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The following week Rebecca walked into her apartment that she shared with Luke to find him making dinner, Ashley followed closely behind her, Her flight had been cancelled she had nowhere to stay for the night besides Rebecca's apartment. They sat their bags down by the door and he turned around with a smile.

"Hey!" He exclaimed as he wiped his hands on the towel on the counter

"Forgetting something?" She asked as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head and he looked at Ashley

"Shit" he said "I'm sorry.." He apologized "I was training and got carried away and I forgot I was supposed to pick you up"

"You forgot you were supposed to pick your girlfriend up from the airport?" Ashley questioned as she looked at her best friend with a shake of her head "Yeah.." She nodded as she walked past her "Real good choice there Becks"

"He's got a fight coming up so his mind is on other things.. I understand" she said as she captured his lips quickly

"Yeah and you don't have anything on your mind?"

"Ashley.. do me a favor.. go put your stuff in the guest bedroom and get locked in there while you're at it"

"Whoa.." Luke looked down at his girlfriend "What has gotten into you?" He asked

"Nothing" she shook her head as she watched Ashley disappear down the hallway "She's just being annoying"

"So her being annoying is an excuse for you to snap at her like that?"

"I didn't snap at her" she shook her head with a roll of her eyes "She knows how to take it"

The last few days on the road had been intense, Rebecca and Ashley had to ride together to and from events even after the blonde had admitted to her that she had told Colby about the pregnancy. To say things were unsteady between the two would be an understatement. They only spoke when they absolutely had to and even then it was snide little remarks between the two, they both were beginning to wonder if their friendship would ever get back to the way it was.

Colby on the other had was nowhere to be found that week, he called the producers and told them he needed the week off for a family emergency and whenever anybody tried to check in on him there was no response.

If the greeting at the front door was awkward, dinner that night was worse.. way, way worse.

Rebecca sat next to Luke and Ashley sat in front of them at the small glass table and they ate in silence.

"So how was work this week?" Luke questioned

"Fine" Rebecca responded quietly as she pushed the vegetables around on her plate with her fork

"Are you going to eat or are you going to keep pushing it around until it disappears?" He asked and she remained quiet "You need to eat" he said and Ashley watched him place his hand gently on Rebecca's abdomen and Rebecca's eyes met hers "Baby needs you to eat" he said

"Baby also needs its dad but she doesn't seem to care about that either" Ashley spoke up

"Ashley" Rebecca glared at her

"What is she talking about?" Luke looked to his girlfriend

"She's just being cynical, she doesn't want us to be happy so she's trying everything she can to destroy it"

"What does she mean the baby needs its dad? It has its dad.. I'm right here" he said

"No" Ashley shook her head "You're not"

"Ashley I swear to god I will-" Rebecca yelled as she stood up

"You're gonna do what?" Ashely questioned as he now stood as well "What are you going to do?" The two got in one another's face, their noses touching

"Easy" Luke wrapped his arms around Rebecca gently "You have to be careful" he said as he pulled her away from the altercation

"Luke!" Ashely yelled "Get this through your head! I'm dropping hints every chance I get!" She exclaimed

"Ashley!" Rebecca threatened

"You're not the father! The baby's not yours!" 

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