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Colby felt Rebecca's fingernails digging into his skin as she squeezed his hand and he looked over at her as she sat in the passenger seat of his black Tesla.

"Has it let up at all?" He asked concerned and she shook her head

"No" she said through tears "Something's wrong" she said in a whisper and his eyes left the road for a second and met hers before he looked back at the streets that they were zooming down

"Positive thoughts" he said with a nod

"That's hard to do right now when this pain just keeps getting worse" she said and he nodded, he understood that she was in pain and he knew that he would never be able to handle this feeling she was going through

He was scared to death but he couldn't show her that, he had to be the strong one in this situation because she sure as hell wasn't able to keep her own composure being in that much pain and being just as terrified as he was.

After arriving at the hospital and being checked in at the front desk of the emergency room, everything was a blur.

Colby watched Rebecca get examined by three separate nurses as he sat in the corner of the tiny triage room. He'd never been in this situation so he wasn't sure what was going to come next.

"How far along are you?" The older nurse whose name was Nancy asked as she took Rebecca's vitals

"9 weeks yesterday" Rebecca answered quickly as she looked at the blood pressure cuff on her arm

"132 over 84" Nancy said as she read the numbers and removed the cuff from the redhead's arm

"Is that bad?" Colby spoke up for the first time from the corner and Rebecca looked over at him

"It's high" Nancy nodded "Much higher than we'd like to see especially during pregnancy"

"What causes that?" He asked

"Well it could be from the pain that Miss Quin is in, it could also be caused by her stress level.. I'm going to order an IV drip of fluids and an acetaminophen for the pain, we're going to find out what the cause of the high blood pressure is.. if we can get the pain to go away and the blood pressure goes down then we know the cause, but in the meantime try to relax" Nancy explained

"What about the baby.." Rebecca said as she looked down at her hands that were placed protectively over her abdomen

"I'm going to order an ultrasound as well" Nancy nodded

Watching the nurse leave the room, Colby let out a deep breath and looked over at Rebecca who placed her hands over her face

"Hey.." He said as he moved the wooden chair closer to the bed and he grabbed her hand "It's gonna be okay" he nodded

"You don't know that" she shook her head

"No" he shrugged "but I'm trying to be positive until they tell me not to be positive"

"Its my fault" she said and he looked at her "If I wasn't being so reckless and screaming and angry for the last hour we wouldn't be here right now and this baby wouldn't be in jeopardy"

"Hey" he shook his head "Do you realize what we do for a living?" He asked and she nodded "This is our kid" he placed his hand on her abdomen and she looked at his hand that almost completely covered it "Do you really think that this kid is going to give up that easily?" He questioned with a small smile

Nancy came in twenty minutes later with a small smile as she placed the bags of fluid on the bed and reached for Rebecca's hand to place and IV on the top of her hand. Rebecca turned her head away to avoid looking at it and she felt Colby reach for her other hand and their eyes met quickly

"You're doing great" he said and she flashed him a small smile

After getting all hooked up to the IV they were left for another 45 minutes before a different nurse rolled an ultrasound machine in the triage room.

"What the hell is that?" Colby asked as he watched the nurse grab the wand "that doesn't look like something you put over your stomach" he shook his head and Rebecca laughed

"It's still too early in the pregnancy for an abdominal ultrasound to be accurately done especially during these circumstances" the nurse explained and Colby looked at Rebecca with wide eyes and she smiled at him

"I'm okay" she nodded

"Pressure" the nurse said and Rebecca reached out for his hand once more and squeezed it before he felt her relax

The screen came to life and it was black and white, the nurse was examining everything from fluid level to any signs of problems from the the fall Rebecca had taken.

"Look at that" Colby smiled "Little gummy bear"

"It's bigger from a few weeks ago" Rebecca said with a smile

"Which is a good thing" the nurse nodded with a smile "Heart beat looks good" she nodded and she pressed a few buttons

The loud swooshing sound rang through the tiny cubicle from the machine, it was steady and sounded like a horse galloping quickly and Rebecca looked over at Colby with a small smile

"That's our baby's heartbeat" she said in a whisper with tears in her eyes

"Wow" he whispered as he looked at the screen

"Heartbeat is strong.. this baby has went through a lot in the last few hours from what you've told us about.. with that being said it looks healthy and strong so that should put your mind at ease"

"Healthy and Strong" Rebecca looked from the screen to Colby once more

"Strong" he nodded with a smile "That's that Irish side" he said 

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