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Justin and I started dating about a month ago. That week after the party he asked me out. I'm not sure what's going on with me. I have been puking every morning. I think I'm getting sick. My mom said its probably the flu. But I have had it for a week. That's a long time. I asked my mom to take me to the doctor today, so we will be leaving soon.

"Ashley let's go.. Bring the bucket just in case." Mom yelled up the stairs

"Okay I'm coming."

I grabbed the bucket and walked downstairs. I got in the front passenger seat and buckled up. We got to the doctors really quick and we waited in the waiting room for a while.

"Ashley McClaren." The nurse called out.

We got up and walked into the office

"The doctor will be with you in just a second."

"Thank you." Mom said.

We waited about 5 minutes and the doctor came in.

"Hi I'm Doctor James, so Ashley what seems to be the problem."

"Well for about a week I have been throwing up every morning and been dizzy. But then I'm fine and I don't know whats going on, we think its the flu."

"Okay well can we have mom step out so we can ask a few questions?"

"Yes of course." Mom said as she walked out.

"Now Ashley, throwing up every morning and being fine after is not normal for a teenage girl. But it is normal for a pregnant teenage girl."

"What?" I was shocked.

"Ashley have you ever had sex or made love before? We need you to answer truthfully."

"... Yes I have."

"Ashley there may be a chance you are pregnant. We are gonna do a pregnancy test to be sure, but from what it sounds you may be pregnant."

"Okay I will do it."

"Okay all your gonna have to do is pee in this cup and we will do the rest."


I went to the bathroom and did what I was told and peed in the cup. What if I'm pregnant. What will I do? How will I tell Justin. My god.

I walked out of the bathroom and went back into the room, and waited for the doctor. He came back in right away. My mom was in the room now because she has to hear the results.

"Ashley, you are definently pregnant. So congratulations." Doctor James said.

"Ashley.. Your pregnant? Sweety when did this happen?" Mom was concerned with a sad tone.

I started crying hard.

"I'm sorry Mom." I was crying really hard.

My mom knew Justin already because he had been over a few times. She liked him, not anymore I bet.

"Who is the father?" Mom asked.


"When did this happen?"

"At the party about a month ago."

"So you didn't only kiss him?"

I started crying again.

"No I'm sorry Momma."

My mom started crying

"No Ashley its okay I totally understand."

"How can you understand? You have never done this!"

"Sweetheart I have. I was your age when I was pregnant with Derek."

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