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"REBECCA!" She heard her name being called from the other side of the door and she looked down at her son in her arms "Rebecca!" She heard once more before it registered
"Ashley!" She yelled back and the blonde burst into the room quickly with a horrified look on her face
"That's a lot of blood" she said looking at the blood stained rug on the floor and then to her best friend and then her eyes landed on the newborn that was snuggled against Rebecca's chest "Is that.." Ashley pointed
"Knox" Rebecca nodded "This is Knox" she looked down at the baby boy and Ashley walked over slowly
"How?When?" She asked as she looked down at the baby
"He was born about 20 minutes ago.." She said "Colby delivered him.." She said and her eyes looked up at her best friend with tears "Where is he? I heard a gunshot"
"Colby's fine" she nodded "The cops are currently talking to him.. The gun fired in the middle of Sarah and Colby fighting over it and it hit the wall.. Sarah's under arrest and in a police car right now" she placed her hand on Knox's head gently "The paramedics are on their way up right now"

The paramedics made their way into the apartment, began assessing the situation and deciding the proper care for both Rebecca and Knox.
"We're going to take you to the hospital.." One EMT said with a nod "We're gonna get you to the stretcher" she said "You can hand baby over" she said and Ashley moved take Knox from her best friend
"I've got him" Ashley nodded as she carefully brought the newborn close to her chest

They got Rebecca situated on the stretcher and Knox was quickly passed back to her and on her chest under an aluminum blanket to keep him warm. Once everyone was safely prepared to be moved, they made their way towards the waiting ambulance.

Colby watched the paramedics load Rebecca and Knox into the back of the ambulance and felt his heart begin to race. He knew the paramedics needed to take them to the hospital but not being able to go with them was causing major anxiety.

"Ash.." He said as the blonde walked out of the apartment "Go with them.." He said pointing towards the ambulance and Ashley went without even a second thought.

She knew Colby had to stay back at the scene to inform officers of everything and answer any questions that they had for him.

An hour after arriving at the hospital, the nurses and doctors had come and gone multiple times, Rebecca was hooked up to fluids, given an antibiotic to prevent infection, and the bleeding was finally stopped.

Knox was taken to the NICU to be examined by the nurses and doctors on that floor, he was given a good bill of health very quickly and returned to his mother.

Rebecca heard the door to her room open and looked over to see Colby walk in slowly, he stood by the door watching Rebecca cradle a sleeping Knox in her arms. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw them for the first time since the chaos started.

"Hey.." She said in a whisper and he smiled slightly
"Hi" he walked over to the bed, sitting on the side of it as he looked down at the tiny bundle wrapped up cozily in a white blanket "Is he okay?"
"He's perfect" she whispered as she looked down at the newborn "6 pounds 2 ounces.. 18 and a half inches long... all ten fingers and toes"
"I made sure of that" Colby nodded "I counted them twice to make sure" he said and she smiled
"the doctors and nurses said you did an amazing job delivering him" she smiled
"I didn't do anything" he shook his head "You did all the work" he ran finger over the baby boy's cheek "Where's Ashley?" He looked around the room
"She went back to the apartment to get the hospital bags I just packed and to try and clean up once she got permission from the police"
"I'm sorry" he stated quickly "you wouldn't have been in this situation if-"
"Colby" she cut him off "We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you" she said and he went to speak again but she silenced him once more "we wouldn't.. you saved us.. both of us" She said quickly and she yawned
"Go to sleep" he said with a nod as he gently took Knox from her arms "I've got him" he said as he walked over to the fold out couch
"Are you sure?" She asked
"You've had him for the last eight months all to yourself.." he shook his head "it's father-son bonding time now" he looked at the sleeping baby
"Wake me up if you need me" the redhead nodded
"I'm his dad.. I can handle it" Colby said confidently

An hour after convincing Rebecca to fall asleep, he looked down at his son.. fully taking him in for the first time, it brought tears to his eyes as he admired this tiny creation.

"Wow" he said in a whisper with a shake of his head "You really are perfect.. how the hell did I make something so perfect? You must have gotten a lot of your mommy's genes" he admired the tiny fingers that were barely sticking out above the blanket "You're the best thing that's ever been made in a supply closet I can tell you that much" he laughed and he looked over at Rebecca who was sleeping peacefully "You wanna know a secret?" He questioned and the little boy's eyes began to open slowly as he heard his father's voice "I broke up with Sarah weeks ago" he nodded "we were only pretending to be okay because I didn't want your mommy to think I wasn't in a stable home to be able to raise you" he nodded as the little boy's eyes met his "I guess Sarah took that pretending to a whole new level and I'm sorry that put you in such a dangerous situation.. that wasn't my intention.. Daddy was going to ask Mommy to give it a shot with him.. I was gonna ask her to be my girlfriend" he nodded and the little baby's mouth fell open.. complete coincidence in this situation but it made Colby laugh "I know" he nodded "I think it would have shocked her too.. but this whole situation today has just made that impossible, there's no way she's going to ever go out with me.." he said "is my secret safe with you?" He questioned and the little boy let out a tiny sneeze "I'll take that as a yes"

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