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After Luke's parents left, Mackenzie could see Luke was just not ok. He was constantly fidgeting and holding onto Mackenzie.

Alex and Reggie knew that Mackenzie could calm him down, so they left along with Julie, going to find something to do that they could occupy themselves with.

"Luke look at me." Mackenzie said, grabbing the boys arms and turning him to face her.

She looked up to his eyes, a red color replacing the usual white and his eyes puffy.

"They know your ok, everything is alright." She continued, not breaking eye contact with the boy.

As much as he wanted to respond, he couldn't because of the emotions taking over. So instead he hugged the girl, his sense of touch was what comforted him.

Being able to hold and hug someone was a big part in making Luke happier. But, not right now.

Luke cried into the five foot blondes shoulder as she hugged him back. "You big baby." Mackenzie whispered in a joking tone.

She could feel him laughing at her, hiding his face so she wouldn't see.

"I'm glad we did that." Luke said as we wiped his tears and smiled.

Mackenzie did the same and grabbed his hand, poofing the two away to their spot. A spot where only they knew about.

The two ghosts appeared on ground beneath the Hollywood sign, the glowing lights of the city ahead.

"You remember the day we first came here, you and I both snuck out and didn't even know we would see each other here." Mackenzie said, sitting down on the grass, pulling Luke down with her.


After a terrible day at school for the Stanton girl, she knew if she went straight to her room something bad would happen.

So, to keep herself alive, she only stayed in her room until it was dark out, then snuck away.

But, she waited for reggies nightly check in. Usually what happened was at around 7:00, Reggie would make his attempt to talk to the girl, only to get the response of a shoe being thrown at the door.

After his check in, she grabbed her backpack with some things in it, in case this would be the night she runs away.

She grabbed her skateboard too and climbed out her bedroom window, making sure no one would see her.

After about 20 minutes, Mackenzie found herself up at the Hollywood sign, looking over the city.

But Mackenzie just sat there underneath second L, crying her eyes out as quietly as possible.

"Kenz?" She heard a familiar voice say as footsteps approached her.

"If your here to push me down the hill, do it." She said , thinking it was one of the kids from school.

"I would never hurt my little Kenzie." The voice said as a body sat beside her.

Mackenzie lifted her head from her knees, wanting to kill the person who called her that name. She absolutely hated it.

"Your so lucky your my best friend Luke." She said, looking at the boy beside her and noticing it was Luke.

"Wait till Alex hears this. But what are you doing here?" Luke asked, turning his body to face her.

"I was going to ask you the same thing. I needed to get out before I did something stupid." Mackenzie responded, pulling the sleeves of her sweater down to block her arms.

Luke quickly took notice of what she was doing and grabbed her arm, pulling the sleeve up.

"I thought I told you to stop! Kenz this isn't good. You have to realize that me and the boys are here for you." Luke said, looking at the newer cuts on the girls arm.

"Luke you have no idea what I feel like right now. And I know you guys are here for me, which is why I haven't thrown myself off a bridge just yet! I-I-" Mackenzie said, her voice breaking apart.

Luke stood up, pulling the girl up with him, and held her tightly in a hug. Nothing made Mackenzie feel better more than a hug.

Luke held the girls head close as she cried into his chest. "I love you Kenz, and we all hate seeing you this upset." He whispered to her.

"Love you too Luke.." she whispered back, looking up to Luke's eyes.

She could see he had started to cry too, probably because of how hard it is for anyone to see this side of Mackenzie.

Before the whole Sarah thing, Mackenzie was pretty popular. She had a stable enough friend group, good grades, and she was pretty.

But now, she feels alone, her grades dropped drastically, and  she now looked terrible. None of the boys would ever tell her that, but she's heard it from most people in school by now.

"Wait. Why are you here?" Mackenzie asked the brunette boy holding her.

"I didn't want to wake up the Wilson's by playing my guitar, so I came here because I just had a feeling I needed to be here." Luke said now only one arm around Mackenzie.

The two began to walk back towards the parking lot since Luke had a car with him. But it wasn't any car, it was the sunset curve van.

Mackenzie sat in the passengers seat beside Luke, thinking about how everything has been lately.

Sure, she's extremely depressed and feels alone, but her crush on Luke has only gotten bigger.

She's like him since she was in 6th grade, him and the boys in 7th.

"Ok, before you get out, I need you to promise me one thing." Luke said as the van stopped in front of the Stanton house.


"I need you to promise me you won't do anything stupid like cutting yourself anymore. If you ever have the urge to, come to the studio. You'll know when the others are there or not depending on if Reggie is home." Luke said as he looked into the girls eyes.

"Okay fine. But no one hears that I spoke to you ok? Reggie will be upset I didn't speak to him first." She said getting out of the van.

"Ok, goodnight kenzie."

"Goodnight Luke."

End of flashback

"Kenz, I want to tell you something."  Luke said as Mackenzie was sat between his legs.

"What's up?" She asked, leaning back against him and looking up.

"I just wanted you to know that I have had the biggest crush on you since we were twelve." Luke said, scratching the back of his neck.

Mackenzie smiled and said "me too." If they both knew this, they could've been together for longer.

The others knew they liked eachother. According to Reggie they "oozed chemistry" whenever they sang together. The eye contact they made with each other when singing made it obvious.

Obvious to everyone except each other.

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