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There are many deciding factors in life.

Like what school you go to determines how good of an education you get.

How much you pay attention in said school determines the job you are able to get once you graduate.

How you treat people determines how they treat you.

Every choice you make in life determines your future, whether it be the near or distant future.

Colby sat in catering, looking over his notes for the night when he saw a blonde sit down next to him, He looked over to see Ashley who was going through messages on her phone.

"Yeah" he nodded "Just come join the party" he said and she looked over at him with a roll of her eyes

"There's nowhere else to sit" Ashley said quickly "and you like my company" she said and he shook his head

"I tolerate your company" he grumbled

"What's wrong with you?" She questioned and he motioned with his head to the table across the room "Luke?" She asked as she saw her best friend sitting next to her boyfriend

"Yeah" he nodded "Luke" he said in a disgusted tone

"What's wrong with him?"

"What's not?" He looked over at her

"She's happy.. let her be happy"

"I am" he nodded "but do you understand how hard it is to pretend to be friends with someone when every time you look at them you see everything you want to have with them flash before your eyes?" He looked over at the blonde who was staring at him with wide eyes

"Holy shit Romeo" she said with a shake of her head "I've never heard you talk like that before"

"We never really talk in the first place" he said as he watched Rebecca lean over and kiss Luke "I can't watch this anymore" he shook his head as he stormed out of the room

Rebecca watched Colby storm out of the room and looked over at Ashley and the two exchanged a knowing glance.

After Rebecca directed Luke to his seats for the night and said her goodbyes she found her best friend in the locker room going through her gear bag.

"What was that about with Colby earlier?" Rebecca asked as she watched Natalya walk out of the room leaving the two women alone

"What was that about?" Ashley asked "Like you don't already know?" She asked with a laugh and the redhead stared at her "He likes you, you idiot"

"I know that" Rebecca nodded "but We're just friends" she said and the blonde shook her head

"Just friends?" She asked and Rebecca nodded "Just friends don't steal glances at each other every time they are around one another, just friends don't get jealous when the other person talks about or sees the other with someone else, just friends don't talk like you two talk, just friends sure as hell don't hook up during a halloween party in a supply closet"

"I told you that in confidence as my best friend!" Rebecca exclaimed

"Oh please! We all saw you two disappear in that closet, we know you two weren't just looking for a broom" she said and the redhead rolled her eyes

"I am happy!" She threw her arms in the air "I'm in a happy relationship and I'm finally happy for the first time in a long time, I'm in an amazing relationship" she said and Ashley nodded as she reached in her best friend's bag "What are you doing?" Rebecca asked she pulled out an envelope and pulled the tiny picture out and showed it to her

"How amazing is your relationship going to be when you tell him your pregnant by a guy that you are "Just Friends" with?" 

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