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"Julie?" The two ghosts said in a shocked voice when they saw Alex, Reggie, and Julie rehearsing.

"Grab your guitars, we have some practicing to do for this gig tonight." The living girl said with a smile.

Luke and Mackenzie looked at Julie, then to eachother with a smile. Mackenzie was quick to pick up her guitar and strap it over her shoulder.

"What made you change your mind?" Luke asked, doing the same as Mackenzie.

"You were right, we need music to keep us all together." Julie responded with a soft smile.

"Where we at boss?" Kenzie said while flipping through the music.

"Oh and by the way, happy birthday." Julie said to Luke, making him and Mackenzie smile.

"1,2,3..!" Alex shouted as they all started to play.

"Reggie don't you dare!" Brother sneak behind her in the bathroom to mess up her hair.

Reggie smirked and said "a piece is sticking up!" And before Mackenzie could stop him, her hair was messed up.

"Reginald Stanton!" She yelled at the boy trying her best to not laugh.

She brushed her hair back into place as she stepped back into the bathroom.

Finally fixing it, she stepped out of the bathroom all ready to go. She had her cut band tee (now a crop top), blue ripped jeans, and her vans.

"You look good." Luke said as he poofed Next to the girl.

He was wearing a flannel over his black muscle tee. Nothing special.. but he did look great.

"You don't look too shabby yourself." Mackenzie shrugged, obviously annoying the boy.

"Miss Stanton I will mess your hair up like Reggie did if you don't tell me how awesome I look." Luke joked with the girl.

"Guys.." Alex said as he peeled out the studio doors.

The other three ghosts came out and saw him looking to Julies bedroom window. She sat on her bed and looked upset about something.

"I'll talk to her. You guys go check the club and see what's going on there." Kenzie said, everyone poofing to wherever they were gonna go.

"Jules? You ok?" Kenzie asked, sitting next to the girl on her bed.

"My dad grounded me for missing my classes and test this morning. Flynn forgot to wake me up for school." Julie said, doodling on her microphone.

"Well.. the boys will be here any seco-"

"Julie your not missing this performance! The place is packed with people." Luke said as the boys appeared, cutting Mackenzie off.

"What am I supposed to do? My aunt is right down the stairs." Julie said, now the boys turning to Mackenzie.

You see, Mackenzie was the master of escapes. She would escape home and go somewhere for almost the whole day and no one would notice. Mostly because no one besides the boys cared.. but still.

"Miss Mackenzie can help with that." Alex said with a smile.

Stepping towards the bedroom window, Mackenzie opened it and said "here's the plan, you get out from here, I'll set up a fake you on your bed to make it seem like your sleeping."

"I like the way you think. Let me change and I'll meet you there." Julie said as she stood up.

Mackenzie set up the fake Julie quick, then poofed away to meet the boys.

"Hey where did Alex g- oh my god." Kenzie said as she found Reggie, Julie, and Luke, noticing Alex on stage.

With a smile, Mackenzie poofed into the stage too, joining dirty candy and Alex in the dance.

"When I grow up I wanna be me Be me" the pink haired Carrie sang as the two ghosts followed their dramatic head tilts.

Poofing back to the others, Alex and Mackenzie were smiling like crazy.

"You two seem to be having fun." Reggie joked, going to mess up their hair. "Reggie touch my hair, I'll kill you." Mackenzie said, sensing his hand behind her head.

"And now.. Julie and the fat ones!" The announcer said, everyone looking at Luke.

"Yeah man my handwriting sucks." He said as Julie went onto the stage.

"Is it that hard to write phantoms Luke?" Mackenzie joked as they prepared to appear on stage.

Before receiving an answer, the four poofed into the stage, the crowd looking shocked.

"I've got a spark in me
Hand up if you can see!" The band sang together as they harmonized.

As they approached the ending of the song, Julie smiled as Mackenzie approached Luke for their little duet.

"I've got a spark in me
(I've got a spark in me)
And your a part of me
(And your a part of me)
Now till eternity
(Now till eternity)
Been so long and now I'm finally free!" Mackenzie finished, holding out the note as the others continued.

The band all smiled to each other as they finished the song, the ghosts poofing away to the bar as Julie soaked in the applause.

"Is it bad that my voice is giving me a headache?" Mackenzie asked Luke as she leaned her head onto his shoulder.

"For real?" Luke asked, Mackenzie nodding her head.

"Look, I'd love to stay here, but I'm just gonna go lay down at the studio."  Mackenzie said as she poofed outside the building.

She started to walk for a little bit hoping fresh air would help her headache go away.

"You must be Mackenzie!" A mysterious man said as he appeared right infront of her.

The girl let out a scream, quickly being shushed by the man.

"Caleb, Caleb covington. I met your friends the other day at my party! Why didn't you come?" The man said.

"Oh I-I um.. had other things to do. I'm sorry but how do you know who I am?" Mackenzie said, taking a step back.

"My good friend Willie told me all about you guys. You are in a band with the three boys and another girl am I correct?" Caleb said.

Mackenzie nodded her head as she looked to the man. Something about this seems to be off. An uneasy feeling rose in the girls stomach.

"Well, great meeting you miss stanton." Caleb said, grabbing the girls hand, leaving a purple mark that faded quickly.

"What the fuck was that?" Mackenzie asked looking down at her wrist.

"Oh, club stamp in case you ever decide to come check it out!" Caleb said, vanishing right after.

"What the fuck.." Mackenzie said to herself, poofing to the studio before anyone else showed up that apparently knew her.

✔️We Meet Again ||Luke Patterson||Where stories live. Discover now