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When Royal Rumble weekend rolled around in 2019 it was one of the biggest events of the year. The little trio arrived in Arizona a few days prior to the Pay-Per-View because each Rebecca and Colby had to do media everyday prior to the event.

Rebecca was on the morning/early afternoon crew which meant she had all of her interviews starting at 8AM every morning. She would wake up 6AM, get showered and dressed and go downstairs to get her hair and makeup done by the makeup artists that were in the giant expo room in the hotel. After getting ready for the day she would meet up with Mark to get her paper filled with how many interviews and events she had that day, she would grab Colby's as well before coming up to the room once again but this time she returned with Breakfast for Knox who was still fast asleep, she would give him a gentle kiss careful not to wake him after transferring him from her bed to Colby's, Knox would curl into his father and that's how she would leave them for the day.

Colby would get up an hour after Rebecca left and get prepared for the day before Knox was awake, the two would go to the local gym where Knox would run around while Colby got his workout in, he would often use the little boy as added weight during his workout, it kept the little boy busy and happy during the hour. Once the workout was complete they would return to the room where Rebecca would have just dropped lunch off for them before returning to her duties, Colby would make sure Knox was fed, and down for his nap before Rebecca got back in the afternoon, then Colby would go on his media tour.

This is a routine that took them months to figure out, it took a lot of time and adjustments to find what worked for them. Knox used to go with his parents to the interviews, which was fine when he was a baby but when he began to get older and began to learn to talk and explore all the little boy wanted to do was steal microphones and have conversations that nobody knew what he was saying..So for everyones sanity they figured out that they needed to take shifts.

After a long day of media interviews Colby walked back into the hotel room and heard Rebecca's voice immediately and it made him smile.

"It's a dog.." She said "what sound does a dog make?" She asked little Knox who was sitting in her lap looking at the small book in her hands

"Woof!" The little boy exclaimed excitedly

"Woof woof woof" Rebecca said as she kissed the little boy's head as she turned the page "Look a dinosaur!" She exclaimed "What's a dinosaur sound like?"

"Rawr!" The little boy growled as he looked up at her with a smile that melted her heart every single time "Rawr" he said once more

"Rawr! What does rawr mean?" She asked

"Love you" the little boy said and Rebecca nodded

"Rawr means I love you" Rebecca smiled

"Hey.." Colby said as he walked further into the room

"DADA!" his son stood up from his mother's lap and jumped into his arms

"Hey kid" Colby smiled as he held his son in his arms

"Rawr!" The little boy exclaimed and Colby laughed

"Rawr.." Colby nodded "Are you excited to go spend time with Aunt Ashley?" He asked

"Why is he spending time with Ash?" Rebecca questioned confused

"Because We're going on a date" He said as he placed Knox on the floor and the little boy ran towards his toys in the corner

"We are?" Rebecca asked with wide eyes

"We are" Colby nodded "I mean I hope" he said and she smiled

"You've never taken me on a date before" she shook her head

"Well after years of friendship and a kid together I think it's about time we change that" 

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