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"Don't look down
'Cause we're still rising
Up right now!
We'll still fly
Keep dreaming like we'll live forever
And live it like it's now or never!"

The disk that young 16 year old Julie Molina played in her moms former garage studio, after finding it in the attic.

Just when the girl thought cleaning wouldn't get worse, she heard screaming coming closer and closer.

"Ah!" She yelled as three boys appeared in front of her.

The boys all joined her in yelling, watching the girl run out of the studio.

They talked amongst eachother trying to figure out what was going on. But what they didn't know was that up in the loft, their other bandmate Mackenzie appeared.

She didn't make a sound. Mostly because it would only scare the younger girl more than she already was.

Peeking over the ledge, making sure to not be seen, Mackenzie saw the girl was now back showing the boys some glowing screen.

"What you doin? What is that?" Luke asked, pointing to the glowing screen.

"It's my phone." The girl said back in an angered tone.

"Who ya callin?" Alex asked, making Mackenzie want to laugh.

"I'm searching up sunset swerve." The girl said, quickly being corrected by the boys.

"Sunset curve!"

The girl looked to the screen and read an article.

"You did die, but not last night. 25 years ago? It says here you died in 1995.. it's 2020." The girl said, showing the boys the screen.

"This has to be a mistake, let me read it." Alex said, somehow holding the phone.

"Sunset curve: a Hollywood tragedy. Three members of sunset curve, Luke Patterson, Alex Gordon, and Reggie Stanton found dead in th alleyway where "juans street dogs" foot car is normally located. It was also confirmed that other member Mackenzie Stanton was found and pronounced dead in downtown Hollywood.." Alex said, slowly stopping when he got up to mackenzies part.

"S-Shes dead..?" Reggie said as he flopped down onto the couch, Luke doing the same thing.

"J-just keep reading, I wanna know what happened.." Luke said, his voice breaking as he listened to Alex continue.

"Mackenzie Stanton was found dead in downtown Hollywood after running out on band member Bobby. Security footage shows the girl being dragged into a van, being driven away and brought to private area where she was later beaten, shot, and killed. The ones responsible have been found and arrested." Alex finished, looking to the other two and handing the girl her phone back.

"She's dead. Just like that. And Bobby didn't even try and stop her. I bet he just let her go." Luke said as he started to pace around the room.

"Look, I know your all upset right now, but you need to leave." The girl said angrily to the three boys sitting in the studio.

"Wait, what's your name." Reggie asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"It's Julie." The girl angrily responded.

"C-cool.. I'm Luke, this is Reggie, and that's Alex." Luke said, pointing to each boy.

Julie just nodded and left the studio, going to eat dinner with her family.

Mackenzie stayed in the loft, now hiding behind some old boxes, listening to the boys panic.

She knew it was too late to just appear and say "hey I'm dead too whats poppin" so instead, she hid in the loft, waiting for the right moment to appear.

Mackenzie could hear the light sobs coming from each of the boys. Luke was devastated that his girlfriend had died, Reggie feels guilty that his little sister died, and Alex misses his "gal pal" as he would call her.

"Guys.. we should've listened to her." Luke said, wiping the tears off his face.

"If we didn't die, my parents would kill me for letting her run." Reggie said as he looked down.

"You guys.. you do realize that since we are here again.. she could possibly be here too right. I-I-I mean look, we came back as ghosts, what if she did too." Alex said, causing a little bit of hope to rise in the boys.

"Then let's go find her!" Luke said with a determined grin.

The boys all poofed away to go find Mackenzie, giving her a chance the stand up and stretch.

She looked around the loft, seeing all of their instruments laying there. She smiled as she found her six string. It was a beautiful color, a baby blue to match Luke's dark blue.

She came across Reggies bass guitar, it's bright candy red makes it Mars to miss. Then of course she found Alex's drum set.

She quickly set up the instruments down where the band used to practice and quickly went to back up in the loft, holding her six string.

"Woah! Look at our instruments you guys!" Reggie said with a smile as they poofed back.

Alex sat at his drum set and tapped each drum.

"I wonder if Kenzie's six string is up there too.." Luke said as he walked over to the ladder to the loft.

Mackenzie quickly put her six string down and poofed outside of the studio, peeking in.

She saw Luke come back with the six string, holding it close to him. "I can't believe it's still in such good condition." He said while smiling down to it.

"I know right. It looks mint." Reggie said as he looked to the six string.

Luke put it down on the stand that was set up and took his six string, starting to play one of their old songs.

The other two quickly joined in, making Mackenzie smile. She was happy that they were able to play still.

"Hey! Stop it! Stop!" The angry Julie said as she marched into the studio, not even noticing Mackenzie outside watching.

"Wait they can hear us play?!" Luke said with a smile as Julie told them they woke the neighborhood.

"This is awesome!" Reggie said, Alex looked a little scared though.

"Great. more changes! My FAVORITE." He said sarcastically.

Mackenzie giggled, which cause everyone to look her way. She quickly poofed away before they could see her and went back to the loft.

"That sounded a little too familiar.." Reggie said as he walked to the doors of the garage and peeked out.

"I could've sworn i just heard Kenz. You heard it too right?" Reggie said as he saw nothing there, walking back to the others.

"I did.. but it might just be our brains messing with us because we miss her." Luke said as he slumped into his chair.

I'm gonna be doing some skipping around with the story line so sorry if I confuse you a little bit!!
Also, let me know what you think!!

✔️We Meet Again ||Luke Patterson||Where stories live. Discover now