3- Confessions

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A/N this chapter is most likely going to be mainly destiel and if for some reason you cant listen to the song its when I come around by Green Day, which just so happens to be my favorite band.


Third person point of view

Dean and Cas' apartment

Castiel woke up to the annoying buzz of his ringtone. Sam was calling."Cas where are you?!" "What do you mean?" His voice still raspy from sleep."Cas you were supposed to meet me and Gabe at the roadhouse fifteen minutes ago!" "Dammit! My alarm must not have gone off." Him and Dean were still laying on the couch."Ok, just get here soon," Sam sighed and hung up the phone.

"Dean, wake up," Cas shook him gently. "What?" "We were supposed to meet Sam and Gabriel at the roadhouse," Dean irritatedly muttered somthing then got up and headed for the bedroom. After Dean got dressed he came out of his room and set his things on top of Cas' bags next to the door. Cas showered quickly and dressed himself in a white shirt dark jeans and some converse high tops. Before they walked out the door Cas put on his long tan trench coat.

They went down the stairs to put their bags in the trunk of Dean's beautiful big black Impala. They got in the car and drove down the highway towards the roadhouse.

~Later at the roadhouse~

"Hey, guess who finally decided to show up," "Hey Ellen, Hey Jo." Dean shouted to a blonde behind the counter. "C'mere boy." Ellen said as she pulled Dean into a tight hug."Hiya Dean," the blonde said. "Hey Jo, whatcha been up to?" "Just working ya know," "Yup, well we better get going, dont wanna be to late." "Ok, just take some food to go," Ellen said as she handed them four boxes."See you guys when we get back." "Ok be safe," Jo said as the four walked out the door. "Bye Ellen, bye Jo," Cas shouted as they walked out the door.

"What took you guys so long anyway?" Gabe said as they walked towards their cars. "Uhh, just slept in I guess." Cas replied still quite tired. "What were you guys doing," Gabriel smirked at them suggestively. Dean just smacked him on the back of the head."well, we should head out, I wanna get there early so we can enjoy it longer." Sam said, changing the subject. "Samwich has a point," Gabe said. "Ok let's go then. See ya guys when we get to the cabin." Dean turned to his car as Sam and Gabriel walked off.

Before Dean started the car engine, he put a tape into the Impala, and when I come around started playing. "Yes! I love Green Day!" Cas stated happily.

They drove on until Dean realised he needed to fill up baby's gas tank. Dean pulled off the road when he found a gas station. "What are we doing Dean?" "Just stopping to get some gas." "Ok."

Dean came out of the gas station to find Cas waiting for him. Dean went over to baby and started filling up the gas."Hey Dean?" He said, slightly nervous."Yeah?" "I need to tell you something.." "Ok, shoot." "Well, here goes..." Cas took a deep breath as he quickly stuttered out, "okDeanIlikeyou, and I know you probably dont feel the same but-" Dean cut him off by kissing him softly. This left Cas speechless. "Sorry, was that too soon?" "No," Cas said still extremely happy now."That was perfect," Dean nodded and got into the car, with Cas close behind. He got in the other side. Dean started the car and drove away.

~Gabriel and Sam~

"Come on moose, just one more stop," Gabriel pleaded."But Gabe, we already stopped twice," "I know but I don't have enough candy to last the whole week and I nee-" "Fine," Sam cut him off. "But this time it will be the very last time." "Ok, thanks Samwich." Sam quietly said 'yeah whatever,'

"Did you really need 5 bags of gummy bears?" "Of course I did, you can never have to many," "Okay," Sam stated sarcastically."But you have to eat real food too, not only candy." "Yeah fine." Gabe said, slightly disappointed.


Time skip

"Finally," Dean said relived as they pulled into the parking lot of the check in building. But they had to wait for Sam and Gabe to show up before going in. After thirty minutes of waiting, Gabriel's blue car pulled up."Guys, what the hell took you so friggen long?" Dean said annoyed. "Gabe made us stop for candy a million times." Sam said, also annoyed. Dean just rolled his eyes and said "Whatever, let's just check in."

All four of them walked into the building, heat immediatly hit them. They walked up and asked for their room key and payed for their five night they planned to stay, then walked out back to the cars, after getting directions on what cabin to drive to.

Before they drove fully away, they all saw a familiar yellow car pull up.

A/N soo... sorry for the slight cliffhanger but I plan to put up another chapter tomorrow, so the few people reading this wont have to wait to terribly long.

Hope you enjoyed :)

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