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Four weeks later

Rebecca moved to Iowa officially a week after Colby's birthday, she got an apartment fifteen minutes away from Colby and Sarah's house. She wanted to be close to him so Knox would have stability and not be bounced from state to state his entire life. There was an option for Rebecca to move in with Colby and Sarah but they decided against it to make Sarah feel more comfortable.

Colby was in the middle of leading a class when he heard his phone ringing from the desk near the door. He rolled out of the ring and saw Sarah's face appear on the caller ID, he was confused.. he knew Sarah was supposed to be with Rebecca today, helping her get everything set up in her apartment.

"Hey" he said as he answered quickly

"You need to come to Rebecca's apartment" Sarah said quickly and he looked at Nick as he walked over

"What's wrong?" He was officially more confused

"We were putting clothes away and she felt a lot of pressure and then there was a gush" she explained "Her water broke" she said

"Her water can't break! It's not time yet!" He exclaimed and Nick handed his friend his keys

"Well your son has other plans" she said "Just get here quick!"

It took Colby 10 minutes to get to Rebecca's apartment from the school, he may have ran a few red lights and went a smidge over the speed limit to get there in record time. He walked up the stairs and opened the unlocked door to the apartment. He saw Rebecca sitting on the couch with her arms folded across her chest and tears in her eyes.

"Hey.." He said quietly as he walked to her quickly and tried to remain his own composure

"I thought I was feeling contractions last night.. but I wasn't sure" she shook her head "and then when my water broke it all started to get really intense"

"How often are the contractions?" He asked and watched her reach for her phone

"Every 3 minutes" she said "Speaking of" she took a deep breath

"Okay" he nodded "This is happening fast.. really fast" he said

"Yeah" she said shakily

"We need to get you to the hospital" he said

"No" she shook her head as tears fell now

"What do you mean no? You're about to have a baby, you need to be in a hospital"

"We can't" she shook her head

"What are you talking about? I drove here, and if you don't want to go in my car, we can take your car.. we can go right now"

"You don't understand.." She cried "WE can't leave!" She exclaimed

"Why?" He asked and he felt her hands squeeze his as she leaned against his chest and he felt her tears soaking his shirt

"You're not going anywhere" he heard Sarah's voice and he looked over to see her coming into the living room

"Somebody explain to me what the fuck is going on!" He exclaimed

"She's crazy" Rebecca spoke quietly

"Aw Becks.." Sarah said "You're not really in a position to say that are you?" She asked and Colby looked to his girlfriend

"She's got a gun" Rebecca said and Colby's eyes widened

"Where did you get a gun?!" He yelled

"That doesn't matter, what matters is your son is about to come into the world" Sarah nodded "and we are going to be parents"

"She's held me here all day" Rebecca said

"She said your water had just broken"

"It's been broken for hours now" Rebecca took a deep breath as she felt the pain building again "She just decided to call you now"

"What is your plan with this?" He asked as he stood up and walked towards Sarah and Rebecca grabbed his hand to stop him "You want something from this"

"I'm doing this for us!" Sarah exclaimed "I'm doing this so we can have our son and he can be happy being raised by two loving parents"

"If I wasn't in so much pain right now I would knock you the fuck out" Rebecca stated and Colby felt her grip tighten on his hand

"You want us to raise him together.." Colby nodded as he took Sarah's attention away from Rebecca "You want him to have an amazing life.. if that's true then you need to let us go to the hospital.. he needs to be born with doctors and nurses that know what they're doing"

"No!" Sarah screamed "If he's born in the hospital I can't take him where he needs to be taken.. he has to be born here so I can take him to the safe house"

"The safe house? What the hell are you talking about?"

"She bought a house outside of town and she's going to take Knox as soon as he's out.. she's going to keep him there until you meet her there and then you're going somewhere she hasn't told me.. she said I have to agree or she'll make sure neither one of us see him" Rebecca explained "Ah!" She doubled over in pain

"Whoa.. again?" Colby questioned "That's less than three minutes" he shook his head "Sarah!" He looked at her "You need to let us go!" He exclaimed "Please" he begged and the brunette looked at Rebecca

"If she has a baby.. she's having him here" 

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