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"Luke where are we going?" Mackenzie asked as the couple walked down sandy beach.

"Well you see, I know that the only thing you love more than music, besides me of course, is the Ferris wheel on the pier." Luke said as he grabbed the girls arm again, poofing them onto the growling Ferris wheel.

"This is.. amazing." Mackenzie said looking at the view from the top. It was different from 25 years ago, more buildings and shops lit up the dark sky.

Luke wrapped an arm around Mackenzie, pulling her closer to him.

"Hey Luke?" Mackenzie asked, looking up at the boy.

"Yeah Kenz?"

"Thank you for not ditching me like everyone else at school did. I would've totally lost it if you or the boys did." Mackenzie said putting her head back onto Luke's shoulder.

"Kenz I told you this, you meant too much to me for me to just ditch you because of someone else's opinion. That's stupid." Luke said, rubbing the girls arm.

"Yeah I know. But what sucked about that whole thing the most was that I never got to fix it. I died being known as the girl who everyone hated." The blonde said.

"Not everyone hated you Kenz.. come on.." Luke said, happy that she's actually talking about her feelings but sad that they're not too good.

"Easy for you to say... every girl was all over you four. Not one guy has ever told me they like me, besides you of course." Mackenzie said, sounding a bit more annoyed.

But, this is where Mackenzie was wrong. The four boys wouldn't let any boys near Mackenzie because they were scared of what she would do if a boy broke her heart.

She only had one experience with a boy and that was Ryan at the school dance, which clearly didn't end well because of Sarah.

"Kenz. The only ones who actually liked the attention were Bobby and Reggie. Alex wasn't interested in girls and I was only interested in the five foot, ocean eyed blonde.. I think her name was Marley?" Luke joked, am earning a nudge in the arm.

"I'm only kidding. I didn't care about those other girls because the crush I had on you was unbelievably huge and the thought of dating another person was scary." Luke admitted, making Mackenzie blush a little bit.

"Well aren't you cute." Mackenzie laugh, poking the boys nose.

Luke laughed and kissed the top of the girls head, only to realize they reached the end of the ride.

"Come, there's one more place I wanted to bring you before we go back." Luke said as he poofed them both away, appearing in a familiar spot.

"Luke, how'd you know about this place?" Mackenzie asked, looking around at the hidden gazebo at the beach.

"Well you would come here whenever you wrote in the songbooks I got you. Me and the boys had to do a lot of searching for you when you'd run off." Luke said as the two sat in the gazebo.

Before Nathan had destroyed the songbook she had gotten from Luke, she would write in it a lot. Mostly songs that she would never let anyone read, unless they were worthy of being played by the band.

Being that she couldn't go anywhere without being picked on or even attacked, she found a lot of time to just search around places, coming across the gazebo.

She soon made this her spot, coming here when she needed a reality break.but she had no clue no one else knew about it.

"And you guys didn't stop in?" she asked.

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