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⚠️trigger warning ⚠️

"What do you mean you have news." Kenzie asked as the three boys looked at eachother.

"Ok, remember how we died from eating bad hotdogs?" Luke started to say.

"How could I forget." Kenzie joked, noticing no one else was willing to laugh.

"Well, Bobby was the one who killed us. He accidentally bought expired hotdogs for Juan, the street dog guy. So technically, Bobby killed us." Luke finished, mackenzies eyes widening.

"So first he kills you guys, then marries the worst enemy. What's next, he decides to make a story up about us saying he misses us?!" Kenzie started to overthink, Luke having to grab her shoulders.

"Kenz relax. Alex's new friend can help us get revenge. Now we just have to go meet him at the park.. do you wanna come?" Luke asked the girl.

"No, I need to think. You guys go, I'll be here." She responded. The three boys nodded and poofed away, leaving the girl alone.

Mackenzie was curious to see what else she could find in here, considering that her and Luke practically lived here when they each ran away from home.

Climbing up the ladder to the loft, Kenzie found a cardboard box labeled "Kenz Stanton".

The ripped the tape off of it and opened it up. There were a few outfits in there, her old notebook, and a familiar purple folder.

She lifted the older out out the box and opened it up, revealing every single note that people left in her locker making fun of her.

She never knew why she saved them, she just wanted to keep them in case it would ever be helpful for her.

The note in the front left pocket was one of the many that had damaged her forever.

"Filthy whore,
I can't believe you haven't tried to fuck my boyfriend again. It's incredible to me that you still think your wanted here, literally no one likes you so just cut the act and leave.
Lots of love!
-sarah davis"

Mackenzie remembers that day like it was just yesterday, every single detail.


The five members of sunset curve entered the school at their usual time that Friday morning, 7:30am. Each boy stood beside Kenzie so no one would touch her, Luke giving deadly glares to anyone who even looked at her.

Mackenzie felt bad that the boys followed her around all the time instead of doing their own thing. It was their senior year and her junior year since she was a year younger.

"Guys, go to class. I'll meet up with you all later." Mackenzie said as she approached her locker.

"You sure?" Luke asked.

The girl nodded, letting the boys leave and do their own thing.

Mackenzie opened her locker and saw the note fall out, she picked it up and read it.

She finished reading the note, staring down at the piece of paper as her tears fell against it.

"Awe, Mackenzie got her feelings hurt! Poor baby!" Sarah said in her new petty attitude as she walked past Mackenzie with her boyfriend and new friends.

Mackenzie slammed her locker shut and looked down as she ran out of the school to go home, everyone laughing at her.

"Hey what's so funny?" Reggie asked one of the kids walking by the four.

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