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8 Weeks Later...

May 28th 2017

Rebecca was 33 weeks pregnant when Colby's 31st birthday rolled around.

There she stood with family and friends in the wrestling academy as she watched Sarah lead a blindfolded Colby into the school.

"He's 31 and we're doing a surprise party, really?" Ashley questioned
"It's her boyfriend.. just let her do something that makes her happy"
"I am letting her do what makes her happy" Ashley nodded "I'm just saying he's not a little kid anymore.. what's the point in blindfolding him and dragging him here where we all jump out and yell surprise! He's not a little boy"

"Sarah!" Ashley smiled as they watched her walk up to them and the blonde put on her fakest face
"Did I invite you?" Sarah asked Coldly
"No" the blonde shook her head as she folded her arms across her chest "but She's about to give birth any second" she pointed to Rebecca "and she doesn't  need to be traveling alone"
"I'm not about to give birth any second" Rebecca shook her head with a laugh "I've still got seven weeks left and little Knox knows that he's got to stay put until then" she patted her bump gently
"Little Knox?" Sarah questioned
"Yes" Rebecca nodded "Colby and I agreed"
"That's not the name he and I agreed on" she shook her head
"Well it's not your kid so you don't have a say" Ashley spoke up
"His name is Knox" Rebecca stated "That's the end of that discussion"
"I'll have to talk to Colby about it" she looked at her boyfriend who was mingling with friends he hadn't seen in forever
"Speaking of.." Rebecca said "I'm going to find cake"
"Of course you are" Ashley nodded as she watched her best friend walk away

Rebecca found cake and Colby found her almost immediately.

"Hey you" he said as he walked up to her "I didn't know you were here" he shook his head
"Knox and I are kind of a package deal at the moment Lopez" she smirked "I wasn't going to let him miss his dad's birthday party"
"You mean you weren't going to miss out on the free cake" he noted the plate in her hand
"I want him to have the full birthday experience! This is his first birthday party he's ever been too.. you can't deprive him of cake" she scoffed
"He would be pretty mad at me if I didn't let him have cake huh?"
"Oh yeah.. the angriest he's ever been.. he would take it out on me and I'd have no other choice than to take it out on you.. just to get his message across" she stated and he laughed

Sarah and Ashley watched the two in this conversation. Ashley watched Sarah begin to radiate with jealously as she watched Rebecca make Colby laugh.

"They're friends Sarah" Ashley shook her head "nothing more"
"They're way more than friends" Sarah exclaimed "she's carrying his kid"
"Yeah" the blonde nodded "and you weren't in the picture when that happened"
"I am now" she said coldly and Ashley looked from her friend to the brunette
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means once Rebecca has that baby.." she shook her head "Colby and I will finally have peace and the family we've talked about"
"You do realize she's not going anywhere right?" The blonde questioned "she's not just gonna pop this kid out and then hand it over to you"
"A baby needs two parents"
"He has two parents.. two parents that love him very much"
"They're not together like Colby and I are"
"That doesn't matter" Ashley laughed "there's no way in hell Rebecca is going to let you take over her role.. she's Knox's mom"
"That's gonna change too" Sarah nodded "my son's name is not going to be Knox"
"He's not your son!" Ashley exclaimed
"Wait for it" Sarah said quietly "She'll hand him over" She said "one way or another"

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