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A/N I need to plan more of these out coz I still have barely any plans for this chapter, so I'm just gonna start writing, and hopefully it will turn out good.


"Gabe get your ass out here!" Sam yelled. They were staying at Bobby's house for the remainder of their winter break.

"I'm coming! Calm down moose." Gabe said walking out the door. Sam just rolled his eyes and got into the car.

They began driving to the hospital, which was about an hour out of town. The drive was mostly quiet, with the exception of a few small words here and there. They were both anxious and stressed.

Sam feared that even though the doctors said Dean would be able to walk again, that he'd stay in that wheelchair forever.

A/N not foreshadowing I promise

Gabe was worried about Dean too, which made them quite short with eachother. Their stress made them easily annoyed, and they just wanted proof that Dean would be ok again. Which ment something that didn't even have the possibility of happening for another two weeks.

Sam pulled into the parking lot of the hospital, and they got out of the car, walking into the front desk.

After asking what rooms their brothers were in, they walked to the elevator and pressed the 3 button. They elevator opened after a small bump, and they got out walking to room 83b, that was Dean's room, and they assumed both him and Cas would be in there. They were right.

Cas was laying on top of Dean, they were kissing, and it was not the most innocent thing, actually it was far from it.

They walked out of the room, slamming the door. Cas jumped up and followed them down the hall.

"Hey, Gabe, Sam, get over here!" Cas shouted, trying to keep up with the two.

Sam turned around, hand-in-hand with Gabe. "I'll slow down when you stop making out with my brother." Sam said, obviously shook up.

"Yeah, um...sorry?" It sounded more like a question than he ment it too.

"Whatever," Sam muttered, "let's just go see Dean."

They walked down the hall, Cas stumbling over his feet, still in pain from the accident.

The door opened to show Dean laying on the bed like nothing happened. Nothing really did, he was just doing normal couple things with his boyfriend, but then their brothers just so conveniently decided to walk in at that moment.

"Hey guys." Dean smiled.

"Hey Dean, aka, cant keep his face off Cas for one second." Gabe laughed and Sam punched him in the arm.

"Oh...so you did see," Dean said awkwardly.

"Oh yeah Deano, we saw." Gabe was back to his normal self now.

"Hey Sammy, could you help me into my chair?" Dean asked, pointing to his wheelchair.

"Yeah, sure Dean." Sam replied, walking over to the side of his bed and lifting Dean into the chair.

"Thanks," Dean smiled, "now, what should we do?"

"I think we should take a walk, we haven't left the hospital yet, and I'm getting sick of it." Cas suggested.

"That actually sounds really nice, I hate it here to." Dean agreed.

"I'll push you Dean." Cas offered.

"Are you sure Cas? Its probably kinda heavy and-"

"Dean just let me help you." Cas interrupted.

"Ok." Dean said quietly. Cas walked over and pushed his chair out the door, following Sam and Gabs to the elevator.

They exited the hospital for the first time in a couple days. The air was fresh, and it was cold and snowy outside.

It was refreshing to leave the white walls of the hospital.

They walked down the sidewalk and passed a diner, so Dean suggested that they go in and get some food.

"Yeah, that sounds great." Sam agreed.

Gabe held the door for Cas, who pushed Dean inside, then Sam, and walked in himself, the door shutting behind him.

They were seated at a booth with red leathery seats, and a waitress came to them almost immediately.

"What can I get for you guys?" She asked with a sweet tone.

"I think well need a bit." Cas said, still helping Dean out of his chair and into the booth.

"Ok, sure thing." She said walking away.

They picked up their menus and decided on what they're getting.

The lady came back and they told her what they wanted and chatted about random things, like how weird it was that Gabriel saw so many cows on the way over.

"I know I've never seen that many in one pl-" He was interrupted by the same lady walking over and setting their plates down.

They enjoyed their food together, and after they finished, they paid the bill and left the small diner.

They walked around, not anywhere specific, until they noticed it was starting to get dark.

"Hey guys, we should probably head back now, Dean and Cas have to be back there before it's dark." Sam said.

"Ok." Cas said, turning the wheelchair around and heading in the direction of the hospital.

They got back to Dean's room, and said their goodbyes.

"Ok, we'll see you guys in a couple days." Sam said, walking out the door.

The drive home was filled with tension, Sam was so scared that Dean might never get to walk again, and he was bottling up his feeling, which made it worse.

When they got to Bobby's house, Sam immediately went to the room that him and Gabe were sharing, and flopped on the bed.

"Hey, you ok Sam?" Gabe asked, sitting beside him.

"I'm fine!" Sam snapped. "God stop asking that!"

"Ok, sorry Sam." Gabe said, turning away.

They sat in silence before Sam broke it.

"Hey, look, I didn't mean to snap at you, I've just been really stressed lately." Sam admitted.

"I know." Gabe said, pulling Sam up and into a tight hug.

They had, as Dean would say 'a major chick-flick moment'. But it was good for Sam to get his feeling off his chest.

They laid back down on the bed and fell asleep curled as close as they possibly could together.

"I love you Sam."

"Love you too Gabe."


A/N ok so that was fun.

Hope y'all enjoyed. Next chapter soon.

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