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"Hey guys, I'm gonna go hangout with nick for a little bit so I'll see you later." Julie said to the four ghosts as she stood up.

"Ok Jules, be careful!" Mackenzie joked with the girl as she walked out.

The four ghosts stayed in the studio, practicing for whatever gigs could be coming up, when Willie poofed in.

"Willie?" Alex asked with a smaller smile.

Willies face was more of a worried one. Something that Mackenzie didn't liked

"Hey. Look I have news.." Willie said, making all of their faces to drop.

Luke set his six string down on the stand and said "what's up?"

"Caleb has gone MIA. No one at the club knows where he is. This could be either a good or bad thing so I just thought you should know." Willie said, making Mackenzie grab onto Luke's arm tightly.

"If my thoughts are right, he's trying to get to you guys. Just please, be safe. If he get to you, the zaps will continue again from where they left off." Willie said while Alex gave him a hug.

Mackenzies eyes widened. If she got one more zap she would disappear. Not just that, she wouldn't even exist anymore.

"Ok I'm gonna say this now, no one leave Kenz alone, she will be his first target." Willie said, not helping Mackenzie feel better.

"Why me?!" The girl said, only gripping Luke tighter.

"Because you would disappear first. One zap and you would be gone for good." Willie said, panicking.

"Ok so let's all stick together. But what do we tell Julie?" Reggie said, looking to the others.

"I don't know.. but she's gonna freakout." Luke said, looking to the others.

"Ok I'm gonna go before anyone notices I'm gone.. bye guys." Willie said, poofing out of the studio.

Mackenzie sat down on the couch, staring off out the window. "Guys?" She asked, not looking to any of them.

"Yeah Kenz?" Reggie responded, looking away from the music and towards his sister.

"If I were to turn myself in to Caleb, do you think he would leave you all alone?" The girl asked, the room going dead silent.

"That isn't an option Mack. I'm might've let you get away with running away from home, but your absolutely not going to join Caleb." Reggie said, a serious tone coming through his voice.

Mackenzie frowned even more as she looked up to the boys. Her facial expression was one that was way too familiar for the boys. One that they hoped they wouldn't ever see again.

Just the thought of seeing Mackenzie sad broke all of them.

"Kenz come here.." Luke said, putting his arms out for a hug.

Mackenzie gladly took his offer, hugging him tightly as the other two smiled.

As much as Reggie didn't approve of them ever dating when they were alive, he knew that if all people Luke was always going to protect her. Even if they were mad at eachother, Luke wouldn't let anyone besides the band pick on her since they were only kidding around.


The boys of Sunset curve were in their studio practicing together, before Mackenzie decided to take a break from music.

"Where the hell is Mackenzie?!" Luke asked, knowing that she knew this rehearsal was important for their gig the following night.

"She's with Sarah at the movies.." Reggie said, not knowing that Luke would freakout like this.

✔️We Meet Again ||Luke Patterson||Where stories live. Discover now