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Rebecca walked back into the triage room after getting changed back into her clothes, Colby stood up from the wooden chair as he stared at the photos in his hands before handing them to her.

"Ready?" He questioned and she nodded

"I just have to sign the final discharge paper at the nurses station on the way out" she took a deep breath "I'm glad you were here for this..I don't know if I could have done this alone"

"You're not alone in this" he shook his head "This wasn't planned and its not an ideal situation to be brining a child into but you're not alone, I'm here whenever or whatever you need"

"I've got to go back to that apartment" she folded her arms across her chest as she closed her eyes

"You don't have to" he shook his head "If you don't feel safe you can always go to a hotel for the night or you can stay with me"

"I'm not staying with you" she shook her head "I'm not putting that type of burden on you"

"Its not a burden, its keeping you safe" he said

"I'll be fine" she nodded

"You told me you were fine before and look at where we ended up" he looked around at the room "So forgive me if I don't exactly believe you when you say that"

"I promise, if something happens I'll leave.. I don't look for Luke to come back tonight anyway" she said and he stared at her for a moment, she could see the concern and doubt in his eyes "I promise" she said once more with a nod

"Do you mind if I have a moment with our kid for second?" He asked and she smiled at him sweetly and unfolded her arms as he bent down to be eye level with her flat abdomen "Listen here gummy bear, I'd really appreciate it if you don't make us come back to a hospital until its time to meet you"

"This is ridiculous" Rebecca shook her head

"Do you mind?" He looked up at her "I'm having a fatherly discussion" he said and she rolled her eyes

Colby drove Rebecca home after she finished signing the final discharge papers, he walked her to the apartment and she unlocked the door and opened the door to see Luke sitting on the couch and she looked back at Colby who tensed up behind her.

"Ah" Luke nodded with a smug smile "Colby" he said with a laugh "I should have known when I left she would call you"

Rebecca felt him move from behind her and before she could reach out to stop him Luke was being pulled up by his shirt off the couch and punched in the face.

"Colby!" Rebecca yelled and he looked at her "Enough!" She said and he threw Luke to the ground

"What the fuck was that for?!" Luke yelled

"That was for putting my kid in danger" Colby spat

"Putting the kid in danger?" Luke questioned as he stood up

"I was so stressed out and worked up that I started cramping during our argument.. then when you left you shoved me and I fell" Rebecca said

"She could have lost the baby" Colby stated quickly

"That would have been so sad" Luke nodded coldly, sarcastically

Colby began to lunge at him again before Rebecca placed her hand on his chest to stop him. Luke smiled smugly, she'd stopped Colby from hitting him once more. He was smug when she stepped up to him with a look that could kill if that was physically possible.

"I'm sure if you did lose the kid you two could go in the hall closet over there and make another one" he felt a hard hit to his face and it made him stumble back and he saw Colby wrap his arm around Rebecca and pull her away protectively

"Get out" she said quietly

Luke grabbed his keys and walked out the door before slamming it shut behind him. Rebecca let out a sigh of relief once Luke was gone and looked to Colby

"He deserved that" Rebecca nodded

"Should have hit him harder" Colby said quickly

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