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"Guys come here!" Julie said as her and Flynn entered the garage after school.

"Finally you guys are back! It was like we were third wheeling on these two!" Reggie said, pointing to the couple on the couch. Alex nodded to agree with the boy.

Mackenzie took off her shoe and threw it at her brother, giving him a look.

"No throwing shoes, and be nice to kenz and Luke." Julie said pointing to the four.

"See, I was gonna ask about the flying shoe but I figured it was one of them." Flynn said, pointing to the shoe in the middle of the room.

"Yep. Anyways Flynn got us another gig." Julie said, making the band smile.

"Sweet! Where?" Luke said, his eyes glowing with energy.

"You guys get a redemption show at the next school dance on Friday. I know it's not our ideal show but we need to play somewhere other than here." Julie said, seeing the glow in Luke's eyes lessen.

"Great, another school dance." Mackenzie said, leaning back into the couch and crossing her arms.

"How mad are they?" Flynn asked, not able to see the four ghosts.

"They don't seem too satisfied." Julie said.

Reggie shook his head and said "no, not entirely satisfied.. but we all need a good school dance in our memories right?"

Mackenzie shook her head and said "no. The second I enter a school dance it goes terrible. I'll sit this one out."

The four looked at her with frowns.

"Look I'm sorry but I'm not going." She said, noticing the looks coming towards her.

"How about you and I go to the dance. I won't ditch you." Luke said, nudging the girls arm with a smile.

Mackenzie did her best to fight away the smirk forming on her face. "Well.. I trust you. But-"

"No buts, your coming." Alex said, pointing to the girl. "No getting out of this."

"your all so annoying. No one better mess this up." Mackenzie stated, pointing to each person in the room.

"Ok good, we have today and tomorrow to rehearse. We also have to find a song." Julie said with a smile.

"They agreed?" Flynn asked, seeing the joy in her bestfriends face.

"Yeah, wanna stay while we rehearse?" Julie asked her friend.

"I'd love too, but I have to get home. Se enough later!" Flynn said, leaving the studio.

Julie walked over to the keyboard and said "so, any ideas?"

Usually Luke was the one giving songs, never Mackenzie. But, Mackenzie was feeling nice.

"I have a song. I wrote it a while ago, it's called wake me up. The lyrics are kinda bad but the instrumentals make up for it." Mackenzie said, flipping through her book and showing the girl her song.

"I like it!" Julie said, smiling.

Mackenzie smiled and played a small demo for the four, strumming along on her six string.

"So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself
and I didn't know I was lost" she sang, smiling so the lyrics didn't seem to be too depressing.

"I vote we sing that." Reggie said, raising his hand.

"Alex? Luke?" Julie asked the two other boys.

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