Part 8

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Hello guys, thank you very much for your lovely and I love you.
Rs pov
R: let me get this straight, you thought I killed your Mom?
V(guilty): yes
R: unbelievable! that's why you acted as a friend? to take revenge?
V: no, our meeting and friendship were coincidental, I liked you and wanted you to be my friend. but on the restaurant day, the private detective called me and gave me some evidence about the driver.he said it's you.
R: I don't get it, driver? wait, your mom's state is the result of an accident? and you think I was the one who hit her?
Which logic is that? something is missing here.
V:the accident occurred two months ago, and there was a witness who saw your car hit my mom, she is in this state because she was not saved immediately
R: what? And the witness? He did not try to save her? you did not inform the police?
V: no, I wanted to punish the culprit myself.and about the witness, she did contacted me immediately.
R: she contacted you? Does she know you?
V: you have to take a rest, for now, we will discuss all the other things later.
R: but Vansh I want to know.
V: later sweetheart.
R's pov
I have never had any accidents, then how did he come to this result?
And what did the girl say? and who is she? many questions about this and I will help him to find the real culprit. I can somehow understand how much pain he went through, seeing his mother in that state he must have wanted to give the pain to whoever was who did that.however he should have just asked me for once, and everything would be cleared.
I laid on the bed and adjusted myself slowly and Vansh approached me.
V: I want to say that I am sorry for whatever I did when the private investigator told me that the car is yours, I was horrified and I couldn't believe that the Riddhima I know can do this. After putting your own life at risk for me, I understood my foolish behaviour.
R: it's not easy to get over the past but I can see your motive for what you did all this.
V's pov
I couldn't believe that she is sensitive to this extent, after my mistakes she said she recognized my suffering. I feel more sinful because of hitting her.
I caressed her cheek.
V: I hurt you badly that day, I was in a vengeance mind and I couldn't think wisely, I am so sorry.
Saying the tears in her eyes, I was lost and started kissing her cheek sensitively. she closed her eyes and I came closer kissing her lips, she lifts her hand and held my neck pulling me closer. Soon the kiss turned into a passionate one, my phone brought us both to reality, and we looked stunned at each other .oh my god, what got Into me to do this? and why did she reciprocate? I moved out feeling awkward.what will she think of me now?
R's pov
I can't believe I let him kiss me and kissed him back, I know he's my husband but I don't love him.
Then why on the earth I did that? it's an embarrassing situation.what will he think of me now?
After 3 days
R's pov
Since that kiss, he is ignoring me.going early and returning so late. I don't see him, he just gives the servants instructions to take care of me.
I was frustrated about his acts, I mean we shouldn't have kissed yet this behaviour is ridiculous.
V's pov
I was in the office but my mind is so distracted, I don't know what's happening to me, I couldn't think of something else except the feeling of her lips. I tried to focus on work and I only go there when she is already sleeping but in vain the scene keeps refreshing.
I looked at the watch, it's time to go now, she will be sleeping by now.
I reached home and walked inside the room.
What a relief she is not awake, thank God.then the lights were turned on suddenly.
R(rage): what's wrong with you? Why are you ignoring me?is it because of the k?
I closed her mouth with my hand.
V: please, don't remind me of it, it's making me go crazy.
R's pov
I was irritated but when he said that my cheeks warmed up remembering that day.
R: mm let's just forget that day, no need to sneak in your own house like a thief.
V: thief? Do I look like one?
R:you we're unreasonably ignoring me totally, you could have just talked.what happened was from both our sides, it was a result of our emotional state.
V: you are right about it.
R: did you have your dinner?
V: yes I had it outside.
R: good, let's sleep. tomorrow,  I want you to tell me the entire truth, I wanna help you to catch the culprit.
Saying so I closed my eyes.
Vs pov
She dozed and I was admiring her, it's my new favourite addiction to look at her sleeping cutely. without her knowledge, she snuggled into my arms and I was amazed at the beginning then I wrapped my arms hugging her back and slept peacefully.
Ar's pov
Kabir is good for nothing, I want my sister but first, something crossed my mind, why didn't I think about it from beginning.I held the video of her marriage watching it again when my eyes turned widened seeing some men pointing the gun toward me in the same moment vansh whispered to her.I gritted my teets angrily, The son of the ****, He threatened her by my life.He will pay for it a huge price.

I am thinking of writing an os,it's related to the show but with another upcoming events.I thought of asking you first if you are ok with it because recently I have written many stories related to it, thank you for your opinions guys.

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