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Two weeks after making their relationship official, Rebecca and Colby were practically inseparable. More so than before if that was even possible, they were constantly with one another and if they weren't physically together they were constantly on one another's minds.

Rebecca's career was on another level of success as the road to wrestlemania was in full swing. Professionally for both her and Colby things could not have been better.. and as successful their professional lives were their personal lives were that much better.

Rebecca was finishing unpacking her bags and doing laundry while Colby played with Knox in the living room. They were at Rebecca's home in L.A that weekend before they would go on the road in a few days for the weekend loop of house shows.

There was a loud knock on the front door and Rebecca looked to Colby confused as he sat on the floor with a babbling Knox.

"Are you expecting someone?" He asked and Rebecca shook her head as there was another knock on the door

"L.A Police!" They heard on the other side of the door and now they were both confused as Colby stood up and picked Knox up in his arms and he watched Rebecca walk towards the door

"What the hell do the police want?" He asked and she shrugged as she unlocked the door to figure out what all the commotion was about

"Yes?" She asked as she opened the door to be met by a few officers

"Are you Rebecca Quin?" The taller man of the two in front of her questioned

"I am" she nodded "Can I help you?" She asked confused

"We are here to retrieve a Knox Sanders" he said and Rebecca shook her head

"I don't understand" she shook her head "First of all his last name is Lopez and secondly he's not even two years old.. what could he have possibly done?"

"He's not the one that has done anything" the other cop shook his head "WE are here to safely retrieve him and return him to his father" and now Rebecca looked to Colby confused

"Hi" Colby stepped up now "You're looking at his father"

"Are you Luke?" The cop asked "Because according to these paternity tests that were done the day of Knox's birth his father is a Mr.Luke Sanders" he held the paper out to Rebecca and she read over it quickly and sure enough in black and white it was written multiple times on the paternity test results

She and Colby never looked at those results, Colby didn't want to look at them when they got them back. They gave them to Ashley and never saw them again.

Colby quickly snatched the results from Rebecca and read them for himself

"Wait.. Luke wasn't there when Knox was born.. how the hell did he ever find out?"

"He is technically allowed to contact the hospital that ran the test and get the results because it involves himself as a candidate" the officer explained

"Okay" Rebecca nodded "So he found out.. and why didn't he call me? He still has my number! Why would he get the cops involved?"

"Because he believes you would be resistant to hand the child over to him, so he has involved us"

"You're not taking my son to him" she shook her head "Absolutely not"

"We won't be taking your son to him" the cop shook his head "Knox will be taken to a safe home until the courts can decide the best decision for the child"

"Knox is safe here" Rebecca said

"We have been nice and understanding that this is very out of left field for the two of you" the officer nodded "So either we take him without a scene or we can cuff you, take you down the the station and cause a scene and also traumatize your son in the process" he held the handcuffs up

"He's going to be traumatized either way" Colby spoke up from behind Rebecca and she shook her head as kissed her son's head quickly

"Mommy's gonna get this all figured out" she said to Knox and kissed his head once more "Let him go Colby" she said and he shook his head "Don't make it any more stressful on him than it's already going to be" she said as she took the little boy into her arms and held him close to her chest before passing him to the waiting officer as the little boy began to cry as he reached out for her and she kissed his hands quickly "You're gonna be okay" she nodded "You're just going to have a sleepover.. you'll be home soon" she said

"Mama!" He cried as the cops began to walk away from the house

Rebecca watched the cars pull out of her driveway before closing the door and looking at Colby before storming into the kitchen and grabbing her keys from the counter

"What the fuck do we do?" He asked and he saw the look in her eyes, the death glare she had would be enough to kill someone if looks could actually kill

"We go get our son. That's what we do" she said

"How are we supposed to do that? You heard them, Luke knew this entire time and just bided his time"

"He knows something we don't" she shook her head

"And exactly how are you planning on getting him to tell you the truth?" He asked as she walked out the door

"I will beat it out of him if I have to!" She yelled as she ran towards her car "Are you coming or not?" She asked

"Somebody has to bring bail money" he said as he quickly followed her 

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