5- Friends Dont Have Secrets

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Third person point of view

That morning Cas woke up curled up next to Dean. Somthing he had wished for for years. Dean obviously hadn't woken up yet, being the lazy person he is. Cas just laid there, watching Dean. He was so peaceful laying there. But all good things come to and end, and Dean eventually woke up

"Hello Dean," Cas said, watching his beautiful green eyes open."Hey Cas," Dean just barely managed to say, still mostly still asleep."Excited for today?" Cas asked."For what?" He replied, confused."We're going to cut down a tree today!" Cas squeaked, barely being able to contain his excitement."Oh yeah," Dean replied, feeling dumb."Cant wait."

They both fell asleep again. It was a happy feeling for them both. Finally being with eachother after years of waiting.


"GET UP BITCHES!" Charlie screamed at them. This made them both slightly annoyed, waking them from her peaceful sleep."Assbutt," Cas muttered."come on dudes, we gotta go get a tree." Charlie pleaded. This made Cas immediatly jumped up in excitement and shoved Charlie out of the room so he could get dressed. Cas hadn't had a real Christmas tree in years. They had always been those small cheap ones. He pulled Dean out of his comfort, making him get ready too.


After they all got ready, Cas practically dragged them out of the cabin. "Cassie, why are you so excited?" Gabriel asked."Because I haven't had a real Christmas in years, and now i even get to spend it with all the best people!" "Ok then,"

They rushed into the Impala and drove up deeper into the mountains and forest behind their cabin.


After about an hour, they got out of the car and started searching for the perfect tree. They split up into two groups. Charlie went with Cas and Dean, and Gabe followed Sam.


Sam and Gabriel's perspective

"Hey Samwich, can I tell you something?" "Yeah, sure," "Ok well I dont know how you'll react, but were friends, and friends dont have secrets," Gabe continued on."Okay, Sammy, I know we've been friends for a while now, but ever since we met, I've wanted to be more than that." "Gabe, dont worry, I felt the same way," Sam smiled at him. "Ok then Sammy," Gabe stared into his eyes and did the unexpected. He kissed Sam. Sam got scared and pulled away. Gabe started to apologize, but Sam pulled him closer, cutting him off and kissing him. "Wow, that was.... unexpected." Sam smiled in response. Then they continued searching for a tree.


Castiel Dean and Charlie

They we're in an an argument about who was the best Harry Potter character.

"It was obviously Hermione!" Charlie screamed."Your forgetting about dobby, HE IS THE MOST AMAZING ONE!" Castiel yelled in return. "Ok guys, we need to stop this, it's been going on wayyy to long," "fine," Charlie whispered, barely hearable.

"Oh. My. God. I found it!" Cas excitedly screamed. It was a deep green and full looking tree. "SAMMM. GABBE. GET OVER HERE!" He yelled for them. They ran over surprisingly quick."What, what, is everything ok?" Sam asked concerned."No, everything is perfect," Cas replied."I found the best tree now help us cut it down."


After cutting it down, Dean and Sam carried the tree back to the Impala, Cas watched excitedly. They put the tree onto the top of baby and strapped it on.

They drove back to the cabin.

After the drive back which seemed to take forever, Charlie made some sandwiches."Charlie, these sandwiches are killer." "I agree with Dean-o," Gabriel commented."Thanks bitches,"

When they finished eating, Cas suggested to decorate the tree. "Dean, can you help me bring in the tree?" Castiel asked."Sure Cas," Dean said grabbing his hand and bringing him outside. They pulled the tree off and hauled it inside.

Sam pulled out some white Christmas lights and some tree ornaments and a tree stand. Gabriel helped Sam set up the tree stand. Charlie held up the lights."Come on dudes, let's put the lights up!" She said. This should not have been a three person job, but they struggled to put the lights on the tree. Dean had to hold the cord at the bottom to keep it from slipping off, and Charlie stood on one side of the tree handing it to Castiel on the opposite side everytime she wrapped part of it on her side.

"It looks perfect," Dean whispered into Cas' ear. Dean kissed him on the cheek."Thanks, Dean." He whispered back.

"Okay, well, me and Samsquach are gonna go outside." "We are?" "Yup," Gabe said pulling him outside. Charlie sat down to read her new book. Dean pulled Castiel back over to the tree and started kissing him
A/N like on the cover

"I love you so much, Castiel Novak." Dean said, burring his face into the back of Cas' neck."I love you too, Dean Winchester." They just stayed like that.

Then Gabe broke the silence."Wow, Dean-o really like my brother, huh?" That earned a slap on the arm and a 'shut up Gabe' from Sam.

Sam turned on the radio and All I Want For Christmas Is You started playing."Turn it off!" Dean said from across the room."Not a chance," Gabe said. Then Cas started softly singing along.

And I dont care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree

I just want you for my own Dean joined

More than you could ever know

Make my wish come true

All I want for Christmas is youuu.


This continued on for a while with various different cheesy Christmas songs.


"Me and Cas are gonna go to bed," Dean said pulling Cas along into their room with their fingers intertwined. Charlie was already asleep on her bed with her laptop still on. It was playing Once Upon A Time, one of her all time favorite tv shows. Dean laid down first and Cas laid next to him face in Dean's chest.

Dean wrapped his arm around Cas and whispered a soft 'goodnight' into his ear. "Goodnight Dean."


A/N I wish I would've started writing this earlier coz now its 1:30 am on a school night. I literally spent about 4 hours on this. Wow.

Also I plan for this fanfic to be fluffy, not sad, and there wont be any smut. Just thought anyone reading might like to know my plans.

Also thanks for 24 reads. And I know that's not a lot but I think it's pretty cool that people are actually reading my most likely kinda sucky first fanfic. So again, thank you.

Next chapter up soon XD

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