8 Months

210 9 3

My girl is not due for two weeks and I'm so excited. 2 weeks! That's crazy to think about. The great thing is my baby's due date is a week before my birthday. She is due April 14th and my birthday is April 23. If she is late we could have the same birthday! All these things run through my mind as I'm sitting on the couch letting everyone touch my stomach.

"Oh my god. A kick. Did you feel that Ashley?!" Justin is so happy.

"Yeah I did she's moving a lot." I laughed.

"I can't wait." He kissed me.

"I need to get up and go to the bathroom."

"Okay let me help you."

He helped pull me up and walked me over to the downstairs bathroom. As I was walking there I felt something drip. It wasn't just a drip a bunch of water.

"Shit did I just pee all over myself?"

My mom ran over.

"Ashley your water broke! We need to get you to the hospital now!"

"Oh my god. But she's not due for two weeks!"

"Sometimes they come a little early."

I was freaking out. This is the real thing now. Is it going to hurt? Yeahh it is. Oh my god.

Justin picked me up and took me to the car. I sat there and we took off.

"I thought this was supposed to hurt?" I had heard that labor hurts, because contractions and stuff like that.

"Your water only broke once we get to the hospital you will start feeling pain."

"Does is hurt?"

"Yes Ashley."

Oh god.

"How bad?"

"Its the worst pain you will feel.. But its worth it."

Oh god.

"On a scale of 1-10, what is it?"


Oh god. Why does it hurt so bad.

"Will it kill me?"

"God Ashley stop asking questions."


Mom was right once we got to the hospital I started feeling the contractions. Oh god I feel like I'm shitting a knife.

"Oh god this fucking hurts. Why is she doing this to me?"

"She is not doing anything except what she is supposed to."

"Oh my god."

They put me in a wheelchair and took me to a room. I laid down on the bed and the contractions stopped. Oh my gosh what a relief.

"How many contractions do I have till she comes out."

"Not too many but not too little."


I was sitting there for a few more minutes when the contractions happened again. Oh god it hurts so bad. I looked at Justin sitting there, and I got really mad for some reason.

"Are you just gonna fucking sit there and watch or are you gonna help me. Your the one who did this to me."

He just looked at me like he didn't know what to do.


He got up and held my hand. I kind of felt bad because I was squeezing the life out of his hands. It stopped again. Doctor James came in.

"Alright Ashley your girl is making big progress really fast. She is coming now. We have no time to do the shot your gonna have to do it fully vaginally."

"Where's my mom?"

"She is coming."

Just as he said that Mom ran in.

"Hey Mom. She is coming."

"I know that's why I'm here. Can your father and brothers come in?"

"Yes let them in."

Mom got them and they all came in.

"Alright Ashley let's start." Doctor James said.

They put my legs in a certain position. I feel so open. This is weird. This is starting to hurt.

"Oh god."

"Its okay Ashley. We need you to push now."

I start pushing. Oh my gosh this hurts. I started screaming as I'm pushing. My mom started to hold my hand. Justin was on my other side.

"Ashley she's almost here I see the head. Do the biggest push you can."

I did the biggest push and felt instant relief. What happened. I looked at the doctors and saw them turned around. I heard crying. Oh my god. My baby. She's out. I can't see her. Where is she? I want to see.

"Congrats Ashley. She is a healthy baby girl." Doctor James handed my baby to me.

I held her close. She is so beautiful. Justin came over and sat on the bed next to me. He looked at her.

"Can I hold her?"


He picked her up and held her. The look on his face was full of love. He looked at me with a smiling face and kissed me. She was so tiny. Justin gave her back. I held her.

"What should we name her?"

"Look at her I think I know what I want to name her."

"What do you want to name her?"


"I love it. What about her middle name?"

"You can pick that out."

"Bella Elizabeth."


Bella Elizabeth born on March 29th 2014. Who's last name will she have?

"Can she have your last name?"

"Mine?" Justin was shocked.

"Yeah you are the father."

"Okay Bella Elizabeth Griffin."

"Sounds good."

My family all wanted to hold her so I let them all take turns. The look on their faces were great. When I got Bella back I laid back in my chair and fell asleep with her in my arms. I kind of felt something move in my hand and I opened my eyes a little to see who was there. It was Justin he picked her up and was holding her.

"Hi Bella. Daddy's here. He will never leave ever again. I love you."

And I shut my eyes with a smile on my face.

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