2- Shopping And Harry Potter

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Today was the second official day of winter break

Gabriel's point of view

Even though I hate it, I have to pack everything today plus do my Christmas present shopping because I'm a dumbass and I waited until last minute. But i think i should ask Sam to come with me he'll help me and i get to spend even more time with him.

After getting dressed, I started digging through my clothes but I just decided to do it later. It'd be better that way then I could just fit everything into my suitcase at once so I wouldnt have to move stuff around.

"Sammy...sam" I whispered softly into his ear. Sam shifted over and said "what?" "Wanna come to the mall with me today?" I said it quiet, but still excited. "Sure but wait a bit Gabe it's still really early." "Ok."

I waited patiently until he finally got out of bed. It felt like forever but it really wasn't I just couldn't wait to spend time with him.

Sam walked over to his dresser pulling out a pair of jeans and a blue and green flannel." Gabe," he said. "What?" "I'm changing," "and?" I replied, with a teasing voice. "Whatever," he said pulling on the jeans, and eventually taking off his tshirt to expose his abs. I just stared. I didn't care if he saw me, actually I was kinda hoping for it. Maybe he'd get the hint this time.

Sam's point of view

I woke up to Gabe whispering my name, it kinda shocked my sending a shiver down my spine. I responded with a slightly annoyed tone "what?" Why did he have to wake me up so early? Then he invited me to the mall. I got kinda excited, he wanted me to go with him. Even thought I knew it was most likely only because he was a lazy ass and hadn't done his Christmas shopping yet, but I'd like to think I have something to do with it.

After a while just spent thinking, I got up to get dressed. Gabe was obviously watching but I didnt care, I really think he might like me as much as I like him.


Cas's point of view

I layed there in bed, just thinking about how I could tell Dean I like him. It eventually got old, so I went to the kitchen to make some pancakes for me and Dean. I wasn't the best cook, but I could make some pretty good cinnamon pancakes. At least, Dean thought so, and that's all that mattered.

After a while I finished. "DEAN! Come get some pancakes." To my surprise, he came out immediately, fully clothed and everything. "Hey," he said smiling. I may have blushed just a bit.

Dean took a large sized bite of the pancake, and he looked happy with it. I spread some butter over it and took a bite it was pretty good."Thanks," Dean said, mouth full of pancakes.

I finished before Dean, because he insisted that he have seconds. He ate a total of five pancakes, wow how could he eat so much and still manage to look so perfect? As I cleaned up, I watched him sit there, green eyes looking out the window, not much of a view but the light flooded his eyes making them appear even more green


Sam's point of view

I sat in the passenger seat of Gabriel's car as we drove to the local mall. I was hiding it, but I was excited. "Whatcha doin?" I heard Gabe say. "Nothin, why did you want me to come?" I questioned "Just cause, ya know wanted your company." He said sweetly. That made a blush wash over my face. Maybe I thought maybe.

When we arrived, I pulled out my wallet to check how much money i had, I still needed a couple things.

I thought that I should get some lights and decorations for the tree we planned to cut down for our stay at the cabin.

As we walked in, it was a little overwhelming, all the people everywhere. Stupid social anxiety.

Gabe's point of view

He looked so cute sitting across from me sipping his smoothie. I was eating a full sized oreo ice cream. Oreos, yum.

What should I get for Sam? What would the moose like? Probably salad, him and his stupid moose food. But Sam was probably the only reason I'm not passed out somewhere from all the candy. UGH think presents not Sam not candy. Well sorta Sam, after I do have to get him a present.

What about Cas, what should I get him, that might be easier. Maybe somthing simple.


Time skip

Third person point of view

Dean and Cas' apartment

Later that night, Cas decided that he really wanted to watch Harry Potter. So he made some popcorn and put the movie into the DVD player. The music before the movie was enough to make Dean get out of bed and go into the living room. Dean denied it, but he was secretly a huge nerd, and he absolutely loved Harry Potter.

Time had flew, and they were already on the third movie."Make me more popcorn Cassy," Dean said needily. "What's the magic word?" Cas teased. "Casss.." Dean said cutely and somehow convinced him. As Cas got up Dean said 'thank you' softly. Cas smiled while walking over to the microwave in their small apartment. The popcorn popped and Cas watched Dean reacting to the movie, it was nice watching him sit there and still react as he did, even after having seen and read the books multiple times.

Cas walked over with the freshly popped popcorn and a small cup of water. "Cas?" "Yes Dean?" "I don't know if you'll still like me after I tell you this, but what the hell," Dean said nervously." I'm bi," he muttered quickly, he was scared Cas wouldnt except him."Dean... of course I still like you, in fact i guess this is a better time than any... here it goes.. I'm gay," Cas was also slightly nervous but figured that this was the best time."Cas, I'm proud of you," Dean said softly while pulling him into a hug. "Thank you Dean," Dean was overjoyed at the fact that Cas wasn't mad. But he did well at hiding it."No, thank you Cas."

After their whole thing, they continued watching the movies. Cas had fallen asleep on Dean's shoulder which made his stomach fill with butterflies. Maybe one day one of them would have the guts, and it may be sooner than they think.

A/N yess I finally finished this chapter.

Also I'm sad I'm starting to get sick. Stupid snow in october.

Anyway next chapter soon hope you enjoyed!

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