9- Christmas Morning Part 3

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A/N just in case, the song is waiting by green day

Third person point of view

Cas pulled out something wrapped in red tissue paper. His jaw dropped as he saw what it was.

He grabbed two concert tickets. And they were for Green Day. Cas was speechless. He kissed Dean passionately. Dean could feel him smile against his lips.

He pulled away and thanked Dean."I know I probably shouldn't have spent that much money, but when I saw that they were coming to town I couldn't help to get it for you." Cas still didn't know what to say. So he hugged Dean again, burring his face into the back of his neck and continuously whispering 'thank you' into his boyfriend's ear.

After Cas had finally put together everything that happend, he said 'thanks' again then added "Wow, my gifts seem like nothing now," "No, they don't Cas, but I guess you just owe me then," He turned and winked at Cas.

Gabe fake gagged. This made them turn around to see everyone watching them. Even Cas and Gabe's older brother was on facetime and was watching too."Wow, even Luci's watching us," Dean said."Yup, I got satan himself to watch you guys." Charlie said.

"Soo.. your not straight then.." Lucifer said."Well duh," Cas said back to him."Coolio then," Luci replied.

A/N in reality I cannot stop saying coolio, it is really annoying me coz I wont stop saying that. Anyway back to the story.


*spongebob narrator voice*
A couple hours later


Sam and Gabriel sat in the window seat in their room. The snow had begun to fall again. It was falling quite heavily now.

Gabe was on Sam's lap. They had a blanket wrapped around them, and Sam had his arms wrapped around Gabe's waist. Gabe had his arm around Sam's neck.

"Heya Sammy?" He asked. "Wanna take a nap?" Gabe said, gesturing to the bed."Yea, that sounds nice." Sam said yawning.

Sam picked Gabe up in his arms bridal style and plopped him down on their bed. Sam got on the bed with him. Sam wrapped his arms around Gabe. Gabe's arms were inbeteen their chests. They both dozed off quite quick.




Dean sat on the couch as Cas made his famous peanutbutter and jelly sandwich. Cas walked out of the room to give Charlie one who was outside on the phone with Jo. He also walked into Sam and Gabe's room to give them some. They were taking a nap together. It was cute, yeah, but its 3:00 in the afternoon.'lazy assbutts' he muttered while setting a plate with a few sandwiches on their bedside tabel.

He finally walked out to Dean and handed him a plate. They ate mostly silent with a yummy noises from Dean."Damn, Cas, where did you learn to make these?" "I honestly dont know, just got bored one day I guess." "Well, your gonna have to teach me how to make them," "alright, green eyes."

Dean hadn't said anything about this new nickname, but he secretly loved it.

After bringing both their plates to the sink Cas sat next to Dean and laid his head in Dean's lap. Dean smiled down at him. Luckily Charlie's laptop was close so he yelled to ask Charlie If they could use it to watch something. She agreed. "Whatcha wanna watch angel?" "I don't mind, I just wanna rest." So Dean nodded and put something on. It was quiet so Cas couldn't tell what it was.





A/N bold is Charlie italics is jo

So, Charlie, when do you get back?

Um... couple days I think

Ok, well, when you get back, you should come over

Ok, sounds good!


I'm bored

At least you can go talk to people I'm stuck up in the mountains with a bunch of lazy bitches who wont stop sleeping

Fair point

Yup, both couples are asleep

Wait... COUPLES?!?


told me what?

Dean and Cas finally confessed their love for eachother!

About time! They've been staring at eachother for years!

Oh it's more than staring

Oh shut up

Oh! And Sam and Gabe did the same!!

All the ships are coming together

Finally after what, five years?

Probably longer but I dont want to do math. We only have a little while before we go back to college.

I'm so glad I dont have to go there

I know, your lucky, you already had a good job! But i have to go to college and do more school

Hey Charlie? Sorry to cut the conversation short but mom needs me back at the roadhouse

Ok, call me later

Ok, I will talk to you later

You too, bye Jo

Bye Charlie

*call ended*

A/N so I think I'm gonna leave this chapter here. Next chapter will probably have them playing mad libs. I love this game so so much.

I'm probably going to start that chapter soon. I'm really bored so that'll give me something to do

Hope y'all enjoyed. Next chapter soon XD

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