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Luke's hold and Rebecca dropped immediately

"GET OUT!" Rebecca yelled as she pointed to the door "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" She screamed

"Yeah you're welcome by the way" Ashley said as she grabbed her coat "You don't have to tell him the truth anymore since I did it for you"

Rebecca watched the blonde walk out the door and she slammed the door and turned to face Luke now.

"What the fuck is going on?!" He yelled and she took a deep breath

"You're not the father of this baby" she placed her hand on her abdomen gently "I planned on telling you as soon as I told you but I saw the look on your face and how excited you were and I couldn't crush that"

"So lying to me about it seemed like the best idea?" He asked

"It wasn't the plan" she shook her head

"Who?" He questioned and she stared at him in silence "If its not mine, whose is it?" He asked more clearly this time

"Colby" she stated and he ran his hands through his hair

"Colby" he nodded as he turned away from her "Of course" he nodded once more "Of course!" He yelled

"What does that mean?" She asked as she folded her arms across her chest

"It means I should have seen this coming!" He yelled at her as he threw his arms in the air "I should have seen this before it even happened! I see the way he looks at you! He wants you!"

"Don't be stupid" she laughed "He doesn't want me! WE ARE FRIENDS!" She yelled over him
"Friends" he said in a whisper "Friends" he laughed "Yeah" he nodded "it sure as hell looks like you're a lot more than friends!"

"So we are going to co-parent... what's the big deal with that?"

"You're going to co-parent? Have you heard from him at all?"

"No" she said in a breathless whisper

"Okay so let me get this straight, he knows you're pregnant, he knows he's the father and he hasn't reached out to even speak to you about it and you expect to co-parent with him?"

"He needs time"

"He needs time" Luke nodded "Well he should have taken the time to think about what he was doing when he fucked you in the first place!" He yelled as he walked away

Rebecca heard the door to their bedroom slam shut and then she heard a large crash, she honestly didn't want to know what he was doing to their room but she knew if she didn't go in the entire thing would be destroyed within a matter of seconds.

She walked slowly to the room, placed her head on the door and took a deep breath before turning the knob and opening it and seeing the hole in the wall

"You punched the wall?" She questioned and Luke's head snapped around to look at her

"Its better to be the wall than a person" he spat and she took a deep breath

"I'm sorry" she said as tears began to form in her eyes "I really am, but we weren't together.. we were separated at the time and we hadn't spoken to each other in a few weeks at that point.."

"So that makes this better?" He asked as he ran his hands over his face

"No" she shook her head "I know it doesn't but I didn't do it intentionally"

"You didn't do it intentionally?" He questioned "What else do you call it? You obviously knew what you were doing when you let him lead you to a hotel room and had sex with him"

"Supply closet" she said quietly


"It was a supply closet not a hotel room"

"That just makes it better!" He yelled as he shook his head "I know you and I know how you are when we have sex so since you didn't have the sheets tell me what did you hang onto during this whole process the broom or the mop?"

"Luke!" She rolled her eyes "seriously?"

"Yes" he nodded as he folded his arms across his chest "So which cleaning product was it?"

"I didn't have to hold onto anything because unlike you he actually was able to keep me right where he wanted me" she snapped and his eyes widened

"Rebecca.." He said

"No!" She yelled "I'm not going to apologize for having sex with someone when we weren't together!"

"So what are you going to apologize for? Getting pregnant or lying to me about it?"

"I am sorry I lied to you, I was going to tell you but the bottle blonde beat me to it.. but I'm not for one second going to apologize for getting pregnant" she shook her head and he blasted past her knocking her into the wall in the process

"LUKE!" She yelled as she followed him and he grabbed his keys from the counter, she grabbed his arm to stop him and he jerked away from her, pushing her in the process and causing her to stumble and fall

She heard the front door slam shut as she hit the floor and she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Her life was falling apart all around her and she knew she didn't have anyone else to blame but herself. She brought this all on herself, she could have and should have avoided this whole situation by just telling everyone the truth.

She laid on the floor trying to catch her breath and calm herself down, she heard a knock on her door but she wasn't about to get up from her spot on the floor, whoever it was could knock the door down if they really wanted in.

"Rebecca!" She heard, Colby "Open the door!" He yelled

"Come in yourself!" She yelled back and she heard the door open

Colby opened the door and saw the dismay the apartment was in and then he saw the redhead laying on the floor, tears falling from her eyes as she held her hands over her midsection

"Rebecca!" He yelled as he ran over to her "Are you okay?" He asked

"Why are you here?" She asked

"Answer my question first" he said as he helped her sit up

"I'm fine.. I stumbled and fell.. I'm fine" she answered "Why are you here?"

"Chicago and Davenport aren't that far apart from each other and I knew you were off today.." He said "WE clearly need to talk so I decided to come here and I just passed Luke as I was pulling in the parking garage and he sped off out of here"

"Yeah" she nodded "It didn't end well" she said as he helped her stand up

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked and she nodded as she straightened up

"Fine" she said as she wiped the tears from her eyes quickly

She felt the sharp pain shoot through her lower abdomen causing her to double over as she lost her breath

"Whoa! Hey" Colby said as he grabbed her arms "You're not okay" he shook his head

"It's just a cramp" she said "It's normal" she said as she continued to breathe through the sharp pain before another stabbing pain hit again "Ah.." She let out a breathless cry

"Alright, That's it" he shook his head

She felt herself being lifted off the ground in his arms as he made his way out of the apartment

"Where are you taking me?" She asked

"Where do you think I'm taking you?" He asked "You're going to the hospital" he said "I'm not taking any chances" 

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