I can't be worrying about this right now, I'll research it later.
Tyson storms off when I turn back around.
"Wait." My past self whispers.
I know I can't do anything so I just get my bag, and when I turn around again...the other me disappears just as fast as she appeared.
Well that was weird. Another two knocks are heard and this time I check for "ghosts" before I answer the door.
"Yo Tanner!" Someone calls from outside. The voice wasn't Tyson, but it was familiar.
"Coming!" I call again. When I open the door, there stands Jason Wels, Tyson's older brother.
"Finally. I've been here for ages." Jason jokes.
"Yeah right. Why are you here? I thought Tyson was picking me up today." I say back.
"Oh. Tyson got...well. He fought off another demon earlier. They were right outside your door, so he's resting in the car."
"He'll never learn will he. Well thanks for-"
"Tanner. Who's at the door." Mum calls. I give an annoyed look and Jason laughs.
"A friend." I yell back.
"Jason. Tyson's brother."
"Get them out. I don't want those Demon worshipers here."
I give an apologetic look to Jason and he just laughs again. "Bye mum I'm going to school." I shout then pull Jason out of the house.
He had blackish hair, similar to Anne's and Tyson's hair. His coat was long and black, with a collar that went to the top of his neck. He always wore this so I wondered if was a demon thing. He always wore a ring like mine, but black. Mine was a shade of black, grayish I guess. He looked really young, but I guess that could also be a demon thing. Tyson's whole family is very attractive, most likely a freaking demon thing.
I giggle at my thoughts and pull Jason towards his car. "We will be late if you don't hurry up." I say. Jason laughs at me attempting to pull him and I jump in the car next to Tyson.
"How are you." I say.
"I've been better." Tyson jokes.
"Thanks for fighting that thing though. I'd prefer not to be taken to Hell."
Jason and Tyson laugh. We all talk while Jason drives us to school. The first friends I ever made...are demons. And I couldn't be scared when others attacked me.
I knew that they would always be there when I need them. I wasn't scared when they told me. When they showed me their true form. I felt like I'd know their kind forever. And I loved them like they were my real family, because mine doesn't treat me like the Wels do.


I wait by my locker after school.
"Hey Tanner. I'll drive you home so you can get ready for dinner ok?" Tyson says. I turn around to face him and smile.
"Okay! I can't wait!" I say back. Tyson smiles at me, my heart skips a beat.
"Yo!" Jason calls from outside the door. "Hurry up!"
"We're coming butt face!" I call back. "I'd race you but I know I'll lose even if you're injured." I joke. Tyson laughs at me and I start off to the car.
"I am here!" I announce as I get into the car.
"Nice to know. Now I can get you back for calling me a butt face." Jason jokes. He reaches back, trying to grab my arm.
"No!" I squeal. I slap at his hand but he manages to grab my arm and tickle me.
I laugh so hard I'm crying, Tyson sees what is going on and joins in. "TYSON! WHY!" I squeal again. I can barely speak between my laughs.
I loved these guys. They knew how to treat me like they loved me too.


When Tyson drops me off, we say our goodbyes and I run to find something to wear tonight.
In the end I decide on ripped jeans, and a crop top. They were really nice, I had never wore them. I wear black high tops and a bit of makeup too.
By the time I've done everything it's 6:50. I go into my backyard and walk in the trees. I look up and see someone familiar in the tree.
"Hey! BRANDON GET OUT OF THERE!" They scream. I turn around and see a man fighting off 6 demons.
"I've got this Christie!" He yells back.
I stare in awe as I realize who they are, my mum and dad.
Mum jumps out of the tree and grows huge white wings, then pa grows grey ones.
Someone was watching though the small shed in our yard, that person was me. I remembered now, I had seen this when I was 4.
So my parents were Angels?
"Tanner? What are you doing out here?" Tyson calls.
"Oh. Waiting for you I guess." Tyson stares at me. My face slowly gets warm and I know I'm blushing.
"You look...beautiful." Tyson breathes.
"And you look very handsome." I say back. We had both been staring at each other, cheeks red.


"So I keep seeing these flash back things. I don't know what to do." I tell Tyson.
I had ordered pasta at an Italian restaurant, we were waiting for our food.
"What are they about?"
"One was when we had that fight, and the other was of my Angels."
"Angels? Wouldn't surprise me. I me-" he stops.
"Nothing. I just thought of something. I don't know. But it would make sense, they know I'm a demon so they don't want you to hang out with my family. They could be hiding it from you." Tyson says. I think I know why he stopped. It wasn't just because he thought of something, he probably saw another demon.
"That's completely possible. But why would they hide it?"
"Well, Angels that have human offspring are often on earth because they did something demonic and were banned. Maybe they didn't want you to know why they were banned from Heaven."
"You're probably right." I say, thinking about all this.
The waiter walks up and hands us our food, he looked...different.
"Tanner. I need to give you something ok. I don't know if you'll like it but." Tyson continues.
"Tanner? Your name is Tanner? Like. Tanner Scott?" The waiter asks.
"Tyson." I mumble.
"Go away or I'll report you." Tyson snaps. The waiter quickly walks away and Tyson pulls out a box.
"What's this?" I ask.
"A gift."
I smile as I see what it is. I had been telling Tyson I wanted to get a lip piercing, to bug my parents mostly. Inside the box was a gift card to a piercing place and lip rings.
"Thank. You. So. Much." I say. My smile was so big that it made Tyson blush.
"I think that it will suit you. Want to get it pierced tomorrow after school? And Anne wants you to stay over night." Tyson rambles.
"Yes please! And I'd love to come over! Tell her it's a date when you see her again." I laugh.
I pull out my box to give Tyson and he opens it. A huge blush covers his face and I giggle.
"I believe this is for you!" He jokes and hands me the leather bracelet that says "His girl" and he puts on the one that says "Her boy".
We both laugh and I see that he likes it. I was nervous he wouldn't like it at all, considering its jewelry.


Tyson drops me off again and I wave good bye. He was so sweet, and I felt like...maybe I was falling for him. No, not maybe. I was falling for him...hard.

Tyson Wels. My best friend, I'm falling in love with you.

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