15- 50s Night

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A/N little bonus early update for everybody!

Charlie walked up to the pale white door, knocked and waited for an answer.

After a little while, Jo came to the door wearing a black shirt and blue jeans. Charlie was wearing a strange outfit, but she didn't question it; Charlie does thing like that a lot.

"Hey Charles." She smiled.

"Hi Jo." Charlie was having trouble containing her excitement. "Let's go, shall we?" She said, walking down the front steps to her yellow car. Jo followed and got into the passenger seat.


Charlie pulled up to a small diner on the edge of town. She got out and opened Jo's door for her. She just smiled back and stood up, leaving the car.

They walked hand-in-hand, red neon lights from the sign flashing on them. When they go inside, they sat down at a booth with blue seats. But it wasn't just any normal diner, it was 50's themed.

It had black and white tile floors and a jukebox in the back. There was framed pictures of musicians from the time; Buddy Holly, Elvis, The Beatles, and more. It was beautiful.

"Now I know why your wearing that outfit." Jo smiled.

"What do you mean? I wear this all the time." She joked and Jo laughed.

They smiled at eachother, and a waitress wearing a vintage outfit stepped out, and walked over to them.

"I'll leave these here," she said, setting two menus on the table,"and I'll come back in a couple minutes.

They decided on what they wanted, and ordered their food.

Hey Jude played in the background and they were served their food. Charlie got a double bacon cheeseburger, and Jo just got a normal hamburger with a side of fries to share.

They ate and talked about little random things. When they finished, after ordering dessert of course, they went up to the jukebox, and Charlie put on Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles.

They went to the middle of the unoccupied dance floor, and started dancing and singing to the music. This was better than in the 50's, because if they were together then, they would've probably been killed if anyone knew. But now, not as many people would judge, and they could be proud to be themselves.

They danced and danced to all kinds of old music, until Charlie dragged Jo out, telling her she had something else planned before the night was over.

"And what would that be?" Jo asked.

"You'll see." Charlie smirked, opening the door for Jo, then getting in herself.


She drove out of town, and down a dirt road. They drove up to a field, and Charlie stopped the car, and got out. She went to the trunk of her car and grabbed out a big, navy blue blanket.

She told Jo to wait in the car for a second, and come out when she called her.

Charlie set the blanket on top of the frost covered yellow grass. She spread it out to make sure none of it was folded underneath, and it was perfectly straight. Unlike me Charlie thought, laughing at her own joke.

She made sure everything was perfect before calling Jo over to come out to where she was.

Jo went over to the blanket and laid beside Charlie. They stared at the stars.

"Amazing, huh?" Charlie said.

"Mhm." Jo hummed, turning her head to face Charlie.

"This is my favorite place to be, especially at night." She smiled to herself and then looked up to Jo.

"Wanna be my girlfriend Jo?" She asked. "With your mothers blessing of course. That woman is scary." She half joked.

They both laughed and Jo nodded her head and said "Yes."


After a bit, it started to get colder, so they decided to head back home.


Charlie drove back to Jo's house, and walked up the front stairs with her.

"Goodnight Jo." Charlie said, leaning in. Jo closed the gap and locked their lips. It was short, but sweet.

"I had a good night, we'll have to do it again." Jo smiled, opening the door. "Bye Charles."

"Bye Jo." She said, turning around and walking back to her car, smiling like an idiot.


A/N fun fact about me, my middle name is after a Beatles song.

This was a really fun chapter to write.

Hope y'all enjoyed. Next chapter soon

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