12- He Should've Worn His Trenchcoat

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A/N hihello, sorry if this update turns out late, I'm starting it at 1:02AM so who knows if it will get posted today.

That is the most random title ever, but I really cant think of how else to name this chapter. And if I remember correct, he did wear his trenchcoat🤦‍♀️

Happy Thanksgiving!

Anyway if you celebrate it, how was Thanksgiving? Hope you enjoyed it!

Also, future me here, this chapter is like all destiel. Sorry, I'll try to put more sabriel into next chapter.

Let's start this now


When Cas woke that morning, he felt sick. He had a sore throat, and felt quite cold, despite the fact that Dean was wrapped around him with a blanket on top of them.

So, he pulled Dean off him and stole the blanket and walked to the kitchen.

He took a pot off a rack and placed it onto the stove. He turned the burner on high and poured water into the pot.

As he waited for the water to boil, he had gone back to their room and took his book off the nightstand and started to read it when he arrived back in the kitchen.

He was reading the first Harry Potter book, and he was on his favorite part; it was the chapter titled 'Halloween', it was the one where Harry, Ron, and Hermione were fighting the troll.

Cas heard a bubbling noise, so he looked over to the stove.

Sure enough, the water was boiling. So he turned off the heat and moved it to the unused, cold burner.

He reached for a cup and a teabag. There was only chamomile, it wasn't his favorite kind, but it was still pretty good.

He then poured the hot steamy water into the blank white coffee mug, and plopped the teabag into the hot liquid.

He lifted the cup to his mouth and sipped some of the tea, smoothly flowing down his throat.

To hot.

He burnt his tongue, which left a dry uncomfortable feeling behind. To fix the problem, he walked over to the freezer and pulled out the ice, popping a few pieces out, and dropping them into the still steaming tea.

Cas waited a few minutes before actually taking a drink again, scared for it to burn him again.

But once he took a drink, some of the pain seemed to melt away as the orange tinted liquid slipped down his throat. It gave a feeling of relief, until it was gone and the pain came back.

A/N I just had an evil thought about what I could do with that sentence, but, I just cant do that to my story. So I will not use my idea, coz we need no more T&S stories, well not for this one at least

He didn't like the loss of that sensation, but before he could pick the cup back up and take another sip, two warm arms wrapped around his waist.

It was Dean.

"Hey, angel," Dean whispered into his ear, before putting his face down and nuzzling it into Cas' neck.

"Hello Dean," Cas croaked, voice worn out.

"Whats wrong Cas?" Dean asked, noticing how his voice was different.

"I'm got sick I guess." Cas stated.

"Well then, that means chill day," Dean said. Cas could feel him start to smile before kissing the back of his neck gently.

"Ah, ew! Get a room you two!" Gabriel screeched.

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