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When a few days past, Mackenzie had yet to come down from the loft. As much as she wanted to, the boys seemed to be doing better without her so there was no point.

She heard Julie play on the piano again, a girl that must be Julies friend coming to rant about how Julie isn't in her music program, and then Julie explaining to the boys how she wants to be in the music program again.

Luke and Julie have started to become really close, which made Mackenzie upset because they were technically still dating.. right?

"Ok we'll meet you at your school later to give you some backup music." Alex said, getting the other two to agree.

Mackenzie heard they were practicing the song "bright" that her and Luke wrote together before they died.

It was supposed to be their song, about how they would always stick together so of course this hurt Mackenzie a little bit.

But, she's taking this as her moment to reveal herself. Sure, the alive people may not see her, but the boys and maybe Julie could.

Arriving to the school, Mackenzie hid behind the bleachers, watching the boys give Julie a pep talk.

She watched Julie nervously run up to the keyboard they had set up, probably for one of the other acts.

Today was the pep rally, mackenzies favorite part of highschool for sure.. only because the girls weren't the nicest to her for "hanging out with their boyfriends" or because of the thing in highschool that sent her into the deepest hole of depression she's ever been in. Every girl had a crush on the sunset curve members and just hated Mackenzie for knowing them.

Julie started to play the song more, doing well. Her voice was amazing. But Mackenzie smiled more when the boys appeared on the stage singing and playing.

She gave one last smile before poofing intro he stage, joining them.

"And rise! Through the night, you and I!
We will fight to shine together!
Bright forever!"
She sang into the mic next to Luke.

The three boys had wide eyes, smiles, and maybe even tears. Luke wouldn't take his eyes off of Mackenzie, in awe that she was here.

By the time the song ended, each of them poofed off the stage to leave Julie to explain what that was, since for some reason they could be seen.

Mackenzie poofed to the hallway outside the gymnasium and smiled as she waited for the boys.

Reggie was the first to appear, staring at his sister for a second. "Is it really you..?" He asked as a smile formed on his face.

Mackenzie nodded, Reggie quick to pull her into a hug. "I missed you so much.." he said as he pulled away, noticing the other two boys were there too.

Mackenzie smiled and jumped into Luke's arms, knocking the two of them over to the ground.

The grip they had around eachother was tight. They each started to cry into each other's shoulders.

"Kenz.." Luke sobbed into her shoulder.

"I'm here.. I'm here.." she said tightening her grip around him.

Luke pulled away from the hug, holding mackenzies shoulders, and said "I'm so.. so sorry."

Mackenzie looked up to his eye level and said "my death, it's not your fault. It's my own for running out.. and Bobby worrying more about himself."

✔️We Meet Again ||Luke Patterson||Where stories live. Discover now