1: D-Day.

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'Honey, we're moving' Those three words changed my life forever.

Saturday 15th September. The day I packed my bags, said goodbye to my friends and left Britain for America.  

My names Sophia Belle Andrews and this is my story with some sadness, a lot of love and a heck of amount of laughter.


Chapter 1

'Jack would you stop kicking the back of my seat!'  

Twentieth time I’ve said that to him. I've been sitting through hell on this aeroplane on my way to California. I have my annoying, 13 year old, jerk of a brother who takes pleasure out of disturbing my sleep. Not that it’s physically possible for me to sleep with the paedofilish, pervert sitting next to me. Who keeps "accidently” touching my leg. Urgh. Three hours until landing. Three hours of no sleep. Three hours of burning holes into purvey peters dirty hands.

As you can probably guess, I’m not very psyched to be moving. If it was four years ago id be jumping up and down, not able to retain my excitement but four years is a long time for change to take place. In those four years I’ve made some AMAZING friends, met my gorgeous boyfriend and managed to retain straight A's in my first year of sixth form. England- 3 America- 0. Life was good. But now I have to start a new school and make new friends. Not to mention that I have to spend my seventeenth birthday away from my friends. Have I also mentioned the fact that long distance relationships hardly ever last. The day I told Cam that I was moving was... Was... Well you decide:

**Flash Back** - Week ago 

I’m outside Cams door wondering how I’m going to tell him. He's going to be the first person to know. I quickly look up as the door opens.

'Err Hey babe, what you doing here?' He looks FiNee standing there in nothing but his tracksuits with his gorgeous brown bed hair.

'I’ve got some news.. Can I come in?' I just about made it through the sentence without the waterworks.

He stares at me for a bit as though he can read my expression. Then he smiles trying to lighten the mood 'News? Ha-ha I hope you’re not pregnant'  

Yes that may not be mood lightening for some, but considering I’m still have my v-card, its ok. I’ve been with Cam for half a year and he's been amazing. We’ve been inseparable but I’m 16 and not ready. 

I laugh at his comment and step forward to be stopped by Cam.

'Hold on a sec my brothers got some friends over and dads in my room tryna fix the toilet in the en suite. Let me grab a top and we can go somewhere bit quieter. Wait here'  

As I stood outside his house waiting. I reminisced about all the memories I’ve spent with him. By the time he came out I was a mess. 

'Hey, what’s wrong?' His soft caring voice just makes it worse as does the fear that crosses his eyes when I look up at him. By the time I’ve calmed down, I realise that I’m sitting on the park bench with Cams arm around me.

'You okay now? Ready to tell me what’s got you so upset?'  

I nod my head and look down


He puts his finger under my chin and pushes my head up so I’m looking him in the eye.

'What? All I understood was something about California' He looks so cut confused. I gently put my fingers on his forehead to uncrease it; the look on his face makes me laugh. Ok I need to tell him...

'I’m moving to California' I say it slowly watching his face change from laughter to surprise to sadness to anger.

'What?! As in America? But what about us' High school musical flashes through my head and I start laughing. ‘I’m glad you think this is funny, I guess I’m the only one who’s serious about this relationship’

Now I start to get angry. ‘How can you even think that? I was laughing because of the resemblance to HSM!' I calm down and softly say 'You know how much I care about you’ The look in his eyes is heart breaking. I was so close to shouting ‘JOKE’ and lying to him. But I knew that would hurt him more.

‘So what are we going to do?’ I look at him hoping he can answer the question himself. But there’s no such luck.

‘I don’t know. We could try long distance and I can show my parents how unhappy I’ll be over there and hope they’ll let me move back… But you deserve better than having to wait for me…’

I look up at him waiting for a reply and I as I watch him, it’s as though I can see the cogs in his mind moving. Finally after an agonising few minutes ‘Don’t say that, I’m willing to wait for you. How about we see how it goes?’

I know it’s a lost cause, my parents would never let me move back on my own, but that little bit hope and idealism keeps me from saying no.


**End of Flashback**


Hey guys!

This is my first story, so go easy on the critique. And i know from experiance how annoying authors messages can be from experiance, so ill keep this short.

I just wanted to apologise for the shortness of this chapter, but hopefully they'll be getting longer. Tell me what you think and dont forget to like (:

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