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Three days after Knox was born both he and Rebecca were released from the hospital.. They decided to go to Colby's house instead of Rebecca's apartment, they didn't want to go back to that apartment with all of the memories it held. It also gave Colby's mother Holly the chance to step in and help the new parents out and it was plenty of room for when Rebecca's parents came over from Ireland a week later.

Two months after Knox was born Rebecca began working out slowly again after getting the all clear from her doctor. Josh was kind enough to come up with the perfect workout plan for the new mom, not to get her back in shape but to help her figure out her new body.. the body that she earned from creating that perfect little baby.

At six months old, Knox made his first full loop on the road with his parents during the European holiday tour. At just six months old he had traveled more than most people and he had the patches to prove it. Rebecca made a point to buy a patch from each place to iron onto a jean jacket that she had bought for Knox before he was born, it was a fun little tradition that she and Colby enjoyed taking the time before the shows finding the perfect one.

At eleven months old on Colby's 32nd birthday Knox said his first official word that wasn't babbling. Much to Colby's dismay, his birthday present wasn't Knox saying "Dada" Knox's first word was in fact "Mama" which should have been a precursor for what was to come...

On his first birthday, June 25th 2018 He took his first steps in a wrestling ring before Monday Night RAW of all places. Given who his parents were it was a little cliché, Colby and Rebecca both tried to get the little boy to take his first steps for months, he had crawled since he was ten months old and would stand with the help of his mother's hands but he refused to take a step until Colby and Rebecca were in the ring before the show.

He took one step, then another, then one more before falling on his butt and looking at his mother with tear filled eyes and his little lip poked out. He wasn't crying but he was on the verge of a meltdown before Colby picked him up.

"Nope" Colby shook his head as he picked the little boy up and placed him back on his feet "You don't give up" he said "Let's go to mommy" he said as the little boy held onto his hands and stared at his mother he reached his little hand out to Rebecca who held her arms out for him and he took one unsteady step and then another before finding a rhythm.

He went to his mother's waiting arms as quick as his little uncoordinated feet could take him.

"Of course he walks to you the first time" Colby nodded "He won't even walk to me do you realize that?" He watched Rebecca hold the little boy above her head with a smile as she laid down in the ring "Freaking mommy's boy" he shook his head

"Now.. don't be jealous" she shook her head "Just because he's the most important boy in my life.." She smiled and Colby rolled his eyes

"He'll switch over" Colby looked at his son who was flailing his little legs in the air as Rebecca played airplane with him

"Don't count on it" she shook her head "He can be a Mommy's boy forever as far as I'm concerned"

Two months later, Knox was almost 14 months old and had grown to a whole 30 inches tall, and 22 pounds, he had just gotten his seventh tooth, He was happy and healthy. He had a few new words in his little vocabulary which included "Dada" and "Bye" and his attachment to his mother became stronger but he was slowly warming up to his father more and more each day.

Knox loved Colby and would go to him out of everyone else if Rebecca wasn't around, but if he had to chose between the two he would always go to his mother.

Summerslam 2018 proved to be monumental in Rebecca's career, it was the night that her career officially began to skyrocket after years and years of hard-work and sacrifice.

Colby was backstage in talent viewing, holding Knox in his arms as the little boy looked at the screen.

Once the match was over, Colby watched Rebecca and Ashley embrace one another in the middle of the ring, it was a touching moment, a bittersweet moment.. because as happy as he was for Ashley's win, he was a little sad at the fact that Rebecca once again had her moment stolen from her.

He watched Rebecca reel back and deck Ashley as hard as she possibly could across the face and his jaw dropped. The attack continued, the reaction from the crowd was deafening, he could hear it loudly all the way in the back. He looked at Knox with wide eyes and then back to the screen and back to the little boy with a shake of his head.

"Knox.." He said with a small smile "You might want to buckle up kid.. cause I gotta feeling we're about to go on one hell of a ride" 

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