New Family

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The door opened and I saw them.. My new family. A mother, father and three boys. Brothers? I will have brothers?! I have never had a sibling before. This is great. I think.

"Hello Ashley!" The woman comes running up to me and hugs me.


"Oh sweetheart you can call me Mom or my name is Ariel. Which ever you prefer."

"I think I like mom." She smiled.

Two of the boys started whispering to each other. Maybe this isn't so great. Are they making fun of me? I hope not. I get enough of that at school. I looked down to see my appearance. A regular T-shirt, shorts, sneakers. I thought I looked presentable at least. Maybe not.

"Let me introduce you to your father and brothers... This is your dad, Ren, your older brother Derek, your aged brother Jessie, and your younger brother Matt. Derek is 19, Jessie is 15, and Matt is 13."

"Hey brothers." Everyone laughs.

"Ashley let me show you your room." Dad came over and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

We started walking into the house and up a lot of stairs. The house is bigger on the inside. My room is the first room on your left. My gosh... My room is bigger than my old house. I love it!

"Oh my gosh I love my room."

"Glad to hear it. And while I'm in here is there anything you would like specifically made for dinner tonight?"

"I'm pretty sure whatever you guys plan to make will be amazing." Smiles.

"Okay." Dad winks and walks out.

Wow, so this is what a family feels like. I think I absolutely love it. Footsteps are running up the stairs. Then one of the boys barge in.

"Hi Ashley.... I'm Jessie."

"Hi Jessie.. You know the door was closed for a reason. If I were getting changed you would have seen a lot more than expected."

"Ahaha sorry about that, I just wanted to meet my new sister before Derek and Matt."

More footsteps are heard as the two other boys are jumping in the room.

"Don't hurt yourselves."

"No worry's we won't haha." Matt says.

"So we wanted to ask you something.." Derek said with a little smirk.

"What is it?"

"Do you want to come swimming with us? The pool is in the back if you do.."

"Yeah totally.. I think I have a bikini in there somewhere."

"If not I'm sure my mom has extra."

"Ok thanks... And I have a question for you and Jessie."


"Why were you two whispering when you saw me at the door? Is there something wrong with me?"

They stared at each other for a minute before Jessie opened his mouth.

"Oh no not at all... We were just saying that your kinda hot.. Not in a weird way but just saying like you will fit in our family." Jessie said a little embarrassed.

"Hot? How?"

"Well your a skinny girl with pretty big boobs, and long brunette beach hair.. I mean your a total package."

"Oh ok.. I will be down stairs soon."

"K see you soon!"

They ran back downstairs. I shut my door. Hot? They think I'm hot? Actual guys think I'm hot? This is new. Oh shit the bikini.. I swear I saw a bikini in my pink bag. Yes! Found it. My orange and pink striped bikini.

I walked downstairs and outside to the pool. The water looked so calm and peaceful and all of a sudden I was pushed in to it. I popped my head out of the water and looked to see Matt had pushed me in.

"Damn you Matt." I said laughing.

"Sorry big sis that's how it goes."

"Oh really?" I got out and grabbed Matt and threw him in the water.

He popped up shocked.

"Your strong for a little chick like you."

"Its called Waterpolo... Little bro."

I'm starting to like this whole brother thing.

Pretty soon the other two jumped in and started playing a bunch of games that I never heard of.

But after a while Mom walked out with plates of different BBQ foods. It was like a Fourth of July feast.

"Woah that's a lot of food."

"Well no one is stopping you.. Dig in!" Mom said.

All of us ate, and ate, and ate until we couldn't. Soon enough it was dark out and I was tired. Plus I still needed to shower.

"I think I'm going to go and take a shower then go to bed."

"Okay sweetheart when you go upstairs its the third door on your right."

"Thanks mom." Smiles.

I walked away and went upstairs straight to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My face was pretty cute I guess. I started to strip down and looked at myself as I did. Hot? Nah not really. Whatever. I got in the shower washed and rinsed, and got out right away. I'm so tired. I got in my bed sheets and they were so comfy I fell asleep. Sweet dreams to me..

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