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"Guys.. I know that we got her to come out of there for Luke's birthday.. but she went right back in once you all left." Reggie said to the three boys sitting in the living room.

"Well, I would too if I was going through what she is.. but we have to fix this." Alex said.

The boys all agreed and went up to mackenzies room. They all knocked and called out her name, no response. Not even a single sound was heard.

Reggie was tired of his sister ignoring him so he played with the door knob and noticed it was unlocked.

Looking to the others confused, Reggie slowly opened the door and saw the piles of clothes spread around the girls room, a messy bed, and an open window.

"Kenz? You in there?" He asked taking a step into the room.

"Dude the windows open, she left." Bobby said, pointing to the open window.

The four boys ran out of the house and searched all around looking for her. That was, until they found where she went.

The studio where the band rehearses.

She was asleep on the couch, wrapped in Luke's blanket since that's where he's been staying recently when he left home.

The boys all let out a quiet sigh of relief. "This is a good thing.. right?" Reggie asked, sorta confused if he should be happy or mad his sister snuck out to the studio.

Luke nodded. "She's left her room, and came to the studio. Yes, this is good.. she's getting back to music I guess."

The boys all smiled, leaving the studio, but Luke stayed behind. He sat in the arm chair next to the couch and continued writing some new songs in his songs book.

He's been working on one for Mackenzie, he knows how she's been struggling with literally everything possible and wants her to know that her presence is a blessing, but he doesn't have the guts to just say that to her so that's where the song writing skill comes in handy. He called the song "Just the way you are."

"Luke?" A sleepy voice spoke up catching the boys attention.

"Hey Kenz, what are you doin here?" Luke asked as he stood up and sat next to the girl on the couch.

"I'm done with everyone's bullshit. I can't stay alone any longer in my room or I might go even more insane than I already have." the girl said as she sat up, leaning her head against Luke's shoulder.

"So your staying here?" Luke asked the girl, gaining hope that she was getting somewhat better.

"If that's alright.. I know your staying here too but-" she spoke but Luke cut her off.

"Of course it is. If you think this will help you recover from everything I'm totally fine with it." The boy said with a soft smile.

"Ok good because my next option would be with Alex but he overthinks and panics too much for me to handle." The girl said, letting out a small laugh.

Luke smiled as the girl, happy to see she's already giggling.

"So this might be too soon, but you wanna help me practice a new riff for our gig in a few days?" Luke asked.

"I'm too tired for that now.. I haven't slept in like two days." Mackenzie said as she shut her eyes.

"T-two days?! Kenz what have you been doing that you didn't sleep?!" Luke said as he looked down to Kenzie nervously.

"That's the thing.. absolutely nothing. That was a big hint that I needed to leave." She said softly, her eyes becoming heavier.

Luke looked down at Mackenzie and did a small frown, putting his arm around her and kissing the top of her head.

"I'm glad your here." Luke softly said as he started to fall asleep too.

End of flashback

"Jesus!" Mackenzie yelled as she held her chest, a purple spark glowing.

"It's alright, we'll figure it out." Luke said as the two went back to rehearsing.

Julies dad felt bad for ruining her chance with a potentially big thing for her career, which Mackenzie missed since her head hurt, so he is throwing her a party with the help of Flynn so he can record it and post it online.

"Oh Luke! I was thinking that towards the end of the song, when Julie sings the 'I believeI believe that we're just one dream Away from who we're meant to be That we're standing on the edge of great' you do a like a cool riff, since we aren't playing loudly at that part." Mackenzie said with a smile.

"Good idea.. but I have absolutely nothing so your gonna have to help with that." The boy said with a smile.

Mackenzie smirked and sang along with the part as she made up a riff, not too complicated but not easy either.

"I like it, now where the heck is Alex and Reggie." Luke said, looking around for them.

Mackenzie laughed "Reggie is hanging out with ray.. and Alex is- I actually have no clue."

Luke nodded and the two continued rehearsing, waiting for the others to come and join them. This was important to Julie, especially since it would suck if something happened during a performance at your own house.

✔️We Meet Again ||Luke Patterson||Where stories live. Discover now