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When the two ghosts re appeared at the school, they found themselves in a cafeteria full of scared kids and an annoyed Julie.

Luke and Mackenzie looked around confused, then the boy turned Mackenzies body to see Alex and Reggie throwing food.

"HEY! Enough!" Mackenzie yelled at the two, making them stop immediately.

"Finally!" Julie sighed, looking at Flynn so she didn't seem weird.

"Who got them to stop?" Flynn asked.

Julie laughed and said "Mackenzie and Luke came back.. finally."

Reggie and Alex came back to the other two ghosts with smiles and said "so, where did you two go?"

Mackenzie gave them each a look, then said "I needed to get out of here. And what the fuck were you two doing."

Reggie nervously laughed and said to Alex "we should run before she kills us."

Quickly, then two began running, Luke grabbing Mackenzie so they could atleast get far enough, then he let her go.

Mackenzie ran down the halls, chasing the two boys with Luke behind her.

Mackenzie ran past a display case, lit up nicely with a bunch of old photos. One of them caught her eye, making her stop.

Luke accidentally ran into the girl making them both fall over. "Sorry, you alright?" He said, helping the girl up.

"Yeah.. just, something about this display is weird.. I can't find what though." She said, scanning each photo.

But then the photo caught her eye. It was a group photo of sunset curve but it it was on a news article. "Luke, look." She said, pointing at the picture.

"Gone but not forgotten, we miss you sunset curve." The article title read. Mackenzie scanned the article, then looked at Luke with tears.

"Hey hey, what's wrong? What happened?" He asked as he looked to the girl.

"Th-they cared about me." Mackenzie said with tears and a small smile.

Luke lifted the girl up into a hug and she wrapped her legs around him, placing her head on his shoulder.

"Of course they cared about you Kenz, the only person who actually didn't like you was Sarah. I told you this." He said, hugging the girl with a smile.

"Where the hell are th-  there you guys are!" Alex said as him and Reggie came walking over.

"What happened? did she get hurt?" Reggie asked when he noticed his sister crying.

"Nope. Look at the article on the bulletin.

Reggie looked at the article and read it out loud. "Band members mackenzie and Reggie Stanton, Luke Patterson, and Alex Gordon were all pronounced dead on this Saturday evening. All were loved dearly and will forever be in our schools hearts. Rest In Peace sunset curve."

"So then why is she crying?" Alex asked, not fully understanding the situation going on.

"She's crying because she's finally realized other people cared about her." Luke said as he set her down.

"So no ones hurt?" Reggie asked for confirmation.

"No ones hurt Reg." Mackenzie said with a small laugh as she wiped her tears away.

"Oh, and no more school for you two, your going to make people think this place is haunted." Mackenzie continued, glaring at the two boys.

"Yeas ma'am!" Reggie and Alex said, poofing them all back to the studio.

"So, what should we do now?" Luke asked as he sat back on the couch.

"Well, we need some new songs to preform with Julie so why don't we do some writing?" Mackenzie suggested, Reggie sighing.

"Something FUN." Reggie said.

Mackenzie shook her head at him and said "what's should we do then Reginald?"

"I don't know... can we all just chill and hangout like we used to?" Reggie said, looking down a bit knowing it's not going to be the same.

Mackenzie smiled. "All votes are in? Good, we are doing reggies idea!" She said, not waiting for anyone's response as she tackled her brother.

"What the hell kenz!" Reggie complained as he fell to the ground.

"That's for earlier. Now we can hangout." Mackenzie said helping the boy up off the floor.

The four all hung out around the studio, acting as if they were alive. Nothing couple break apart these four. Reggie and Mackenzie had no choice, Luke cared too much about the girl to let her go, and Alex only felt comfortable around the three.

"Hey so i was thinking for our next gig tha- what the.." Luke said as he watched Mackenzie disappear and a purple smoke fill where she stood.

"Um.. Kenz this isn't funny, come back!" Luke said, playing but off as if it were a joke or prank she was pulling on the three.

"Guys, I don't think this is a prank." Alex said, pointing at the smoke. "There's something wrong."

"Let's just.. look around for her." Reggie said, making the three go their separate ways to find her.

Luke walked down sunset boulevard looking, soon being stopped by a familiar figure.

"Luke? What's up, you look like somethings wrong." Willie said as he walked next to Luke.

"Uh yeah somethings wrong! Mackenzie is gone. Some purple smoke appeared after she got like poofed away." Luke said, looking around as he walked.

"Wait you said purple smoke?" Willie said, stopping the boy.

"Yeah? Why?"

"I've gotta go." Willie said as he poofed away, making Luke sigh as he continued.

For someone who was freaking out inside, he's being pretty calm for the situation. Mackenzie always runs off, but not in the middle of when she's speaking or talking to someone.

This whole thing was weird, but one person was causing this. It just hadn't come to any of the three boys minds yet..

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