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Colby walked into the room that would soon be his son's nursery, he watched Rebecca walk back and forth slowly, pacing the room before she would come to a stop and take a deep breath.. this was actually happening, she was about to give birth in her apartment while being held at gunpoint by his psycho girlfriend.. scratch that.. EX-Girlfriend at this point.

"Rebecca" he said in a whisper and she looked over at him

"Where is she?" She asked

"The living room.." He nodded "She's currently playing with the bullets in the gun.. she said she'll stay out of our way as long as we don't make a wrong move" he explained and she nodded

"Where's your phone?" She asked

"She took it" he nodded "She put it with yours.. I was going to message Ashley.. or nick.. somebody but she took it before I got the chance" he said as he closed the door

"I'm already way ahead of you" she nodded "She took my phone but not my iPad" she said

"I'm sorry you're in this situation" he stated and she shook her head as she held her hands up

"Right now isn't the time for apologies" she shook her head

"You're right" he nodded as he moved to the window

"What are you doing?" She asked as he began to move the curtains

"What does it look like? I'm getting us out through the window"

"Okay mission impossible that's not going to work" she shook her head

"Why not?" He asked "We go out the window and to the car and then to the hospital"

"It's not going to work" she shook her head and he watched her crouch down as she looked up at him "because he's not going to wait much longer"

"Which is why we need to go now!"

"You're not listening" she shook her head "There's so much pressure"

"No there's not" he shook his head and she glared at him "How do you know he's not going to wait?"

"Did you not read anything I told you to?" She asked

"I was getting to it" he said "but somebody had to decide to make an appearance before he was supposed to"

"He's coming" she said as she reached for his hand

"No he's not" he shook his head as she squeezed his hand "Let's go" he began to pick her up and pushed him away

"Let go!"

"We can go!" He argued

"Stop talking!" She looked him in the eyes "I'm telling you.. He's coming" she said as she moved to sit in the glider "The contractions are too close together and they're too strong.. if you would have read the first paragraph of that birthing book I gave you you would have known that"

"Okay" he nodded, he was finally and fully accepting that this was actually happening "I don't know what to do.. what do I do?" He asked

"I need you to get towels, make sure they're clean and warm water"

"Towels and water" he nodded as he began to walk away and she grabbed his hand

"Can you do this?" She asked "You're going to deliver him.. are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm okay" he nodded "I can do it" he said "People have delivered babies on the side of the road before.. I can do it in an apartment.."

"You're sure you're okay?"

"I'm okay" he said once more "but can we talk about this later? I'm a little busy at the moment.. I gotta find towels and water" he said and she let go of his hand and watched him disappear

"Knox.." She ran her hand over bump "You are in so much trouble once you get out of there" she said "What kind of record breaking entrance are you trying to make kid?"

Five minutes later Colby reappeared with towels and water, and a few blankets from the hall closet. He shut and locked the door, he wasn't about to let Sarah in the room during this moment... it might have been a chaotic and not ideal moment but this was their moment.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he sat the towels down and crouched down in front of her "You're breathing.. are you breathing right?"

"If I wasn't breathing I'd be dead" she said and he laughed slightly

"Glad to see your sarcasm is still there" he nodded

"I'm so holding this against you for a very long time" she said and she felt the pressure become stronger

"Why?" He asked "What did I do?"

"You have to pick the psychotic ones every time!" She exclaimed "I was supposed to be at a hospital with professionals!"

"Thanks for the vote of confidence!" He said "I've got this under control.. I got towels and water" he said and she laughed slightly

"I don't know how I'm supposed to do this" she shook her head

"We're gonna do it together" he nodded "I told you at the very beginning of all of this that I'm here for everything.. We're going to do this together.. we're going to breathe and you're probably going to break my hand.. but we're going to do it" he kissed her hand gently

Fifteen agonizing moments, three pushes in and a lot of screams and cursing later a sense of relief was felt and a tiny cry was heard in that small nursery.

"Is he okay?" Was the first thing she asked as she watched Colby gently hold the newborn in his arms with a smile as he grabbed a towel and wrapped him in it to keep him warm

"He's perfect" 

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